Coastal Encounters for D&D 2024
D&D Encounters (2024) Coastal D&D Sea

Coastal Encounters for D&D 2024

Duncan Thomson
"This rocky beach has several small piles of dead fish. Several manticores wheel above the waves and stand in the shallows. A particularly large one watches the others from the high-tide mark."

Updated Coastal encounters using D&D 2024 Monster Manual. Also a D&D 2014 version. Tables for Coastal Creatures (levels 1-4, 5-10, 11+), Beasts, Aquatic Beasts, Beaches, Monsters and Spirits.

All terrains - arcticcoastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | jungle | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban | all dnd 2024 encs

[Photo by Luke Smyth on Unsplash]

Coastal Encounters

Coastal encounters bring visions of sandy dunes, steep cliffs, pebble beaches and tidal caves. Maybe encounters take place in a ruined lighthouse, haunted shipwreck or abandoned roc's nest.

A meeting place between the world of the water and land they are a place of travellers, watchful guardians and those who make their living from the sea.

There is a 5e coastal random encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Coastal Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

Coastal Encounter Tables - creatures (2014) | creatures (2024) | locations | non-combat | enhancements

Coastal Levels 1-4

1d8+1d12Coastal Levels 1-4
2 1 dragon wyrmling (bronze or blue) or 1 banshee
3 1d2 manticores or 1 merrenoloth (MotM) with a boat
4 1d3 plesiosauruses or roll on Beach Encounters lvl 1-4
5 1d6 scouts with a rowing boat or 2d4+2 tortles (MotM)
6 1d3 merrow or roll on Monsters lvl 1-4
7 2d4 pirates (bandits) and 1 bandit captain or 2d6 dolphins (MotM)
8 1d6 lizardfolk scouts and canoes or roll on Beach Encounters lvl 1-4
9 2d6 giant crabs or 2d4 dimetrodons (MotM)
10 2d4 mud mephits or roll on Spirits lvl 1-4
11 1d6 commoners with a boat or roll on Humanoids
12 2d4 merfolk skirmishers or 1 swashbuckler (MotM)
13 1d4 giant toads or roll on Beasts
14 2d6 warrior infantry or 1 deep scion (MotM)
15 1d4+1 giant lizards or roll on Beasts
16 1d6 sahuagin warriors or roll on Sahuagin lvl 1-4
17 2d6 stirges or 1d4 sea spawn (MotM)
18 2d4 kobold warriors & 1d2 giant wolf spiders or roll on Kobolds
19 1d4 giant eagles or 2d4 pteranodons
20 1 sea hag or 1 archer (MotM) on a quetzalcoatlus (MotM)

Coastal Levels 5-10

1d8+1d12Coastal Levels 5-10
2 1 djinni or 1 morkoth (MotM)
3 1 ship (or wreck) with 2d6+6 pirates (bandits) and 1d3 bandit captains or 2d4 deep scions (MotM)
4 1 young blue dragon or 1 stone giant dreamwalker (MotM)
5 2d6 sahuagin warriors & 1 sahuagin baron or roll on Sahuagin (5-10)
6 1d3 water elementals or 1 young bronze dragon
7 3d6 sahuagin warriors & 1 sahuagin priest or roll on Sahuagin (5-10)
8 2d6 merrow or roll on Beach Encounters lvl 5-10
9 3d6 warrior infantry and 1d4 berserkers in a boat or 1 canoloth (MotM) guarding the area
10 1 cyclops sentry with 2d4 giant goats or roll on Beach Encs. lvl 5-10
11 Roll on Coastal lvl 1-4 or 3d6 cultists led by 1 kraken priest (MotM)
12 2d6 pirates and 1 pirate captain or 2d6 plesiosauruses
13 1d3 water elementals and 2d4 mud mephits or roll on Spirits lvl 5-10
14 1d4 air elementals or 3d6 tortles (MotM) led by 1 tortle druid (TMoF)
15 1d4+2 manticores or roll on Monsters lvl 5-10
16 1d6+1 veteran warriors or 4d6 kobold warriors with 1d4+1 kobold dragonshields (MotM) and 1d2 kobold scale sorcerers (MotM)
17 Coven of 3 sea hags or roll on Spirits lvl 5-10
18 1d2 hydras; or 2d4 toughs, 1d4 scouts and 1 swashbuckler (MotM)
19 1d4 sea trolls (swim 30 ft) or roll on Monsters lvl 5-10
20 1 marid or 1 spirit troll (MotM)

