Taverns and Green Spaces - Noncombat DnD Encounters
D&D Non-Combat Encounters D&D Encounters (2014) Urban

Taverns and Green Spaces - Noncombat DnD Encounters

Duncan Thomson

There is something with a pair of glowing eyes in the basement, and there's no more drinks until someone goes down to investigate.

Noncombat Encounters in taverns and green spaces for Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Tables for Noncombat Encounters for Taverns and Green Spaces.

City noncombat - city streets | rich & poor | docks | vendors & guards | taverns & parks | back streets | fences & intrigue | shady | sewers | ruins | all noncombat

[art by Henrik Karppinen]

Taverns and Green Spaces

Alehouses, meadhalls and taverns are places to encounter rowdy crowds, loud adventurers and dwarven ales. Rumours, entertainment and trouble abound.

Most cities have green spaces where citizens can escape from the urban sprawl in tree-filled parks, large ponds, old groves, cemeteries and public gardens.

From an City Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild.

City Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild City and Undercity Noncombat Bundle

Tavern Encounters - Noncombat

1d20Noncombat Encounters - Taverns
1 Several patrons start discussing an NPC (or ruin) known to the party.
2 A grizzled veteran captivates the room with the tale of their lost arm.
3 A cloaked figure in the corner playing with dice is a young scout hoping to join an adventuring party. Somewhere out there is a sworn enemy.
4 A veteran can't afford to pay their tab, offering a mystery potion instead.
5 A tall bard (spy stats, Perform +5) wants help with lyrics for a new song.
6 A bartender makes a last call for entrants for a unusual cooking contest.
7 The server ignores their drink orders, instead telling about a local ghost.
8 A muttering winged kobold in an acrobat's outfit desperately searches a bag of balls and short blades. They need an item for their performance.
9 A few actors in a theater troupe cajole a character to perform on stage.
10 A short berserker and a tall hobgoblin are being wed by a loud acolyte
11 There is something with a pair of glowing eyes in the basement, and there's no more drinks until someone goes down to investigate.
12 A druid is sitting under a table, sketching people and writing in a journal.
13 The gladiator barkeep asks the group to manage their bar for one night.
14 A weretiger in hybrid form tunes a fiddle on stage, asking for requests.
15 The place is full, the staff are harassed, and someone is picking pockets.
16 A drunk kenku is refusing to leave. They copy anything said to them, followed by the sounds of a slamming and locking door.
17 A tipsy spy needs help opening a magic wine bottle, in return for a swig
18 A few bandits play Three-Dragon Ante, and one is obviously cheating.
19 The party is asked to join an annual contest. Entrants drink the selected weird ales, plus experimental drinks made by patrons and alchemists.
20 A charmed server hands a character a napkin with a map hidden inside.

Green Spaces Encounters - Noncombat

1d20Noncombat Encounters - Green Spaces
1 A crowd around a well is discussing how to free someone who fell in.
2 An acolyte wanting a quick rest mistakenly sits on a galeb duhr.
3 A few giant fire beetles sway rhythmically, entranced by a tall flower.
4 A group of children try to trap a flying snake using wicker baskets.
5 A bewildered mage in a mushroom ring looks accusingly at a map.
6 A thunderstorm breaks out, soaking everyone as they run for cover.
7 A noisy young displacer beast (Dex 8) is stuck in a tree and in distress.
8 A small pile of gems sits in a patch of grass. They are an illusion made by an invisible red faerie dragon, who laughs as anyone draws near.
9 A few headstones suddenly appear. One has a familiar name on it.
10 A wood elf scout knocks on multiple old trees in growing frustration.
11 A giant goat is intoxicated from munching on prolific red mushrooms
12 A tunneling deep gnome pops up from the ground, looking surprised.
13 A helpful scarecrow is covered in posters. It is meant to scare pigeons.
14 A few blink dogs fritz in and out of existence, stuck in a strange loop.
15 An unhappy djinni hovers above a bench, reading a book in Elven.
16 Clumps of blossoming flowers appear in the wake of a roaming druid.
17 A city official is feeding meat to an old giant crocodile in a large pond.
18 A pair of acolytes examine a path of damaged flowers and shrubs. They discuss if this is evidence of a dangerous ooze nearby.
19 A treant swings delighted children in its branches.
20 A herder with ponies tells stories of a shapeshifting bear seen nearby.

From an City Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild.

City Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild City and Undercity Noncombat Bundle

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