Quick Plane Generation - Concepts, Features and Backstory
Fantasy Otherworldly System Neutral Tables Space Fantasy

Quick Plane Generation - Concepts, Features and Backstory

Duncan Thomson
" This is a broken realm of elemental energy, breaking into ash and flames. A troubled diety watches over it, having only created the realm a few years ago. Their remaining servants have broken into factions, arguing about what happened and what to do next..."

First few tables for quickly creating planes and realms. Tables for Basic Concept, Features and Energies and Backstory & Events.

Fantasy Otherworldly - all | planes | otherworldly encs | space fantasy | trinkets

[photo by Ýlona María Rybka on Unsplash]

Planar Creation Tables

In games and settings of planeswalkers and other realms, new realms are needed. Whether a destination of an adventure, mentioned in passing or the home of a powerful adversary.

Dream realms, afterlives, paradise or dystopia. Use these tables to create new planes and realms of existence, or modify an existing one.

For a new realm, roll or choose a Basic Concept. Then consider rolling for a Notable Feature, Backstory and Prominent Inhabitants.

The tables can be used in several ways. Rolling once on each table is one option. Or roll a few times on a couple of the tables and ignore others.

There are fantasy otherworldly generators at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Quick Plane Generator.

Quick Plane Generator on DriveThru RPG Otherworldly Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Basic Concept - Plane Generator

 concept | features | backstory & events | inhabitants | environment | powers

Roll on each column and combine.

1d10Realm descriptor, a(n)...realm type
1 celestial or hostile afterlife or bridge between realms
2 aberrant or hungry paradise or wasteland
3 astral or faerie prison (or punishment) realm
4 orderly or earthlike mirror of mortal realm or dystopia
5 infernal or primal dead (or broken) realm; or void
6 corrupted or utopian plane of dreams (or roll on Energies)
7 eldritch orartificial home of a pantheon (or mythical people)
8 elemental or sentient city or alternate reality
9 unstable or splintering reality of a belief (or emotion)
10 chaotic or dreamlike vast wilderness or divine realm

Notable Feature and Energies

 concept | features | backstory & events | inhabitants | environment | powers

The Energies column is used in other tables.

1d10 the plane... Energies
1 is infinite (or small) in size; or has idyllic veneer Fire or Divinity
2 has no (or high) gravity; or has thriving trade Blight or Death
3 is dominated by Shadow (or roll on Energies) Earth or Summer
4 has bizarre weather or has unique resource Dreams or War
5 is ruled by a troubled deity (or roll on Powers) Air or an emotion
6 has a huge city or has rifts in time and space Chaos or Winter
7 is ruled by might or is in eternal night Water or Arcana
8 is full of portals or has a rigid caste system Sorcery or Fate
9 borders another realm or is a hybrid realm Shadow or Time
10 affects emotions of visitors or has no magic Order or Mud

Backstory and Events

 concept | features | backstory & events | inhabitants | environment | powers

History of the realm. And events, in the future or present.

1d10 backstory... future (or current) event, ...
1 repulsed an invasion (or coup) a planar invasion or witch hunt
2 built on a dead god (or spire) a strange new fashion or eruption
3 recovering after a cataclysm pestilence or rampaging monster
4 cursed by a god (or roll on Powers) social unrest or undead hordes
5 recently conquered (or liberated) revolution or visions of cataclysm
6 made from ruin of faded realm realm starts to die (or mutate)
7 recently ended (or started) a war faction wars or mysterious deaths
8 was once a utopia (or dystopia) dangerous invention or famine
9 recently formed (or fell into ruin) insidious (or terraforming) vermin
10 two feuding Powers (or cultures) restless spirits or ways out closed

More Random Tables

There are fantasy otherworldly generators at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Quick Plane Generator.

Quick Plane Generator on DriveThru RPG Otherworldly Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.