Lawful Planes Encounters for D&D, including Modrons
D&D Encounters (2014) Collected Encounter Tables D&D Planar

Lawful Planes Encounters for D&D, including Modrons

Duncan Thomson
A human priest is mounted on a skeletal horse, their robes covered in lines of symbols. They ride in a pattern around a rotating platform. Is it part of a ritual? Are they connected to a nearby faction?

Simple encounters for Planes of Law from Collected Encounters.

Tables for Lawful Planes Encounters (levels 1-4 & levels 5-10), Encounter Details, Chaos Planes Creatures and Modrons.

More tables at Collected Encounters on DM's Guild

Collected Encounter Tables on DM's Guild Encounters Mega-Bundle on DM's Guild

The Lawful Planes are places of modrons and devils, of order and organisation. Of clockwork mechanisms, predictable patterns, contracts and straight lines.

In the Great Wheel Cosmology these planes include the Bytopia, Mount Celestia, Arcadia, Mechanus, Acheron, the Nine Hells and Gehenna.

Lawful Planes Encounters (Levels 1-4)

1d20Lawful Planes Table lvl 1-4
1 Adventurers with an amulet of the planes - 1 berserker, 1 thug, 2 scouts and 1 druid or roll on Planar Travelers lvl 1-4
2 1d2 githyanki warriors or 1 stone defender (MToF)
3 1d3 azers or roll on Lawful Planes Creatures
4 1d2 bearded devils or roll on Devils lvl 1-4
5 3d6 monodrones or roll on Modrons
6 2d6 flumphs or a cycle of rain and sun repeating every hour
7 Patrol of 2d4 flying swords or 1d4+1 nupperibos (MToF)
8 1 couatl or roll on Lawful Planes Creatures
9 1d2 hell hounds or 1 duergar xarrorn (MToF) with 1d2 duergar
10 1d3 pentadrones or roll on Modrons
11 A glowing glyph of warding guarding a door or 1d2 neogi (VGtM)
12 1 priest of law on a warhorse skeleton or 1d4 bronze scouts (MToF)
13 1d4 imps or roll on Lawful Planes Creatures
14 1d6 hobgoblin guards or 1d3 duergar hammerers (MToF)
15 1 helmed horror or roll on Guardian Creatures lvl 1-4
16 1 spined devil with 2d4 lemures or 1d4 stone cursed (MToF)
17 1d2 spectators or 2d4 blink dogs
18 1d2 tridrones and 1d4 duodrones or roll on Lawful Planes Creatures
19 1 ghost who loves counting or 1d2 giff (MToF)
20 1 cambion or 1 unicorn

Lawful Planes Encounters (Levels 5-10)

1d20Lawful Encounter Table lvl 5-10
1-2 1 efreeti or roll on Planar Travelers lvl 5-10
3-4 2d6 quadrones or 1 githyanki gish (MToF)
5-6 1 deva or a mass of animated objects that draws other objects it passes
7-8 1d6 helmed horrors or roll on Guardians lvl 5-10
9-10 1d4 barbed devils or roll on Devils lvl 5-10
11 A mordenkainen's private sanctum or 1d6 merrogons (MToF)
12 1 githyanki knight on a manticore or 1d2 gauths (VGtM)
13 1 guardian naga or 1d2 neogi masters (VGtM) with 1d4 neogi (VGtM) and 2d6 neogi hatchlings (VGtM)
14 2d4 hell hounds or 1 pentadrone with 1 shield guardian
15 1d2 clay golems or 1 abjurer (VGtM) and 1d4 animated armors
16 2d6 duodrones with 2d4 tridrones and 1d6 quadrones
17 1 gynosphinx or 1d2 oaken bolters (MToF) with 1d2 stone defenders (MToF) and 1d3 bronze scouts (MToF)
18 2d4 githyanki warriors or 1 mind flayer arcanist
19 1 horned devil or lawful 1 warpriest (VGtM) with 1d3 giff (MToF)
20 1 rakshasa or 1 cadaver collector (MToF)

Encounter Details (Levels 1-4)

Use 1d10 for beasts and non-sentient creatures.

1d20They are... (or one is...)
1 watching someone or tidying up the area
2 by a complex mechanism (or clockwork device)
3 walking in a line
4 marked by (or bearing symbols of) a lawful deity
5 near a list of sign filled with rules or a glyph of warding spell
6 guarding the area
7 concerned about something out of place
8 following someone (or being followed)
10 on a giant rotating platform (or a grid of crossed lines)
11 on a patrol route
12 making a plan or improving nearby structures
13 walking in a set pattern
14 building a structure (or defenses)
15 counting (or measuring) something
16 writing notes or following an exercise routine
17 building something or creating a list
18 playing a game with many rules
19 performing a ritual
20 carrying a ring of protection (or an elixir of health)

Lawful Creatures (Levels 1-4)

1d20Lawful Creatures lvl 1-4
1-2 1d2 tridrones and 1d4 duodrones or 1d3 lawful martial arts adepts
3-4 1d3 azers or 1d4 stone cursed (MToF)
5-6 1 lawful priest or 1 tridrone with 1d4 duodrones and 2d4 monodrones
7-8 1d2 githyanki warriors or 1d2 neogi (VGtM)
9-10 1 pentadrones and 1d2 quadrones or 2d4 blink dogs
11-12 1d3 spined devils or 1 animated armor and 1d4 flying swords
13-14 1d2 hell hounds or 1d3 githzerai monks
15-16 1d4 imps or a squadron of 2d4 skeletons
17-18 3d6 monodrones or 1d2 spectators
19-20 1 couatl or 1 neogi master (VGtM)

Modrons (Levels 1-4)

1d20Modrons lvl 1-4
1-3 3d6 monodrones
4-5 1d4 duodrones and 2d4 monodrones
6-7 2d4 duodrones or 1 rogue pentadrone
8-9 1d2 tridrones and 1d4 duodrones
10-11 1d6 tridrones or 1 rogue quadrone
12-13 1 quadrone with 1d3 tridrones
14-15 1d4 quadrones or 1 rogue tridrone
16-17 1 pentadrone with 1d2 quadrones and 1d3 tridrones
18-19 1d3 pentadrones
20 1d2 rogue duodrones

Collected Encounter Tables on DM's Guild Encounters Mega-Bundle on DM's Guild

More tables at Collected Encounters on DM's Guild

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