Underdark Encounters for D&D 2024
D&D Encounters (2024) Underdark D&D Dungeon

Underdark Encounters for D&D 2024

Duncan Thomson
"Loud banging noises start up from the tunnel ahead. Two large humanoid forms with large hooks are making some kind of rhythm. Beyond them are more hook horrors, one bearing recent injuries..."

Updated Underwater encounters using D&D 2024 Monster Manual. Also a D&D 2014 version. Tables for Underdark Encounters (levels 1-45-1011+), Beasts, HumanoidsMonsters, Fungi & Oozes, Giants and Mind Flayers

All terrains - arctic | coastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | jungle | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban | all dnd 2024 encs

[Photo by Bryce Evans on Unsplash]

Underdark Encounters

The Underdark is a place of twisting tunnels, constant darkness and strange magic. Encounters might occur in a forest of fungi, amid giant stalactites or by the side of a gaping chasm.

The Underdark is it's own world away from the surface civilisations, a place of elemental earth and gates to far realms. They are home to fungi creatures, the dark elves and aberrations from the Far Realms

There is a 5e underdark random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Table Rolls - Underdark Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

Underdark Encs - creatures (2014) | creatures (2024) | locations | non-combat | complications

Underdark Encounters Table (Levels 1-4)

1d8+1d12Underdark Levels 1-4
2 1 intellect devourer as host in a drow spy or 1d2 nothics
3 2d4 grimlocks or roll on Humanoids
4 1d3 gargoyles or roll Planar Creatures lvl 1-4
5 1d2 grells or roll on Monsters lvl 1-4
6 1d4 drow scouts and 1d4 goblin warriors or 2d4 deep gnome scouts
7 1d3 carrion crawlers or roll on Monsters lvl 1-4
8 2d6 kuo-toa led by a kuo-toa whip or roll on Humanoids
9 1d6+1 darkmantles or roll on Monsters lvl 1-4
10 2d6 troglodytes or roll on Humanoids
11 1d4 giant bats and 1 swarm of bats or roll on Beasts
12 1d6 gas spore fungi or roll on Fungi & Oozes
13 2d6 giant fire beetles or roll on Beasts
14 1d3 quaggoths or 2d6 flumphs
15 2d4+2 giant centipedesor roll on Beasts
16 1d3 minotaur skeletons or roll on Undead lvl 1-4
17 1d4 giant spiders or roll on Beasts
18 1d3 duergar spies and 1d3 tough servants or roll on Duergar & Deep Gnomes
19 2d4 myconid sprouts & 1d4 myconid adults or roll on Fungi / Oozes
20 1 beholder zombie or 1 roper

Underdark Levels 5-10

1d8+1d12Underdark Levels 5-10
2 1 spirit naga or roll on Monsters lvl 5-10
3 1d2 yuan-ti abominations or roll on Yuan-ti lvl 5-10
4 2d4 hook horrors or roll on Monsters lvl 5-10
5 1d4 salamanders or roll Planar Creatures lvl 5-10
6 1d4+1 chuuls or roll on Monsters lvl 5-10
7 1d3 driders and 2d6 giant spiders or 2d4 duergar kavalrachni (MotM) on steeders (MotM)
8 1d4 umber hulks or roll on Monsters lvl 5-10
9 1d4+2 quaggoths led by a quaggoth thonot or 1 elder oblex (MotM)
10 1d2 ropers with 2d4 piercers or roll on Monsters lvl 5-10
11 Roll on Underdark Levels 1-4 or 1 deathkiss (MotM)
12 1 fomorian or roll on Giants lvl 5-10
13 1 drow mage with 2d4 drow scouts or roll on Drow lvl 5-10
14 1d2 mind flayers and 2d6 quaggoths or roll on Mind Flayers lvl 5-10
15 1 aboleth and 2d4 kuo-toa or 2d6 chitines (MotM) led by 1 choldrith (MotM)
16 1d2 purple fungus necrohulks or 1d2 gauths (MotM)
17 1 beholder zombie and 2d4 ogre zombies or roll on Undead lvl 5-10
18 1d3 stone giants or roll on Giants lvl 5-10
19 3d6 orc toughs led by 1d2 minotaurs or roll on Orcs lvl 5-10
20 3d6 kuo-toa and 1d4 kuo-toa whips led by 1 kuo-toa archpriest or 2d6 duergar toughs led by a duergar warlord (MotM)

