Goblin and Hobgoblin Encounters for Dungeons and Dragons
D&D Encounters (2014) Collected Encounter Tables

Goblin and Hobgoblin Encounters for Dungeons and Dragons

Duncan Thomson
A priest with a ceremonial scythe leads several acolytes in chasing after a herd of goats. Are they rounding them up for sacrifice? Do they belong to someone else?

Goblinoid encounters from Collected Encounters pdf.

Tables for Goblinoid Encounters (levels 1-4 & levels 5-10), Encounter Details, Goblins (levels 1-4) and Hobgoblins (levels 1-4 & levels 5-10).

[Art by Donnie Maynard Christianson]


Goblins, bugbears and hobgoblins often ally together in raiding bands, armies and in larger alliances. Often found using wolves, giant rats, griffons, worgs and other beasts as mounts and pets. And larger creatures such as ogres, ettins and treants allied with or leading them.

Tables for... all terrains | demons | devils | goblinoids | restless spirits | undead

From Collected Encounters on DM's Guild

Collected Encounter Tables on DM's Guild Encounters Mega-Bundle on DM's Guild

Goblinoid Encounters (Levels 1-4)

1d20Goblinoid Encounter Table lvl 1-4
1-3 1d2 hobgoblins with 1 bugbear and 1d4 goblins; or 1d2 bugbears with 1d2 worgs
4-5 2d4 goblins on wolves or roll on Goblins lvl 1-4
6-7 1d2 bugbears and 1d3 hobgoblins or 1d3 bugbears with 1 goblin
8-9 1d3 hobgoblins on worgs or roll on Hobgoblins lvl 1-4
10-11 1d4 bugbears or 1d3 goblins with 1 nilbog (VGtM) led by 1 bugbear
12-13 1d2 hobgoblins with 1d2 goblins and 1 ogre; or 1d4 goblins and 1 hobgoblin iron shadow (VGtM)
14-15 1d4+1 goblins led by 1 goblin boss or roll on Goblins lvl 1-4
16-17 1d6 goblins led by 1 bugbear; or 1d2 bugbears and 1 bugbear chieftain
18-19 1d3 hobgoblins with 1 hobgoblin captain or roll on Hobgoblins lvl 1-4
20 1 bugbear chieftain and 1d4 giant weasels or 1 barghest (VGtM)

Goblinoid Encounters (Levels 5-10)

1d20Goblinoid Encounter Table lvl 5-10
1-2 1d6 bugbears and 1d6 goblins with 2d4 hobgoblins led by 1 hobgoblin captain or 1d4 ogre howdahs (MToF) each carrying 4 goblins
3-4 2d4 hobgoblins led by 1 hobgoblin warlord on axebeaks or 2d6 goblins with 2d4 bugbears led by 1d2 barghests (VGtM)
5-6 2d6 hobgoblins with 1d4 swarms of ravens led by 1 hobgoblin captain
7-8 1d6+3 bugbears led by 1 bugbear chief or 1d4 hobgoblin iron shadows (VGtM) and 1d4 bugbears with 1d6 goblins on giant wolf spiders
9-10 2d6+2 goblins on wolves led by 1 goblin boss on a dire wolf
11-12 2d6 hobgoblins led by 1 hobgoblin warlord or 1 hobgoblin devastator (VGtM) with 2d4 hobgoblins and 3d6 goblins
13-14 1d4 bugbears with 1d6 goblins and 1d2 ogres led by 1 bugbear chief or 1 hobgoblin devastator (VGtM) with 1 nilbog (VGtM) & 4d6 goblins
15-16 2d4 hobgoblins and 1 hobgoblin captain on worgs
17-18 2d6 goblins and 1d2 goblin bosses with 1d3 ogres or 2d4 hobgoblins and 1d4+1 hobgoblin iron shadows (VGtM) led by 1 bugbear chief
19-20 1 hobgoblin captain and 1d6 hobgoblins on griffons

Encounter Details (Levels 1-4)

