New School Revolution

15 posts
Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE Final: Countryside Coptor (Updated)
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE Final: Countryside Coptor (Updated)

Duncan Thomson
Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE & UNE Partway: Allies Come and Go
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE & UNE Partway: Allies Come and Go

Duncan Thomson
Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE Start: Lured by a Lizard
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE Start: Lured by a Lizard

Duncan Thomson
Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE- RPG and Character Intro
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE- RPG and Character Intro

Duncan Thomson
Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Final Part - the Rectangle and the Sun
International RPGs

Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Final Part - the Rectangle and the Sun

Duncan Thomson
Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Partway - Floating Temples and Rectangles of Gold
International RPGs

Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Partway - Floating Temples and Rectangles of Gold

Duncan Thomson
Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Starting Scenes - Bounty Hunter Inbound
International RPGs

Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Starting Scenes - Bounty Hunter Inbound

Duncan Thomson
Fléaux! Solo with Plot Unfolding Machine: RPG and Character Intro
International RPGs

Fléaux! Solo with Plot Unfolding Machine: RPG and Character Intro

Duncan Thomson
Dragonbane Solo Part 1: RPG and Character Intro
International RPGs

Dragonbane Solo Part 1: RPG and Character Intro

Duncan Thomson
Troika! Solo with Mythic 2e, Final Part, Ultraviolet Assassin
British RPGs

Troika! Solo with Mythic 2e, Final Part, Ultraviolet Assassin

Duncan Thomson
Troika! Solo with Mythic 2e: Part 3, Troublesome Tigers
Space Fantasy

Troika! Solo with Mythic 2e: Part 3, Troublesome Tigers

Duncan Thomson
Troika! Solo with Mythic: Starting Scene and Adventure Table
Space Fantasy

Troika! Solo with Mythic: Starting Scene and Adventure Table

Duncan Thomson
Troika! Solo with Mythic Part 1: RPG and Character Intro
British RPGs

Troika! Solo with Mythic Part 1: RPG and Character Intro

Duncan Thomson
Rolling Solo with the Green Cave Comrades. Rumble in the Ruins
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Rolling Solo with the Green Cave Comrades. Rumble in the Ruins

Duncan Thomson
Rolling Solo. Knaves in the Woods
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Rolling Solo. Knaves in the Woods

Duncan Thomson