Underdark Levels 11+

1d8+1d12Underdark Levels 11+
2 1 death tyrant or 1 mind flayer lich (MotM)
3 1d4+1 cloakers or 1 vampire umbral lord
4 2d4 umber hulks or 1 fire giant dreadnought with 1d2 fire giants
5 1 beholder and 2d4 duergar scouts or 1 dire troll (MotM)
6 1 salamander inferno master & 1d4 salamanders or 1 sibriex (MotM)
7 1d3 aboleth with 1d4 chuul or 1 fire giant dreadnought (MotM)
8 1 beholder or 1 soul monger (MotM)
9 1d3+1 fomorians or 1d6 howlers (MotM)
10 1 drow fiend cultist with 1d2 yochlols or roll on Drow lvl 11+
11 Roll on Underdark Levels 5-10 or 1 neothelid (MotM)
12 1 purple worm or 1 spirit troll (MotM)
13 2d4 stone giants or 1 blackguard (MotM) with 1d3 driders
14 1d3 mind flayers and 1 mind flayer arcanist or 1 duergar despot (MotM) with 2d6 duergar stone guards (MotM)
15 1 dao with 1d3 earth elementals or 1 yuan-ti anathema (MotM)
16 1 behir or 1 gloom weaver (MotM) and 1d2 shadow dancers (MotM)
17 2d4 xorns or 1d4 hungry sorrowsworn (MotM)
18 1 shadow dragon or 1 skull lord (MotM)
19 1 vampire with 1d4 vampire spawn or 1 devourer (MotM)
20 1d4+1 fire giants or 1 nightwalker (MotM)

Underdark Beasts (Levels 1-4)

1d8+1d12Underdark Beasts Levels 1-4
2 1 mimic or giant axebeak
3 1d2+1 giant venomous snakes
4 1 giant constrictor snake or 1 swarm of rot grubs (MotM)
5 3d6 giant rats
6 2d6 stirges or 1 female steeder (MotM) & 1d4 male steeders (MotM)
7 2d4+2 giant centipedes or 1 gazer (MotM)
8 2d4 giant bats
9 1d2 bat swarms
10 2d4 rothe (giant goats) or 1d2 swarms of stirges
11 2d6 giant fire beetles or 1 cave fisher (MotM)
12 2d4 giant lizards or 2d4 deep rothe (MotM)
13 1d4 giant spiders or 1 choker (MotM)
14 1d4+1 darkmantles
15 1d4 giant toads or 1d2 guard drakes (MotM)
16 1d2 insect swarms
17 1d2 carrion crawler or 2d6+6 young kruthiks (MotM)
18 1d3 rust monsters
19 1d2 giant bats and 1d2 bat swarms
20 1d2 cave bears (brown bear) or 1 swarm of cranium rats (MotM)

Underdark Humanoids (Levels 1-4)

1d8+1d12Underdark Humanoids Levels 1-4
2 1 intellect devourer in a host... (roll again) or 1d4 ogrillon ogres
3 1d4+1 bugbear warriors or 2d6 goblin warriors and 1 nilbog (MotM)
4 1d2 scouts with... (roll on Beasts) or 1d2+1 duergar spies with 1 duergar stone guard (MotM)
5 1d4+1 orc toughs led by an orc berserker or roll on Orcs lvl 1-4
6 1d3 quaggoths or 2d6 xvarts (MotM) led by a xvart warlock of Raxivort (MotM)
7 1d6 kobold warriors with a carrion crawler or roll on Kobolds lvl 1-4
8 2d6 escaped commoners or roll on Underdark Servants
9 1d6 duergar scouts or roll on Duergar and Deep Gnomes
10 1d4 kuo-toa led by 1 kuo-toa monitor or 2d4 chitines (MotM)
11 1d4 drow scouts with... (roll on Underdark Servants) or 1d3 ogres
12 2d6 grimlocks or 1d4 darklings (MotM) and 1 darkling elder (MotM)
13 2d6 troglodytes or 1d3 firenewts (MotM) on giant striders (MotM)
14 2d4 deep gnome scouts or roll on Duergar and Deep Gnomes
15 2d6 goblin warriors led by a goblin boss or 1d4+1 firenewts (MotM) led by a firenewt warlock of Imix
16 1d2 yuan-ti malisons or roll on Yuan-ti lvl 1-4
17 1d3 hobgoblin warriors and 1 hobgoblin captain or 2d6 derro (MotM)
18 2d4 warrior infantry led by a warrior veteran or 2d4 skulks (MotM)
19 1 druid with 1d2 giant lizards or 1 meazel (MotM)
20 1 doppelganger among... (roll again on table) or 2d4 boggles (MotM)

