Fantasy Encounters, Hazards and NPCs for Deserts
Desert Fantasy Wilds Fantasy Encounter Tables

Fantasy Encounters, Hazards and NPCs for Deserts

Duncan Thomson
A talking vulture tries to gain the aid of the characters. It claims to serve a nearby sorcerer who is cursed with family problems.

Simple encounter tables for ports and docks in any fantasy setting. Tables for Desert Encounter Prompts, Desert Hazards & Distractions and Desert Quick NPCs.

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[photo by Tijs van Leur on Unsplash]

Fantasy Desert Encounters

Desert encounters might be a nomadic warriors wanting to avenge a feud, a bandit chief dying of a curse or a merchant selling camels. There might be an approaching sandstorm or the mirage of a golden tower.

A place of sand, camels, spirits and quicksand. Of dust devils, decay, heat, ruins, vultures and survival. Home to merciless warriors, scarred herders and undead.

There is a fantasy desert encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Desert Encounters.

Fantasy Desert Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy Wilds Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

10 Desert Encounter Prompts

1d1010 Desert Encounter Prompts
1 A merchant with a pair of guards and a camel (or pony) herd tries to sell a few to the characters. They are keen to get rid of a specific one.
2 A delirious adventurer is staked to the ground, left to die by bandits.
3 A fiery dwarf made of brass is forging an arm (or helmet) of metal. They ask the characters if any of them had strange dreams recently.
4 A group of mounted riders surrounds the group and demand a song.
5 A talking vulture tries to gain the aid of the characters. It claims to serve a nearby sorcerer who is cursed with family problems.
6 Nomadic warriors are planning an attack on a camp. Part of a feud.
7 A wagon pulled by skeletal horses (or camels) carries mounds of sand (or soil). There is no driver but runes flare up if anyone approaches.
8 Under the corpse of a giant lizard is a pair of glowing orange eggs.
9 A long train of mules protected by mounted warriors and a giant is heading to a city (or market). They welcome fellow travellers.
10 Several dessicated bodies surround an ornate coffin (or sarcophagus)

Desert Hazards and Distractions

1d10There is (or are)...
1 a large dust devil or a sudden rain storm
2 something out of place here, a(n)...
d10 (1-2. metal cage 3. block of ice 4. wooden hut 5. notice board
6. tree of fruit 7. theatre 8. dead fish 9. green wagon 10. lake)
3 large sinkhole or an approaching dust storm
4 howling winds or chasm disguised by an illusion
5 there is the strong smell of ...
d10 (1-2. something dead 3. clay 4. smoke 5. cactus blossom
6. something foul 7. sulphur 8. rain 9. herd animals 10. decay )
6 shrine cursed by local spirits or abandoned cart of diseased bodies
7 area of quicksand marked by skeletons or area devoid of magic
8 a mirage (or an illusion) of a(n)...
d10 (1-2. settlement 3. orchard 4. attractive person 5. golden tower
6. fresh water 7. group of tents 8. mountain 9. temple 10. ruin)
9 stampede of camels (or other herd animals); or extreme heat
10 approaching sandstorm (or tornado); or simple covered pit

Quick Desert NPCs

1 weathered or genie-kin pilgrim has a pet snake (or vulture)
2 snake-kin or inquisitive warrior speaks a dead (or magic) tongue
3 possessed or lizardfolk herder has glowing eyes (or hair)
4 goblinoid or unhappy elementalist is dying of a curse (or disease)
5 scarred or insect-folk scout wears a bronze mask (or chaain)
6 undead or athletic gladiator searches for an artifact (or ruin)
7 nomadic or birdfolk bandit chief is feuding with a local faction
8 half-human or restless death priest is on a camel (or chariot)
9 honourable or dwarf witch worships a death (or sun) god
10 lycanthrope or vigilant hunter plays a magical (or sacred) drum

More Encounters

There is a fantasy desert encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Desert Encounters.

Fantasy Desert Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy Wilds Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

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