Dungeons and Dragons Alliterative Adversaries. Urgent Urds to Zesty Zealots
Tables with Humour D&D Adventures D&D Encounters (2014)

Dungeons and Dragons Alliterative Adversaries. Urgent Urds to Zesty Zealots

Duncan Thomson
"an ugly underling, virulent vultures, a witty warlock, a yapping yulogoth and zany zombies

Tables for U to Z using alliteration to create ideas for encounters for Dungeons and Dragons.

[Image by Patrick Pullen]

Alliterative Adversaries U to Z for D&D

If you want a way to combine humour and unusual results to spark ideas for Dungeons and Dragons

Roll a d10 or choose once on each column to get an Adjective and an Adversary and combine. Or roll once using the Adjective and Adversary in that row.

There is a pdf of these and more tables on DM's Guild as Alliterative Adversaries - A-Z Ideas Tables.

Alliterative Adversaries A-Z on DM's Guild Quick Adventures Bundle on DM's Guild

D&D Alliterative Adversaries - A-E | F-J | K-O | P-T | U-Z

U is for An Unpredictable Unicorn

d10  Adjective Adversary
1 unpredictable or unpleasant unicorn or unit
2 underdark or unloved urds or undesirables
3 urgent or uncouth umber hulk or urchin undertaker
4 unique or uniformed undead or understudies
5 unshackled or unstable unknowns or underdogs
6 upstaging or ugly usurper or union
7 underwater or upbeat ultraloth or urd upholsterer
8 unbreakable or umbral urchins or upholders
9 uttering or ultraviolet ulitharid or unloader
10 upright or urban underling or ukulele utilizer

V is for a Vindictive Villain

d10  Adjective Adversary
1 vindictive or victorious villain or vampire vigilante
2 venomous or villainous vagabonds or volunteers
3 vigilant or vivid vrock or virus
4 visionary or visiting vendors or vultures
5 vehement or vengeful velociraptors or vipers
6 voracious or vampiric veteran or valet
7 virulent or vexing vegepygmies or vines
8 virtuous or vocal venturers or vargouilles
9 valorous or violet vampire or verminator
10 vibrant or venturesome vermin or vandals

W is for Winged Wights

d10  Adjective Adversary
1 winged or weapon wielding wights or winter wolves
2 wagering or wise wizard or wereboar warlock
3 wandering or water water weird or witch
4 wanted or wonderful wererats or wardens
5 wealthy or warlike warhorses or worgs
6 whispering or weird warlord or wyvern
7 witty or welcoming warlock or wastrilith
8 watchful or winter will-o'-wisps or warriors
9 weeping or wary wood woad or whaler
10 whimsical or wild werewolves or wasps

Y is for Yawning Yetis

d10  Adjective Adversary
1 yawning or yoked yetis or youths
2 yesteryear's or yelling yugoloths or yardworkers
3 yellow or yammering yagnoloth or yeth-hound
4 yapping or yachting yahoo or yuan-ti yokel
5 yucky or yanking yochlol or yew
6 yearning or yawing yak or yeti yachter
7 yakking or yodelling yodeler or Yeenoghu
8 youthful or yielding yuan-ti or yellowhammers
9 yummy or yowling youngsters or yakfolk
10 yelping or youngish yeller or yugoloth yearling

Z (and X) is a for Xanthic Xorn

d10  Adjective Adversary
1 xanthic or zombified xorn or zombie zealot
2 zapping or zoned zeppelin or zoologist
3 zonked or zygodactyl xvarts or Zhentarim
4 zesty or ziggurat zaratan or zebrafolk zapper
5 tsking or zircon zebras or xenophobes
6 xenophobic or zooming zombies or zephyrs
7 zig-zagging or zinging zealots or zebrafish
8 zippy or x-rated xarrorn or xenogogue
9 zinc or zeitgeist zookeeper or xvart xylophonist
10 zany or zealous zodar or Zuggtmoy

Alliterative Adversaries

There is a pdf of these and more tables on DM's Guild as Alliterative Adversaries - A-Z Ideas Tables.

Alliterative Adversaries A-Z on DM's Guild Quick Adventures Bundle on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.