Sorcerer of Flamecap Spire -Into the Complex
British Fantasy Fantasy Dungeon System Neutral Tables

Sorcerer of Flamecap Spire -Into the Complex

Duncan Thomson
You entered the cavemouth, watched by two dwarven statues. butchered a few giant rats and stopped at a portcullis in the passage. Now you've opened a door into what looks like an ornate dining room with many unlit torches, where a group of rowdy goblins are occupied with gambling and drinking...

It's time to enter the Outer Complex of the Dungeon. What's past the entrance? Tables for Dungeon Entrances, Wandering Encounters, Passage Details, Room Details and Room Inhabitants. There is also notes for using the tables.

[Photo by visualsofdana on Unsplash]

Starting the Adventure

overview | sorcerer | treasure | starting | outer area | river & curse | maze | extras | solo notes

The Outer Complex is the first part of the actual dungeon proper, with sentries, magical chambers and strange guardians.

The primary inhabitants of the outer complex are goblinoids serving the Sorcerer. These are easily replaced by acolytes, dwarves, humans or ogres.

If the characters are lucky or skillful, they may have the option of retreating and resting outside the complex. There are caves nearby and ruins of farmsteads of dwarf surface dwellings.

After the Outer Complex is the River and Accursed Area

Room and Inhabitant Tables

The areas of the dungeon have tables for Room Details and Inhabitant. Many rooms can be created by rolling once on room type and one or two times on room details. Then once on the Inhabitants table, unless you decide its unoccupied.

Example - for an Outer Complex room, a roll of 3 gives a "sacred fountain", and the detail a "magical key", and the inhabitant is "a talkative smith, working away at a forge".

Combining the results there's a room with a small metal fountain that doesn't corrode, in which a key to the Sorcerer's treasure is hidden. The smith is a follower of the deity the fountain is dedicated to, and welcomes visitors while continuing with their work on the forge.

Wandering Encounters

Each section also has a Wandering Encounters table. These are creatures that could be encountered anywhere in the area.

Use them for an encounter in a passageway, if the characters make lots of noise or otherwise attract attention. They could also be used as room inhabitants, or extra creatures for a room.

For more Fantasy Tables there is are Fantasy Generators at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as Sorcerer of Flamecap Spire.

Sorcerer of Flamecap Spire on DriveThru RPG Sorcerer and Spire Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Dungeon Entrances

overview | sorcerer | treasure | starting | outer area | river & curse | maze | extras | solo notes

The main entrance is obvious, with a pathway to it. There is at least one other entrance, hidden or harder to access.

d10 The entrance is...
1-2 a cave entrance below a jagged cliff face. Part of the cliff appears to have been savaged by the claws of a gargantuan beast.
3-4 guarded by the visages of two dwarven faces [DWA]
5-6 a large stone archway, carved with famous religious scenes [SAC]
7-8 obscured by eerie red flowers, with a flame-like appearance [FIR]
9-10 by a statue with glowing eyes. Its head turns to watch passersby [ARC]

Outer Complex - Wandering Encounters

The adventurers will hear one or more rumours about the mountain. Up to you how much truth there is to them.

d10 There is a(n)...
1 small group of unruly goblins eating a meal
2 curious fire spirit (or imp) [FIR] attracted to any light source
3 confident acolyte, lighting candles [SAC] near an alarm (or a lever)
4 few hungry giant rats or gremlin following a smell
5 dwarf thief [DWA]; or roll on NPCs recently injured
6 giant spider or angry ogre looking or food
7 vicious troll or a few large bats currently asleep
8 spellcaster's familiar [ARC] carrying a message
9 pair of armoured goblinoids (or guards) with a prisoner
10 angry berserker or roll on NPCs watched by the Sorcerer

Outer Complex - Passage Details

This table can also be used for the Cursed Area.

d10 There is...
1 portcullis blocking the way. Nearby is a way to raise it
2 number of small narrow tunnels leading off
3 sentry post
4 tree stump with a sign welcoming visitors to rest
5 pit trap
6 dead end or pile of bones
7 a pair of levers, one of which is actually a disguised blade
8 a shrine with a burning candle
9 a glowing key hanging from a hook
10 a torch bracket with a lit torch

Outer Complex - Room Details

d10 Room TypeRoom Detail
1 library or gallery a magical painting
2 forge or roasting pit [FIR] many torches or charred bones [FIR]
3 sacred fountain (or pool) [SAC] a safe place to rest [SAC]
4 cave or leader's chambers a secret door hidden in a bookcase
5 ornate dining room or barracks frightening images
6 magical patio (or pool) [ARC] a circle of power [ARC]
7 prison or pear-shaped room a cursed item
8 study or storeroom magical darkness
9 torture chamber or kitchen a magical key
10 armoury or workshop [DWA] a dwarven shrine (or treasure) [DWA]

Outer Complex - Room Inhabitants

d10 There is...
1 group of suspicious dwarves (or goblins) with a prisoner [DWA]
2 a haggard priest (or roll on NPCs), kept as a prisoner [SAC]
3 hill giant, enjoying a meal; or roll on River Inhabitants
4 spectacled mage with strong defensive magic. They are among many items and try to sell something useful further on in the complex [ARC]
5 a dwarven statue which can be possessed by the Sorcerer [DWA]
6 acolyte (or goblin) making a fire in a fireplace below a chimney [FIR]
7 large scarred goblin (or roll on NPCs) bearing a silver blade [SAC]
8 talkative smith, working away at a forge [FIR]
9 group of rowdy goblins occupied by gambling and drinking
10 iron statue with an embedded gem. Animates if gem touched [ARC]

More Tables

For more Fantasy Tables there is are Fantasy Generators at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as Sorcerer of Flamecap Spire.

Sorcerer of Flamecap Spire on DriveThru RPG Sorcerer and Spire Bundle on DriveThru RPG

If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.