" The group are animated toys, trying to find a home in a snowy landscape around a skating lake. A giant pursues them, trying to capture them in its sack...."
Festive tables for atmosphere in winter adventures. Tables for Festive Adventure Ideas, Festive Evens and Festive NPCs.
Fantasy Wilds - all | trinkets | coastal encs | cold encs | forest encs | plains encs
Winter Theme - all | trinkets | cold encs | festive
[Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash]
Festive Fantasy Tables - Adventures and NPCs
Following on from the atmosphere tables, these are ideas for festive adventures for a one-shot or maybe an ongoing campaign. Finding gifts, things for feasts and the meaning of the festive season.
Following them are twists to thrown into a festive-themed session and some NPCs to meet, such as a fur-clad dessert chef who talks constantly about themself.
There is a fantasy arctic encounters generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Assortment of Frost and Festive Tables.
Festive tables - atmosphere | adventure | market | woods & snow
Festive Adventure Ideas
1d10 | The group are... |
1 | music fans going to a winter festival. But it will be canceled unless a famed minstrel is rescued from greedy goblins at a nearby ice palace. |
2 | hopeful entrants in a talent contest at a market, famous for festive drinks. One contender (or judge), a noble, tries to ruin celebration. |
3 | villagers searching woods for a perfect tree for a yearly tradition. A guardian tree tries to stop them, horrified by plight of decorated kin. |
4 | excited strangers, invited to a murder mystery feast at a decorated mansion. Hosted by costumed cultists who need a sacrifice for a rite. |
5 | fellow travelers seeking shelter from snowy weather. In ruins they find a ghost, who seeks release by finishing their wedding vows. |
6 | a celebrity and entourage, at a market to light fire at midnight. Sadly there is a bard with a catchy song that enchants those who sing it. |
7 | couriers determined to deliver novelty magical gifts in their care. A mage served by tricksy elves also wants the gifts, for a potential lover. |
8 | hunters in woods seeking appropriate beast for a communal feast. Stalking them is a green furry ogre determined to ruin any festivities. |
9 | animated toys, trying to find a home in a snowy landscape around a skating lake. A giant pursues them, trying to capture them in its sack. |
10 | cousins searching for perfect gift for a grandparent, in a lively fey market. A merchant offers help if shown meaning of festive season |
Festive Adventure Events
1d10 | Something Happens | A Complication... |
1 | there is an big announcement | someone's true nature is revealed |
2 | some confused guests arrive | a fugitive asks for protection |
3 | lights (or stars) fill the sky | someone goes missing |
4 | a flying stranger arrives with gifts | someone is overcome by emotion |
5 | there is a dance off (or contest) | an important gift is stolen |
6 | someone reveals a new talent | a murder (or tragic accident) occurs |
7 | everyone sings a festive song | someone is injured in a crash |
8 | incompetent opposition arrive | an argument starts about the past |
9 | someone plays a prank | an unwelcome guest arrives |
10 | there is a crying child | something comes alive |
Festive NPCs
1d10 | Descriptor | Profession | who... | 1 | festive or ghostly | storyteller | bears bad news (or delicious food) |
2 | sad or desperate | frost witch | is in need of a friendly deed |
3 | miserly or dramatic | carpenter | loves playing festive-themed tricks |
4 | playful or wealthy | local celebrity | is a character's cousin (or ex-lover) |
5 | smiling or drunk | dessert chef | is always followed by trouble |
6 | quarrelsome or old | adventurer | laden with gifts (or decorations) |
7 | costumed or lonely | winter priest | with their argumentative partner |
8 | fur-clad or masked | beast herder | with a few reindeer (or donkeys) |
9 | lazy or neighbourly | trinket seller | is raising money with festive songs |
10 | excited or heartless | woodcutter | talks constantly about themselves |
More Encounters
There is a fantasy arctic encounters generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Assortment of Frost and Festive Tables.
If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.