Use for goblins, hobgoblins or mixed goblinoid encounters

1d20They are... (or one is...)
1 experimenting with fire or trying to capture a beast
2 gambling and drinking ale or demanding tribute
3 scouts for a larger group (or a local villlain)
4 sneaking up on someone or preparing a trap
5 looking for mercenary work or a new home
6 escorting several manacled commoners (or kenku)
7 investigating a cave mouth by sending in their weakest member
8 pitting two beasts to fight against each other or joining a larger group
9 training with weapons or lazing around with no ambition
10 arguing over a trinket (or a pet spider)
11 carrying 2d6 flasks of alchemist's fire or arguing about food
12 training beasts (or a large mount)
13 following tracks of other humanoids or working as mercenaries
14 trying on bright ill-fitting clothes from a wooden chest.
15 preparing for war or cooking something on a fire
16 trying to get an ogre (or an ettin) to join them
17 studying a map and arguing about a plan or hiding in ambush
18 tormenting a prisoner or near their lair
19 running away from something or armed with nets
20 carrying a bag of tricks - tan (or a dust of disappearance)

Goblin Encounters (Levels 1-4)

1d20Goblin Encounters lvl 1-4
1-3 1d4+1 goblins and 1 goblin boss or 1d6 goblins and 1 nilbog (VGtM)
4-5 1d6+1 goblins with 2d6 giant rats
6-7 1d6 goblins on giant wolf spiders
8-9 1d4 goblins and 1 ogre or 1d4 goblins and 1 nilbog (VGtM) with 1d3 swarms of giant rats
10-11 1 goblin boss with 1d4 goblins and 1d4 giant rats
12-13 2d4 goblins or 1d3 goblins and 1 nilbog (VGtM) led by 1 goblin boss
14-15 1d6 goblins on wolves or 1d6 goblins with 1 nilbog (VGtM)
16-17 1 goblin boss on a giant spider with 1d4 goblins
18-19 1d4 goblins led by 1 wererat
20 1 goblin boss on a winter wolf

Hobgoblin Encounters (Levels 1-4)

1d20Hobgoblin Encounters lvl 1-4
1-3 1d6 hobgoblins or 1d2 hobgoblin iron shadows (VGtM) on giant bats
4-5 1 hobgoblin and 1d4 apes or 1d2 hobgoblins & 1 cave fisher (VGtM)
6-7 1d4 hobgoblins with 1d2 goblins or 1d2 hobgoblins and 1 hobgoblin iron shadow (VGtM)
8-9 1d3 hobgoblins mounted on axebeaks with 1d2 swarms of ravens
10-11 1 hobgoblin captain with 1 wolf or 1 hobgoblin devastator (VGtM)
12-13 1d2 hobgoblins and 1 owlbear
14-15 1d3 hobgoblins on worgs or 1d3 hobgoblin iron shadows (VGtM)
16-17 1 hobgoblin with 1d4+1 giant goats
18-19 1d3 hobgoblins with 1 hobgoblin captain
20 1d4 hobgoblins with 1d6 commoner prisoners

Hobgoblin Encounters (Levels 5-10)

1d20Hobgoblin Encounters lvl 5-10
1-3 2d4 hobgoblins and 1 hobgoblin captain on worgs or 1 hobgoblin devastator (VGtM) on a manticore and 2d6 hobgoblins
4-6 2d4 hobgoblins led by 1 hobgoblin warlord on axebeaks
7-8 1 hobgoblin captain and 1d6 hobgoblins on griffons
9-10 1d6 rhinoceroses each with 2 hobgoblins or 2d4 hobgoblins and 1 hobgoblin devastator led by 1 hobgoblin warlord
11-12 3d6 hobgoblins and 1 hill giant or 2d4 hobgoblin iron shadows (VGtM)
13-14 1 hobgoblin warlord on a wyvern with 1d8 hippogriffs or 2d4 hobgoblin iron shadows (VGtM) led by 1 hobgoblin devastator (VGtM)
15-16 2d6 hobgoblins with 1d4 swarms of ravens led by 1 hobgoblin captain
17-18 3d6 hobgoblins and 1d6 giant boars or 2d6 hobgoblins with 1 hobgoblin devastator (VGtM) led by 1 hobgoblin captain
19-20 2d4 hobgoblins and 1 hobgoblin captain with 1 mammoth

From Collected Encounters on DM's Guild

Collected Encounter Tables on DM's Guild Encounters Mega-Bundle on DM's Guild

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