Names for Pets and Companions - Random Tables for DnD
Companion Names D&D Characters

Names for Pets and Companions - Random Tables for DnD

Duncan Thomson
A wolf named Bubbles or an owl familiar named after a local ruler

Random tables for pet and companion names for D&D

All pets - names | by environment | traits | tools guide

[Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash]

Pets and Companions in D&D

Wizards have long had familiars and nature-loving characters often come with curious wolves or some kind of owl. Many adventuring groups also have a habit of adopting any cute-looking creature along the way.

Pets might form part of a character's backstory, and a pet's name can influence that. It might be the name of an ancestor, a previously beloved pet or reflect the it's nature.

Some of the names below are taken from D&D lore, which would be different depending on the setting you use.

For more Pets try the Pet Generator. Or there is a pdf of Pet and Companions random tables on DM's Guild

Pets and Companions on DM's Guild Love and Friends Bundle on DM's Guild

Pet Named After...

1d20 Pet Named After...
1 After a mythical figure
2 After the color of their fur, hair, scales, eyes etc
3 After a mighty warrior
4 With a two part name (roll on both Proud Names and Typical Names)
5 After a type of gemstone
6 After a local ruler
7 After a dragon
8 After a close relative
9 After a local hero
10 After a famous artist or painter
11 After a feared spellcaster
12 With the title of nearby ruler - "Tsar", "Sultan", "Thane"
13 After a famous bard
14 After a city
15 After a famous D&D personality
16 After a god
17 After a famous priest
18 After another beloved pet or companion
19 After a type of weapon
20 After a of flower or herb

Companion Common Names

1d20Companion Common Names
1 Mist
2 Sooty
3 Basil
4 Torm or Tymora
5 Spike
6 Rascal
7 Volo or Laeral
8 Empress or Smithy
9 Fiend
10 Max
11 Lucky
12 Ruby or Slick
13 Pepper or Buddy
14 Karma
15 Echo
16 Tiamat or Bahamut
17 Oscar or Vixen
18 Ghost
19 Milo
20 Blink

Cute Pet Names

1d20Cute Pet Names
1 Summer
2 Molly or Leo
3 Bella
4 Flower
5 Whiskers
6 Smudge
7 Flotsam
8 Sparkle
9 Honey
10 Bubbles
11 Cuddles
12 Fluffy
13 Bandit
14 Sune or Gond
15 Hugs
16 Droplet
17 Luna
18 Blossom
19 Felix or Misty
20 Cure

Companion Proud Names

1d20Companion Proud Names
1 Flash
2 Splinter
3 Bane or Shar
4 Warrior
5 Slasher
6 Lady or Lord
7 Shadow
8 Bigby or Silence
9 Simba
10 Queen or King
11 Fireball
12 Troll or Medusa
13 Chief
14 Tempus or Selune
15 Prince or Princess
16 Kas
17 Fang or Ripper
18 Dragon
19 Destiny
20 Hazard

More Trinkets

For more Pets try the Pet Generator. Or there is a pdf of Pet and Companions random tables on DM's Guild

Pets and Companions on DM's Guild Love and Friends Bundle on DM's Guild