City Streets by Night and Day - Noncombat D&D Encounters
D&D Encounters (2014) Urban D&D Non-Combat Encounters

City Streets by Night and Day - Noncombat D&D Encounters

Duncan Thomson
A well-dressed halfling on a pony is handing out wooden tokens. They are promoting a new inn offering discounts on wine and special ales.

Noncombat Encounters in City Streets for Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Tables for Noncombat City Streets by Day and Noncombat City Streets by Day.

City noncombat - city streets | rich & poor | docks | vendors & guards | taverns & parks | back streets | fences & intrigue | shady | sewers | ruins | all noncombat

[art by Henrik Karppinen]

City Streets

The city streets can be most places in an urban environment. A side street in the market quarter, a main street going from the North Gate to the High Square. Backstreets of the guild district or darkened alleys behind busy taverns...

Use encounters by day or by night

From an City Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild.

City Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild City and Undercity Noncombat Bundle

City Streets by Day - Noncombat

1d20Noncombat Encounters - City Streets by Day
1 A few rowdy nobles carelessly race riding horses through the crowds.
2 A ragged tribal warrior approaches, offering a true vision for a silver coin.
3 A pair of guards make up something up about an adventurer spot tax, easily solved for a few gold pieces; or roll on Guards and Gates
4 A raven starts to follow the group, staring unblinkingly at one character.
5 A clay golem slowly pulls a cart of vegetables, spilling some as it goes.
6 A shimmering muddy patch claims the shoes of all who walk through it.
7 A well-dressed halfling on a pony is handing out wooden tokens. They are promoting a new inn offering discounts on wine and special ales.
8 A draft horse (Int 10, speaks Common) compliments all who pass by. They comment on everyone in the group, except one character.
9 A githzerai monk follows the group, offering unsolicited bits of wisdom.
10 A heavy wagon is blocking the road, as the owlbear pulling it is sick.
11 A few heavily laden travelers ask for directions to a local landmark.
12 A pair of dwarf veterans struggle to lift a table with a slim tribal warrior stood on it. It is part of challenge to enter a larger prestigious contest.
13 A mirror lies discarded. Any who look in see a cloud giant staring back.
14 A noisy crowd watches urchins and a pet monkey do acrobatic stunts.
15 A procession of fine wagons rolls by, led by scimitar-wielding guards on riding horses. Struggling behind are commoners pulling supply carts.
16 A priest and a few acolytes are looking into rumors of a plague outbreak.
17 A heavy bag carried by a scout breaks open, spilling kittens everywhere.
18 A thug in a long coat offers a variety of trinkets for sale. They are surprised when they all start to glow; or roll on Street Sellers
19 A pair of shaggy goats lock eyes in a staring contest across the street.
20 Several cultists try to befriend the group over a few hours. Each has a quota to fulfill of people to bring to a big event with a special visitor.

City Streets by Night - Noncombat

1d20Noncombat Encounters - City Streets at Night
1 A weary knight tries to control a warhorse, spooked by an unseen threat.
2 A swarm of bats hangs oddly from an overhead sign, depicting a symbol.
3 A terrified young guard looks back every few paces, jumping at every sound and shadow; or roll on Guards and Gates
4 A merry bandit invites the characters up to a raucous rooftop party.
5 Several bloodied thugs dragging a still orc ask the way to a rough tavern.
6 Nearby light sources all die for a few moments, then return to normal.
7 A bold child in a vampire costume waits in a bush to scare passersby.
8 Two magically awakened cats loudly discuss the follies of their owners.
9 A wererat sitting on a crate is filing their claws, whispering to a door.
10 A gaunt riding horse waits by a shop. Banging noises come from inside.
11 A running spy gives a character a heavy bag, then flees down a side alley.
12 A woven mat decorated in disturbing humanoid figures lies abandoned.
13 A noisy badger is stuck in a barrel of waste, scared and trying to escape.
14 Bright fireflies engulf the party, chased by an elf catching some in a jar.
15 A kenku repeatedly mimics the sound of a door opening and shutting.
16 A chest falls from above and smashes to bits. In the debris are several stoppered crystal vials and wet paper. There is a burning smell nearby.
17 A thick mist descends, and the group hears loud squelches nearby.
18 An old assassin sells potent poisons for cheap; or roll on Street Sellers
19 Above the street paces a ghost, sobbing and pointing at a rooftop door.
20 A heavily scarred bugbear pulling a cart asks for directions to the nearest healer. In a wooden cage can be seen a zombie wearing a crown.

From an City Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild.

City Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild City and Undercity Noncombat Bundle

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