"There is a cracked crystal structure ready to shatter."
Tables for Encounter Complications, Encounter Activities or States and Encounter Sentient Activity for the Underdark. Result is from Underdark Encounter Complications.
Enhancements by terrain - arctic | coastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban
[Photo by Bryce Evans on Unsplash]
Underdark Encounter Complications and Activities
What makes this Underdark encounter different?
Maybe they there is a minecart and tracks or prisoners from the surface. Maybe they are telepathic or rescuing a companion from a rockfall . Or they could mining metal or lost in the tunnels.
There is a 5e Underdark random encounter generator at ChaosGen.
There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Underdark Encounters.
Underdark Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | complications
Underdark Encounter Complications
1d8+1d12 | Underdark Encounter Complications |
2 | There is a second group of creatures nearby (roll again on the appropriate encounter table) |
3 | There is a crossing to the Shadowfell here or there is a planar portal / magic circle here |
4 | There is a hidden item or cache here. Roll on Minor Underdark Treasures |
5 | Something lurks nearby - 1d3 gray oozes (or roll on Fungi and Oozes) |
6 | There is a chute with a flimsy covering or roll on Underdark Combat Terrain |
7 | Nearby is a powerful creature those encountered try not to disturb. Roll or pick a result from Underdark Encounters Level 11+ |
8 | There is a cracked crystal structure ready to shatter or roll on Underdark Combat Terrain |
9 | The creatures are carrying a magic item or it is hidden nearby. Roll on Magic Items - Underdark |
10 | There are minecart tracks and a minecart or roll on Underdark Combat Terrain |
11 | There is a subterranean river (or lake) here and a raft (or other watercraft) |
12 | There is a secret door (or chute) here. It leads to a place safe to rest with food and water. |
13 | There is an area of Brown Mold or roll on Underdark Hazards and Obstacles |
14 | There is a prisoners (or slaves) in the encounter (or hiding nearby). Roll on Underdark Slaves |
15 | There is an area of sharp stones (treat as spike stones) or roll on Underdark Hazards and Obstacles |
16 | There is a hallucinatory terrain (or progammed illusion) spell here |
17 | There is a pocket of flammable gas or roll on Underdark Hazards and Obstacles |
18 | The area is affected by a mirage arcana (or hallow) spell |
19 | There are beasts as pets / guards (or nearby). Roll on Underdark Beasts |
20 | Area is cursed by a deity or spirit. It is Desecrated Ground (DMG pg 110). An undead may be lurking (roll on an Undead Encounter table) |
Underdark Encounter Activities or States
1d4+1d6 | Underdark Encounter Activities or State |
2 | They are performing a ritual or one or more are telling a story |
3 | They are studying inscriptions (or pictures) or creating some art |
4 | They are searching for secret doors (or traps) or studying a portal |
5 | They are having an argument or they are intoxicated on a fungal (or mushroom) brew |
6 | They are creating some art or they are carving on tunnels |
7 | They are waiting in ambush for someone or playing with a pet |
8 | They are following a guide or having a celebration |
9 | They are foraging for sustenance (or fungi) |
10 | They are digging (or blocking up) a tunnel or they are tending fungi |
11 | They are lost or they are on patrol |
12 | They are making (or following) a map |
13 | They are partway through (or starting) a journey |
14 | They are preparing or consuming food or they are playing a game |
15 | They are building (or rearming) a trap or they are searching for ore |
16 | They are mining or they are hunting a beast |
17 | They are talking with someone (roll on Quick Underdark NPCs) |
18 | They are searching for a person or place |
19 | They are searching for the party or other adventurers |
20 | They are making a raft (or other watercraft) |
Underdark Encounter Sentient Activity
1d8+1d12 | Underdark Encounter Sentient Activity |
2 | They are performing a ritual or one or more are telling a story |
3 | They are studying inscriptions (or pictures) or creating some art |
4 | They are searching for secret doors (or traps) or studying a portal |
5 | They are having an argument or they are intoxicated on a fungal (or mushroom) brew |
6 | They are creating some art or they are carving on tunnels |
7 | They are waiting in ambush for someone or playing with a pet |
8 | They are following a guide or having a celebration |
9 | They are foraging for sustenance (or fungi) |
10 | They are digging (or blocking up) a tunnel or they are tending fungi |
11 | They are lost or they are on patrol |
12 | They are making (or following) a map |
13 | They are partway through (or starting) a journey |
14 | They are preparing or consuming food or they are playing a game |
15 | They are building (or rearming) a trap or they are searching for ore |
16 | They are mining or they are hunting a beast |
17 | They are talking with someone (roll on Quick Underdark NPCs) |
18 | They are searching for a person or place |
19 | They are searching for the party or other adventurers |
20 | They are making a raft (or other watercraft) |
More Encounter Tables
There is a 5e Underdark random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And a separate tool for encounter locations including Underdark.
There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Underdark Encounters.
If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.