Fantasy Encounter Prompts, Hazards and NPCs for Markets
Fantasy City Fantasy Encounter Tables Fantasy Hinterlands

Fantasy Encounter Prompts, Hazards and NPCs for Markets

Duncan Thomson
An abrasive mage has arrived late, setting up their stall. They need to make money quickly, exaggerating potions and charms they sell.

Simple encounter tables for markets in any fantasy setting. Tables for Market Encounter Prompts, Market Hazards & Distractions and Market Quick NPCs.

Fantasy Hinterlands - all | trinkets | farmland encs | hill encs | market encs | plains encs | road encs | tavern encs

Fantasy City - all | trinkets | cemetery encs | market encs | port encs | ruins encs | sewer encs | street encs | tavern encs | crowds

[art by Petr Joura]

Fantasy Market Encounters

Market encounters might be bailiffs trying to collect an unpopular tax, an argumentative minstrel with an ugly pet; or a youth with a billboard, interested in the group. There might be a a crowd forming at a stall with a sale or an auction with something interesting to group.

Light-fingered hands, escaped animals, wary stallholders, and smells of potent cheese or perfume. Places of cunning artisans, special announcements, flirtatious nobles and overturning wagons.

There is a fantasy encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Market Encounters.

Fantasy Market Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy City Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

10 Market Encounter Prompts

1d1010 Market Encounter Prompts
1 A gaunt hermit prophecizes the end of things in a rain of fire. Any who renounce wealth can be saved. A pair of assistants collect donations
2 Several rowdy apprentices drunkenly challenge each other to dares.
3 A handsome traveler buys supplies, asking about local seers. They are a shapechanging fiend, who sensed an item of great power in market.
4 An official with a pair of bailiffs is trying to collect an unpopular toll.
5 A young local wears a lurid billboard advertising a local business. They are desperate to escape their life, and take great interest in the group.
6 A pair of veteran guards patrol market, friendly and gossiping with all.
7 A local celebrity arrives in an ornate coach. A retired adventurer regarded as a hero here. They throw coins to an adoring crowd.
8 Several muleteers are celebrating, before their leader gets married.
9 An abrasive mage has arrived late, setting up their stall. They need to make money quickly, exaggerating potions and charms they sell.
10 A pair of rough cousins offer out mercenaries and other hirelings.

Market Hazards and Distractions

1d10There is (or are)...
1 something on fire and at risk of spreading or an impressive illusion
2 an event about to start, a(n)...
d10 (1-2. execution 3. ceremony 4. contest 5. special announcement
6. performance 7. race 8. procession 9. celebration 10. competition)
3 heavy rain or someone trying to sell their stall and stock in a hurry
4 out of control (or escaped) animals
5 the strong smell of ...
d10 (1-2. cooking meat 3. spices 4. fresh pies 5. manure
6. potent cheese 7. 8. spiced mead 9. fish 10. perfume)
6 crier with important news or a firework display begins
7 a sale at one stall, a crowd is forming there or a magnificent rainbow
8 sounds of ...
d10 (1-2. two rival sellers 3. a protest 4. clapping 5. raucous laughter
6. a distressed child 7. barking 8. arguing 9. a fleeing thief 10. music)
9 an angry mob forming or a wagon overturns, spilling sacks
10 an auction with something of interest to group or a loud accusation

Quick Market NPCs

1 opportunistic or elf merchant hands out samples (or leaflets)
2 nonhuman or penniless noble is looking for a friend (enemy)
3 argumentative or loud farmer is with apprentices (or thugs)
4 friendly or gullible priest wears bright jewellery (or boots)
5 drunk or reptilian artisan is a character's rival (or cousin)
6 foreign or gossiping minstrel is carrying a heavy sack (or box)
7 cunning or dwarf charlatan is with their partner (or ugly pet)
8 half-human or thieving mercenary has a tough decision to make
9 mounted or goblin scholar frantically hunts for something
10 travelling or flirtatious spy is part of a local guild (or faction)

More Encounters

There is a fantasy encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Market Encounters.

Fantasy Market Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy City Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

If you liked these there are Fantasy Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.