Tunnels and Doors - D&D 5e Noncombat Dungeon Encounters
D&D Dungeon D&D Encounters (2014) D&D Non-Combat Encounters

Tunnels and Doors - D&D 5e Noncombat Dungeon Encounters

Duncan Thomson
A helmed horror is a messenger with a sack. Tries to communicate that they need to find a nearby inhabitant, for who they have a delivery.

Noncombat Encounters for sea adventures for Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Tables for Noncombat Encounters for Passages and Doors.

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[art by Critical-Hit]

Tunnels, Corridors and Doors

Cramped or narrow, sloped or level, passages link sections together. Some hold secret doors, inscriptions or encounters.

Doors have confounded many adventurers. Use these to replace a normal door or for the entrance to a dungeon area.

From Dungeon Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild.

Dungeon Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild Noncombat Encounters Bundle

Passages and Corridors - Dungeon Noncombat

passages | doors | empty rooms | features | fringes | traps | humanoids | loners | tombs | mines | vaults | temples

1d20Noncombat Encounters - Passages and Corridors
1 A runed stone sphere rolls along the floor, pushed by a crawling claw.
2 A helmed horror is a messenger with a sack. Tries to communicate that they need to find a nearby inhabitant, for who they have a delivery.
3 A restless ogre guards a wall, sure it has a secret door; or roll on Doors
4 Two magic mouths are in an eternal loop. One asks a question, that the other answers, with a question of its own, starting the process again.
5 A pile of soot (or ashes) forms into an arrow (or a message) for group.
6 A few passive skeletons with tools are shoring up tunnels (or digging new one), directed by a workaholic priest. The priest flees if attacked.
7 A helpful invisible stalker offers to carry a light source for the group.
8 Two adventurers, a veteran and a priest are trying to work out how to get a valuable but heavy cabinet out of the area. Currently tying a rope to it.
9 Sounds of a flute float in, seemingly from a hooded lantern on the floor.
10 A group of rat adventurers search for a rat idol sacred to their god. An awakened giant rat, two wererats, a rat druid and a goblin with rat familiar.
11 An energetic goblin rides a crude homemade sled, pulled by giant rats.
12 A cautious spy searches for secrets and weaknesses. An enemy of the current inhabitants, who proposes an exchange of findings with group.
13 A stone golem attacks a wall with a pick, intent on making a new tunnel.
14 A hungry raven (or parrot) carries a wand of wonder (or wand of fear) in it's beak. Will activate wand if they get scared or don't get fed.
15 An exhausted assassin searches for a secret door they are sure is nearby.
16 A pair of ogre zombies pull a laden wagon (or sled) up a passage and won't be distracted by anything. Including being attacked.
17 There is an explosion nearby. All that is left there is unconscious mage.
18 A noisy cat (or badger) is caught in a pit (or animal trap). They are an animal messenger, taking a message to a nearby leader; or roll on Traps
19 An injured (or poisoned) scout (or drow) asks for aid escaping the area.
20 A docile giant lizard is feasting on a giant rat corpse. It has a studded brass collar with a name written in Draconic and Undercommon.

Doors - Dungeon Noncombat

passages | doors | empty rooms | features | fringes | traps | humanoids | loners | tombs | mines | vaults | temples

1d20Noncombat Encounters - Doors
1 A door with a face gives a huge toothy smile when anyone comes near.
2 A pair of dancing cultists try to commune with a demon said to be in this reflective door. Friendly and unworried by distorted reflections.
3 A mastiff tries to lead group to nearby door, whining (or growling) at it.
4 A mat of welcoming (rug of smothering) loudly greets those entering through the door it's beside, helping creatures as best it can.
5 A doorway has remains of a door, replaced with a ripped green curtain.
6 A warded door has a petty glyph of warding, which triggers a suggestion to "take a bath in the nearest liquid" (or other trivial suggestion).
7 A door has been spiked shut, and a corpse hangs from it as a warning.
8 A doorway with a metal frame responds to the emotions of those who pass through it, glowing colors reflecting their state of mind.
9 A skeleton is opening and closing a door, last command it was given.
10 A cursed veteran is trapped by a closed door, under a cruel geas where they can't open doors. Requests someone open a door for them.
11 A door has been torn apart, then badly repaired with planks and rags.
12 A talking door is a gargoyle remade (or punished) into a door. It speaks Common and is rude, asking all the wrong (or personal) questions.
13 A pot of paint is beside a door, which crudely depicts a nearby monster.
14 An ornate door has a stained glass window, with intricate detail. There are clues (or warnings) about nearby area in the pictures.
15 A secret door opens, revealing a tiled temple lit by ghostly flames.
16 A mischievous spirit (poltergeist) ties a rope to a door handle. (or balances a bucket of liquid on a door). Known for playing door pranks.
17 A sad specter doesn't realize it's dead, hopelessly trying to open a door.
18 A secret door isn't hard to find, but verbally asks for a riddle to be solved for it to open. The riddle changes each time from a total of six.
19 A blood trail leads to a secret door, where a pair of bloated stirges lie.
20 A polite wight requests help in opening a portal (or warded door), which needs a living creature to trigger it. Tells them what lies beyond if asked.

More D&D Encounters

From Dungeon Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild.

Dungeon Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild Noncombat Encounters Bundle

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