"A fire giant desperately searches the beach for a lost wedding ring."
Tables for Non-Combat Encounters, Quick NPCs and Hazards & Obstacles for Coastal terrain. Result is from Coastal Non-Combat Encounters.
Non-combat by terrain - arctic | coastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban
[Photo by Luke Smyth on Unsplash]
Coastal Non-Combat, NPCs & Hazards
Many meet at the shores of land and sea. A berserker may ask your opinions of sand sculptures or a barnacled treant may give unsolicited advice. Meet NPCs from a down-on-their-luck boatmaker to a lone pirate with a map. Deal with ships in trouble, storms and bubbling tar pits.
There is a 5e coastal random encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Coastal Encounters.
Coastal Encounter Tables - creatures (2014) | creatures (2024) | locations | non-combat | enhancements
Coastal Non-Combat Encounters
1d8+1d12 | Coastal Non-Combat Encounters |
2 | Two druids are proving they can climb steep cliffs without magic. |
3 | Several ogres in animal costumes are practicing a play. They are excited to find anyone who can play instruments. |
4 | A few tribal warriors (or tortles - VGtM) are scavenging for interesting objects to decorate an almost finished boat. |
5 | A barnacled treant is enjoying the view. Is free with unhelpful advice. |
6 | A doppelganger artist is drawing a mimic in a variety of poses. |
7 | Several commoner servants set up a pavilion for a noble and a few guards. The noble asks about local sights and important people. |
8 | A fire giant desperately searches the beach for a lost wedding ring. |
9 | A group of acolytes search beach debris for offerings to a sea god. |
10 | A long-haired berserker is making detailed sand sculptures as part of a spiritual journey. Asks group for opinions and talks about dreams. |
11 | A patrol of guards dare comrades to swim to a rock in rough waters. |
12 | Family of gnome commoners are on a picnic. They have a variety of clockwork toys and offer to share their food. Seagulls harass them. |
13 | A friendly bandit with a few mastiffs is searching the beach for a sea cave entrance. It is marked on a crude map. |
14 | Sentient seaweed (vine blight stats) asks to be sung sea shanties |
15 | Several kenku smugglers with rowing boats are waiting to meet contacts. Offer the group interesting trinkets and substances. |
16 | A few wights are swimming out to a shipwreck, repeating past events. They talk of putting spirits and bodies to a proper rest. |
17 | A few bronze dragon hatchlings play in shallows, minded by an adult. |
18 | A talking helmed horror is organising a fishing competition on the beach. A few locals and sea creatures are ready to start. |
19 | A choir of singing merfolk with an aarakocra drummer have attracted a crowd of admiring animals. |
20 | A sea jelly (ochre jelly with Int 8, swim 20 ft. ) talks of being cursed by a hag. They hunt for a crystal cave where curse can be lifted. |
Coastal Quick NPCs
1d4+1d6 | Coastal Quick NPCs |
2 | Bolhild is a well-muscled dwarf mage with a dazzling smile. They are selling battered cooked fish but will accept any kind of payment. |
3 | Malno is a restless druid herbalist in seaweed garments. They are attempting to meditate and talk about the traits of nearby seaweed. |
4 | Ulla is a scarred merchant and spy with an aggressive monkey. They collect interesting trinkets and are interested in what the group have. |
5 | Harrow is a tiefling pirate (bandit stats) with a set of maps. They ask about local landmarks they are matching to a particular map. |
6 | Jasmal is a fiery demon hunter scout with an impressive angel tattoo. They are hunting for a young griffon or other flying mount to train |
7 | Ariemne is a slender boatmaker commoner with sturdy knee-high boots. They like working with wood and are down on their luck. |
8 | Riardon is a dramatic wererat with a collection of paddles and boards . They love challenges and have a bet for one of the characters. |
9 | Nagrette is a shipwrecked gladiator with a glowing gemstone circlet. They have an imaginary friend and will seek help at the nearest tavern. |
10 | Imzel is a talkative cult fanatic who keeps staring into the distance. They are passionate about octopi and other tentacled creatures. |
Coastal Hazards and Obstacles
1d8+1d12 | Coastal Hazards and Obstacles |
2 | A tidal cave (or maelstrom) that acts as a portal to the Plane of Water (or Air) |
3 | An avalanche near or by the PCs |
4 | An old shrine (or statue) that can cause a curse (or geas) |
5 | An abandoned rowing boat with recent tracks leading away |
6 | A Falling Net trap (DMG pg 122) |
7 | Thunder and lightning |
8 | Heavy (or sudden) flooding or a maelstrom |
9 | A heavy (or ghostly) mist or fog descends around party |
10 | A ship in trouble (being attacked, on fire, sinking) |
11 | Strong Wind (DMG pg 110) |
12 | An area of quicksand (DMG pg 110) or a ghost ship |
13 | Bloated humanoid (or beast) corpses infected with disease |
14 | Signs of something dangerous. Recent tracks or other marks of... (roll or choose from Coastal Encounters Levels 11+) |
15 | Heavy rain (or sleet) (Heavy Precipitation, DMG pg 110) |
16 | One or more tar pits (similar to quicksand but flammable) |
17 | A gigantic wave (as tsunami spell) |
18 | Strong winds and heavy rain (DMG pg 110) |
19 | Swarm of harmless insects surround and follow party. Reduce visibility and make many tasks harder |
20 | A weird mass of seaweed that acts as Brown Mold (DMG pg 105) |
More Encounters
There is a 5e coastal random encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Coastal Encounters.
If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.