Fantasy Encounters, Hazards and NPCs for Cemetery and Tombs
Fantasy City Fantasy Encounter Tables Spooky Fantasy

Fantasy Encounters, Hazards and NPCs for Cemetery and Tombs

Duncan Thomson
A young vampire hunter is patrolling the area with their mentor and a few friends. They discuss their many life problems in life and love.

Simple encounter tables for ports and docks in any fantasy setting. Tables for Cemetery Encounter Prompts, Cemetery Hazards & Distractions and Cemetery Quick NPCs.

Spooky Fantasy - trinkets | tomb encs | all

Fantasy City - all | trinkets | cemetery encs | market encs | port encs | ruins encs | sewer encs | street encs | tavern encs | crowds

[art by Henrik Karppinen]

Fantasy Cemetery and Tomb Encounters

Cemetery and tomb encounters might be a smuggler looking for stashed goods, a meditating mystic or a dog looking after their owner even after they are gone. There might be valuable offerings, a protective ghost or sounds of knocking.

A place of gravestones, bells, and the past, home to nobles mourning lost a lost friend, a death priest carrying flowers and grave robbers. A place of death, memories, eulogies, life, sadness and old smells.

There is a fantasy encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Cemetery and Tomb Encounters.

Fantasy Cemetery and Tomb Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy City Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

10 Cemetery and Tomb Encounter Prompts

1d1010 Cemetery and Tomb Prompts
1 A destitute family with nowhere else to go shelter here in a tent.
2 A young vampire hunter is patrolling the area with their mentor and a few friends. They discuss their many life problems in life and love.
3 A pockmarked smuggler searches for illegal goods a partner hid here.
4 A pair of devout guards lie in wait for any who dare desecrate the dead. One of them has a hunch that a thief seeks something here.
5 A lone mystic meditates, seeking understanding among the dead.
6 A pair of robbers equipped with sacks and digging tools are studying inscriptions, searching for a particular name among the dead.
7 A mournful dog (or monkey) loiters where their owner was buried.
8 Several gargoyles watch the area, but feel the pull to go elsewhere. Amongst themselves they discuss politics, rumours and local gossip.
9 A pair of drunk locals knock on tombstones, searching for a friend.
10 A handsome priest leads nervous acolytes in a ceremony to reconsecrate the area. They are burning incense and chanting loudly.

Cemetery Hazards and Distractions

1d10There is (or are)...
1 lots of dust, that causes a cloud if disturbed or thunder and lightning
2 a protection against unwelcome intruders, a(n)...
d10 (1-2. warning sign 3. bound ghost 4. alarm bell 5. magical barrier
6. spectral voice 7. curse 8. portcullis 9. unnatural fear 10. spell glyph)
3 an area animals are afraid to enter or the eulogy of a hero
4 a headstone with a familiar name or a patch of glowing green mould
5 there is the strong smell of ...
d10 (1-2. incense 3. something dead 4. old flowers 5. mould
6. decay 7. bat guano 8. urine 9. fresh flowers 10. fear)
6 a disturbance of many bats or a statue holding a magical weapon
7 valuable offerings here or a cold wind pierced by mournful wailing
8 sounds of ...
d10 (1-2. absolute silence 3. moaning 4. a slamming door 5. knocking
6. chimes 7. rats 8. chanting 9. hissing 10. creaking )
9 a luminous candle flame, portent of death or lots of thick webs
10 a moving statue (or door) which can provide a clue (or cause a curse)

Quick Cemetery and Tomb NPCs

1 hooded or diseased warden carry a heavy tome (or body)
2 ghostly or desperate adventurer is with grim companions
3 jolly or vampiric cult leader recognises (or knows) a character
4 ghoulish or scared hermit is carrying a map and a spade
5 wary or depressed necromancer tends (or searches for) a grave
6 renegade or undead fortune teller carries (or sells) flowers (or relics)
7 gaunt or singing grave robber is marked with a death rune
8 possessed or hungry noble is visiting an ancestor (or pet)
9 grim or lycanthrope smuggler is hunting a spirit (or grave)
10 cursed or joyous death priest is saying goodbye to a friend

More Encounters

There is a fantasy encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Cemetery and Tomb Encounters.

Fantasy Cemetery and Tomb Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy City Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

If you liked these there are Fantasy Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.