Fungi and Ooze Encounters (Levels 1-4)

1d4+1d6Fungi and Ooze Encounters Levels 1-4
2 1 black pudding or 1 adult oblex (MotM)
3 1 ochre jelly
4 1d3 gray oozes
5 1d3 shrieker fungi or 1 slithering tracker (MotM)
6 2d6 gas spore fungi
7 2d6 violet fungi or 2d4 oblex spawn (MotM)
8 2d4 myconid sprouts and 1d4 myconid adults
9 1 gelatinous cube
10 1d4 myconid adults and 1d2 myconid spore servants

Mind Flayer Encounters (Levels 5-10)

1d4+1d6Mind Flayer Encounters Levels 5-10
2 1d4+4 intellect devourers inhabiting...(roll on Underdark Servants)
3 1d2 mind flayers with 1d4 troglodytes
4 1d3 mind flayers with... (roll on Underdark Servants)
5 1 mind flayer and 2d6 quaggoths or 1 mindwitness (MotM) with 1d2 mind flayers
6 1 mind flayer with 2d4 grimlocks
7 1 mind flayer arcanist or 1 ulitharid (MotM) with 2d4 bugbear warriors
8 1 mind flayer and 1d3 intellect devourers or 1 alhoon (MotM)
9 1 mind flayer with 1d6 ogres
10 1 mind flayer arcanist with... (roll on Underdark Servants)

Underdark Giants (Levels 5-10)

1d4+1d6Underdark Monsters Levels 1-4
2 1d4 ogres led by 1 fire giant or 1 spirit troll (MotM)
3 1d3 ettins and 1d2 trolls
4 1 cyclops sentry with 2d4 giant toads
5 1d6 ogres led by 1 ettin
6 1 fomorian or 1 venom troll (MotM) and 1d2 trolls
7 1d3 stone giants
8 1d4 trolls or 1 cyclops sentry and 1d2 ettins
9 1d2 fire giants or 1 rot troll (MotM)
10 1 cyclops oracle

Underdark Monsters (Levels 1-4)

1d4+1d6Underdark Monsters Levels 1-4
2 1 otyugh or 1 mindwitness (MotM)
3 1d2 grells
4 1d2 hook horrors or 1d3 rust monsters
5 1d3 gricks or 2d6 stirges
6 1d4+2 darkmantles or 1d2 spectators
7 1d3 carrion crawlers
8 1d6+1 piercers or 1d2 trappers (MotM)
9 1d2 nothics or 1 minotaur of baphomet
10 1 juvenile shadow dragon with 1d3 shadows

Underdark Monsters (Levels 5-10)

1d4+1d6Underdark Monsters Levels 5-10
2 1d4 earth elementals roll on Planar Creatures lvl 5-10
3 1d2 violet fungus necrohulks or 2d4 adult kruthiks (MotM) and 2d6 young kruthiks (MotM)
4 1d4+2 gricks led by a grick ancient or 1 froghemoth (MotM)
5 1d4 umber hulks or 1 warlock of the fiend (MotM) with 1d4 spectators
6 1d2 ropers with 2d4 piercers or 1d2 gauths (MotM)
7 2d4 grells or 1d4 neogi adults (MotM) & 2d6 neogi hatchlings (MotM)
8 2d4 hook horrors or 1d4 adult oblexes (MotM)
9 1d6 chuuls or 1 neogi master (MotM) with 1 charmed minotaur of baphomet and 1d4 neogi adults (MotM)
10 2d4 phase spiders or 1 balhannoth (MotM)

More Encounters

There is a 5e underdark random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Table Rolls - Underdark Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.