Quick Plane Generation - Inhabitants, Environment and Powers
Fantasy Otherworldly System Neutral Tables Space Fantasy

Quick Plane Generation - Inhabitants, Environment and Powers

Duncan Thomson
The native creatures of this realm are eldritch predators, competing with recently arrived family of trickster snakes. The realm is in eternal summer, and at it's heart is an iron fortress which is home to a chromatic construct who is oblivious to events around it.

First few tables for quickly creating planes and realms. Tables for Prominent Inhabitants, Environment & Locations and Powers, Godlike or Otherwise.

Fantasy Otherworldly - all | planes | otherworldly encs | space fantasy | trinkets

[photo by Ýlona María Rybka on Unsplash]

Planar Creation Tables

Often the most interesting thing about a plane is the creatures that are found there. Inhabitants of a realm might be shaped by the energies found there, refugees from another plane, part of competing factions or serving a great power.

Use the realm environment for the dominant terrain, and add a location or two as possible adventure sites. Then consider a power or two as rulers, prisoners, leaders, allies or villains.

The tables can be used in several ways. Rolling once on each table is one option. Or roll a few times on a couple of the tables and ignore others.

There are fantasy otherworldly generators at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Quick Plane Generator.

Quick Plane Generator on DriveThru RPG Otherworldly Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Prominent Inhabitants - Plane Generator

 concept | features | backstory & events | inhabitants | environment | powers

Natives, dominant creatures, elites or recent arrivals.

d10    Descriptor Creatures Unusual Creatures
1 advanced or angelic spirits or birds talking beasts or worms
2 bargaining or ethereal automatons or elves shadows or boats
3 warlike or devout faeries or giants mould or imps
4 huge or shapeshifting factions or beasts animal-kin or oozes
5 trickster or insectoid dragons or lizardfolk snakes or swarms
6 psionic or cursed humanoids or ghosts spiders or fungi
7 reptilian or oppressive fiends or dwarves aliens or spellcasters
8 dangerous or wealthy elementals or fish vermin or horrors
9 eldritch or demonic predators or angels living objects (or spells)
10 fire or roll on Energies undead or insects cats or molluscs

Realm Environment and Locations

 concept | features | backstory & events | inhabitants | environment | powers

d10    Environment or landscape Specific Location, a(n)...
1 regular storms (or earthquakes) flying temple or mushroom forest
2 ruins of civilization or dust clouds dormant portal or famous library
3 fiery badland or floating isles lake of bubbling tar (or slime)
4 towering peaks or hostile mists metal fortress or tear in reality
5 turbulent seas or weird weather glittering city or arcane weapon
6 rain storms or giant instruments river of fire (or roll on Elements)
7 sprawling hills or bizarre barrens ancient prison or sinister machine
8 forest paradise or cavern maze docks for weird ships or labyrinth
9 eternal winter (or summer) enchanted oasis or bronze statue
10 volcanic wastes or endless swamp tomb complex or magic tree

Powers, Godlike or Otherwise

 concept | features | backstory & events | inhabitants | environment | powers

Entities who may be guardian or rulers, loner or prisoner.

d10    descriptor, a(n).. entity type who...
1 trickster or tentacled fiend or hivemind likes mind (or social) games
2 chromatic or ghostly titan or demigod has a boat (or other vehicle)
3 undead or enslaving collection or worm shifts planes (or forms)
4 flaming or ravenous spirit or elder evil has invasion (or big) plans
5 elemental or lawful behemoth or giant is dying or ready to leave
6 alien or imprisoned archfey or celestial has many foes (or allies)
7 gigantic or aberrant construct or statue loves a wager (or a story)
8 ancient or prescient angel or sorcerer barely notices others
9 guardian or formless deity or faction protects a city (or child)
10 predatory or chaotic fungus or dragon hoards lore (or artifacts)

More Random Tables

There are fantasy otherworldly generators at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Quick Plane Generator.

Quick Plane Generator on DriveThru RPG Otherworldly Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.