Fantasy Encounters, Hazards and NPCs for Ports and Docks
Fantasy City Fantasy Sea Fantasy Encounter Tables

Fantasy Encounters, Hazards and NPCs for Ports and Docks

Duncan Thomson
A seer in glittering robes is offers to interpret people's dreams. They also sell seashell charms that give good luck on the next journey.

Simple encounter tables for ports and docks in any fantasy setting. Tables for Port Encounter Prompts, Port Hazards & Distractions and Port Quick NPCs.

Fantasy Sea - all | trinkets | coastal encs | island encs | open sea encs | port encs | underwater encs

Fantasy City - all | trinkets | cemetery encs | market encs | port encs | ruins encs | sewer encs | street encs | tavern encs | crowds

[art by Henrik Karppinen]

Fantasy Port Encounters

Port encounters might be a gossiping fish seller, a con artist selling a boat or unhappy horses going on a ship. There might be a choking sea fog or noisy celebrations.

A place of ropes, barrels, boats and jetties, home to sailors just landed, hardworking dockers and wharf rats. A place of trade, fish, crates, swindlers, taverns, mariners and sea smells.

There is a fantasy sea encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Port Encounters.

Fantasy Dock Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy Sea Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

10 Port Encounter Prompts

1d1010 Port and Docks Encounter Prompts
1 A pair of rogues approaches the group, trying to sell them a ship. They have all the correct fake papers. The ship has been there a while.
2 Several unhappy horses (or cats) are being loaded onto a ship.
3 A charming translator is complimenting everyone and offering their services. If the group needs language then they can speak it.
4 A prosperous fish-seller does a brisk business in rumours and gossip.
5 A pair of sarcastic guards are stopping anyone looking out of place, looking for bribes in return for not making trouble.
6 A family desperately tries to raise money to board a ship leaving soon.
7 A seer in glittering robes is offers to interpret people's dreams. They also sell seashell charms that give good luck on the next journey.
8 A fur-clad archer is feeding their griffon mount lots of fish.
9 A friendly sea monster (or giant) is engaged in a splashing contest with a group of children (or sailors). People are treating it as normal.
10 Several aquatic traders emerge from the sea with goods and news.

Port Hazards and Distractions

1d10There is (or are)...
1 street celebrations or an annoying, persistent street seller
2 something in the water...
d10 (1-2. ship in trouble 3. a waving figure 4. impressive illusion
5. an ominous shape 6. a singing sea creature 7. a huge wave
8. someone drowning 9. a mist rolling in 10. swirling waters )
3 a race about to start or a skyship circling low over the port
4 a procession down to the water or a beached whale
5 there is the strong smell of ...
d10 (1-2. rotten fish 3. sewage 4. citrus fruits 5. something foul
6. smoke 7. decay 8. stale beer 9. cooking meat 10. something sweet)
6 a lively brawl that draws a crowd or a hailstorm
7 a choking sea fog or a fireworks display
8 sounds of ...
d10 (1-2. a fish seller 3. a sea shanty 4. an argument 5. tavern music
6. bells 7. drunk singing 8. a rowdy crowd 9. screaming 10. splashing)
9 people tying everything down ahead of a storm or a ship on fire
10 heavy rain and strong winds or a sign advertising free beer

Quick Port NPCs

1 reckless or goblin trader is part of a powerful guild (or cult)
2 sea elf or carousing envoy is sketching or waves at the group
3 tattooed or wererat officer loves gambling (or maps)
4 dwarf or superstitious dockworker flourishes a sword (or trident)
5 dashing or minotaur marine is with a few sailors (or thugs)
6 possessed or lucky adventurer has a loud pet monkey (or bird)
7 muscular or merfolk shipwright is devoted to a sea (or death) god
8 half-human or tired mage owns a ship or is full of rumours
9 cursing or halfling ship captain is spying on a ship (or the group)
10 lizardfolk or one-eyed pirate wears an outlandish hat (or coat)

More Encounters

There is a fantasy sea encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Port Encounters.

Fantasy Dock Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy Sea Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

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