Festive Fantasy Tables - Snow and Woods Encounters
Winter Theme Festive One Shots

Festive Fantasy Tables - Snow and Woods Encounters

Duncan Thomson
" A procession of grim acolytes are pulling a magnificent sleigh. They are near to a sparkly shrine to a power of winter, covered in snow all year round.."

Festive tables for atmosphere in winter adventures. Tables for Snowy Encounters, Snowy Locations, Woods Encounters, Woods Locations and Decorated Trees.

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Winter Theme - all | trinkets | cold encs | festive

[Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash]

Festive Fantasy Tables - Snow and Markets

Finishing off the Festive tables are encounters for snow and woods, two environments often associated with the festive season, especially in the northern hemisphere.

Snow is the herald of many festive seasons, although oftentimes the reality is very different to the dream. Trees and woods are an old part of festive celebrations. Many creatures come here to celebrate and perform rites.

There is a fantasy arctic encounters generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Assortment of Frost and Festive Tables.

Fantasy Festive Tables on DriveThru RPG Winter Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Festive tables - atmosphere | adventure | market | woods & snow

Snowy Creatures and Encounter Details

1d10 There is a(n)... are...
1 few loud garish entertainers singing festive songs or sat around a fire
2 group of lively sparkly elves arguing about best winter drinks
3 herd of festive reindeer pulling (or on) a magnificent sleigh
4 procession of grim acolytes looking for a hidden gift (or a quiet spot)
5 group of hunters with dogs hunting food (or decorations) for a feast
6 trio of tired, hungry villagers creating snow figures (or a large fire)
7 band of drunk bandits in furs studying worrying tracks in the snow
8 flying fairy with pet cats inviting people to a nearby festival
9 magic snow (or ice) creatures encased in ice or in costumes
10 pair of strange white bears carrying bulging bags (or lots of mead)

Snowy Locations

1d10Snowy Locations
1 An area of thorny bushes, heavy with tempting red berries.
2 A circle of sinister snow sculptures near to a frozen waterfall.
3 A ruined tower, amidst a garden where frost has killed everything.
4 A grove of decorated pine tree, around a sinister festive diorama.
5 A frozen over river with several pairs of skates lying beside it.
6 An icy lake where the locals swim during the festive season
7 An lifelike ice sculpture, near a pen containing shivering livestock
8 A sparkly shrine to a power of winter, covered in snow all year round.
9 An ornate castle (or mansion) with ivy-clad walls and a slippery path.
10 A cosy wooden hut decorated in bright colours. Snow is falling.

Woods Creatures and Encounter Details

1d10 There is a(n)... who are...
1 few woodcutters loaded with wood decorating an unusual tree
2 ogre covered in festive wreaths holding a ritual to ancient spirit
3 group of hunters in reindeer masks searching for an enchanted lake
4 few werewolves in red clothes in festive mood but dislike crowds
5 angry knight and their afraid squire being tricked by elusive forest fey
6 trio of singing goblins (or gnomes) merry with a feast and dancing
7 old puppeteer with a handcart communing with tree spirits
8 pair of hermits, former adventurers collecting festive decorations
9 line of pious pilgrims with a mule hunting for a particular animal
10 group of figures made of fireflies loudly singing romantic songs

Woods Locations

1d10Woods Locations
1 In an old ruin, tall trees heavy with fruit surround a bronze shrine.
2 Wreathes are place around a sparkling pool of water, home to a fey.
3 Spiral steps lead up to tree platforms, where fey sometimes gather.
4 Bright glowing mushrooms cover a stone tomb. Lit candles abound.
5 A wooden bridge over a stream, with many ribbons attached to it.
6 Under a waterfall is a ancient altar, which often shows festive scenes.
7 Scattered here are statues of wolves, said to animate on festive days.
8 An archway of thorns sometimes leads to a legendary winter realm.
9 Many bells hang from the towering trees of a foreboding grove.
10 A large flat rock carved with names, where the dead come to feast.

Decorated Trees

1d10Decorated Trees
1 A tree with baubles and candles, sprouting strange red mushrooms.
2 An old ivy-covered tree with paper ornaments of festive creatures.
3 A tree with a treehouse, among many wind chimes and ribbons.
4 A pair of entwined trees carved with many messages and drawings.
5 A broad tree glowing with glitter and garish lights.
6 A tall tree with a small bells, and a pile of wrapped gifts at its base.
7 An ancient oak with a large hollow, filled with carved wooded dolls.
8 A tree with icicles, bearing a shrine to winter and many bone charms.
9 A proud tree, bearing feathers and several sinister white symbols.
10 a tree hung with colourful wreaths and coins scattered beneath it.

More Encounters

There is a fantasy arctic encounters generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Assortment of Frost and Festive Tables.

Fantasy Festive Tables on DriveThru RPG Winter Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

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