Dungeons and Dragons Alliterative Adversaries. Faerie Fungi to Jinxed Jackals
Tables with Humour D&D Adventures D&D Encounters (2014)

Dungeons and Dragons Alliterative Adversaries. Faerie Fungi to Jinxed Jackals

Duncan Thomson
"flaming fanatics, guardian grells, a hypnotic hag, an impulsive illithid or jubliant jackalweres, "

Tables for F to J using alliteration to create ideas for encounters for Dungeons and Dragons.

[Image by Patrick Pullen]

Alliterative Adversaries F to J for D&D

If you want a way to combine humour and unusual results to spark ideas for Dungeons and Dragons

Roll a d10 or choose once on each column to get an Adjective and an Adversary and combine. Or roll once using the Adjective and Adversary in that row.

There is a pdf of these and more tables on DM's Guild as Alliterative Adversaries - A-Z Ideas Tables.

Alliterative Adversaries A-Z on DM's Guild Quick Adventures Bundle on DM's Guild

D&D Alliterative Adversaries - A-E | F-J | K-O | P-T | U-Z

F is for Frolicking Flumphs

d10  Adjective Adversary
1 frolicking or frightened flumphs or frogs
2 flashy or flamboyant familiar or froghemoth
3 famous or forge fey or fish
4 flaming or forest firbolgs or phantoms
5 phase or phantasmal flameskull or phoenix
6 flirtatious or flying fiends or friends
7 feywild or fireballing fungi or firenewts
8 fearsome or furious fanatics or folk
9 frost or fathomless fighter or fairy
10 faerie or fire formorian or flind

G is for Gooselike Goblins

d10  Adjective Adversary
1 gooselike or gallivanting goblins or ghasts
2 grinning or grave gorgon or gladiator
3 glamorous or gullible guards or griffons
4 guardian or glowing gargoyles or grungs
5 gleaming or green grimlocks or girallons
6 gloomy or ghostly grells or goliaths
7 grassland or glorious ghost or gauth
8 gold or grotesque githyanki or genasi
9 grieving or gray glabrezu or gazer
10 greedy or guild ghouls or goats

H is for a Hoarding Helmed Horror

d10  Adjective Adversary
1 hoarding or horned helmed horror or hezrou
2 hostile or hustling hook horrors or halflings
3 hellfire or hopeful hobgoblins or hadrosauruses
4 heretical or hideous hippogriffs or horses
5 hysterical or happy hell hounds or hermits
6 hypnotic or honorable homunculus or hero
7 hungry or hateful hexblade or howler
8 horrifying or horizon hag or hydra
9 half-horse or hill harpies or harengons
10 honking or hallucinating hyenas or hunters

I is for an Insulting Illusionist

d10  Adjective Adversary
1 insulting or intimidating illusionist or inquisitor
2 insatiable or indestructable illithid or infiltrator
3 infernal or improvising innkeeper or interrogator
4 insectoid or identical incubus or idiot
5 impulsive or illuminated imps or islanders
6 indigo or improvising insects or infantry
7 invisible or intellectual investigator or instrumentalist
8 incredible or illusory inventor or inspector
9 iron or inventive illusion or investor
10 impatient or intercepting initiates or ice-imps

J (and a few G- and dj) is for Jumping Jellies

d10  Adjective Adversary
1 jumping or jealous jellies or juveniles
2 jinxed or jaunty giants or jokers
3 jubilant or jilted jaguar or Juiblex
4 jeweled or gemlike jesters or jailors
5 jittery or joyous djinni or juggler
6 gentle or giant gynosphinx or justicar
7 joking or judgmental jellyfish or giff
8 jabbering or jousting judge or jeweler
9 gelatinous or jazzy jackalweres or genies
10 jigging or jellified jackals or jockeys

Alliterative Adversaries

There is a pdf of these and more tables on DM's Guild as Alliterative Adversaries - A-Z Ideas Tables.

Alliterative Adversaries A-Z on DM's Guild Quick Adventures Bundle on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.