Coastal Levels 11+

1d8+1d12Coastal Levels 11+
2 1 adult bronze dragon or 1 leviathan (MotM)
3 1 marid and 1d4 water elementals or 1 nagpa (MotM)
4 2 young bronze dragons or 1 storm giant with 1d3 griffons
5 1 marid or 1 stone giant dreamwalker (MotM) with 1d2 stone giants
6 2d6+6 merrow and 1 sea hag or 1d3+1 lonely sorrowsworn (MotM)
7 2d4 air elementals or 1 frost giant everlasting one (MotM)
8 3d6+10 sahuagin warriors, 1 sahuagin priest and 1 sahuagin baron
9 2d4 water elementals or 1 wastrilith (MotM)
10 2d6 veteran warriors with a boat or 1 storm giant quintessent (MotM)
11 Roll on Coastal lvl 5-10 or 1 balhannoth (MotM)
12 1 dragon turtle or 1d2 elemental cultists with 2d6 cultist fanatics
13 1 pirate admiral with 4d6 pirates or 1 morkoth (MotM)
14 1 cyclops oracle with 1d4 cyclops sentries or 2d6+2 manticores
15 1d2 storm giants or 1d3+1 spirit trolls (MotM)
16 2 young blue dragons or 1 blue abishai (MotM)
17 1 storm giant mounted on a roc or 1 djinni
18 Coven of 3 sea hags with 2d6 merrow or 1d2 eidolons (MotM)
19 1 adult blue dragon or 1 animal lord
20 1 kraken or 1 elder tempest (MotM)

Coastal Beasts (Levels 1-4)

1d8+1d12Coastal Beasts (Levels 1-4)
2 1 saltwater giant crocodile
3 1 pseudodragon or 1d2 manticores
4 2d4 blood hawks
5 2d4 giant venomous snakes or 2d6 ponies
6 2d4 pteranodons
7 1 giant octopus or roll on Aquatic Beasts
8 1d4+1 saltwater crocodiles
9 1d3 plesiosauruses or roll on Aquatic Beasts
10 2d4 giant wolf spiders or 2d4 dimetrodons (MotM)
11 2d6 giant crabs or roll on Aquatic Beasts
12 1d4+1 giant lizards
13 1d4 giant toads
14 2d6 stirges or 2d6 dolphins (MotM)
15 1 archelon or 1 swarm of crabs (swarm of insects)
16 1d2 brown bears or 1d2 quetzalcoatluses (MotM)
17 2d4 giant crabs and 1 swarm of crabs (swarm of insects)
18 1d4 giant seagulls (giant vultures) or 1 giant constrictor snake
19 1d2 griffons
20 1d4 giant eagles

Aquatic Beasts (Levels 1-4)

1d4+1d6Aquatic Beasts (Levels 1-4)
2 2d4 aquatic giant venomous snakes (swim speed 30 ft)
3 1d2 killer whales
4 1d4 giant octopi or 2d4 dimetrodons (MotM)
5 1d4+1 reef sharks
6 2d6 giant crabs or or 2d6 dolphins (MotM)
7 1d6 giant seahorses
8 1d3 plesiosauruses or 1d3 hunter sharks
9 1 archelon
10 1d3 swarms of pirahnas or 1 giant shark

Beach Encounters (Levels 1-4)

1d4+1d6Beach Encounters (Levels 1-4)
2 1 marid or 1d4 sea trolls (swim 30 ft, hold breath up to 10 minutes)
3 Coven of 3 sea hags or roll on Monsters lvl 5-10
4 2d6+3 cultists with 1d4+1 cultist fanatics and 1 priest and a boat with fiendish sigils;
5 2d6 merrow or 1 pirate captain with 2d6 pirates
6 3d6 sahuagin warriors led by 1d2 sahuagin priests or 1d2 kraken priests (MotM) with 3d6 cultists
7 1d2 cyclops sentries with... 1d4 giant toads (or roll on Beasts)
8 Seaweed with 1 tree blight & 1d4+1 vine blights; or 1d6 chuuls
9 1d2 hydras or roll on Monsters lvl 5-10
10 1 basking young dragon (blue or bronze)

Beach Encounters (Levels 5-10)

1d4+1d6Beach Encounters (Levels 5-10)
2 1 marid or 1d4 sea trolls (swim 30 ft, hold breath up to 10 minutes)
3 Coven of 3 sea hags or roll on Monsters lvl 5-10
4 2d6+3 cultists with 1d4+1 cultist fanatics and 1 priest and a boat with fiendish sigils;
5 2d6 merrow or 1 pirate captain with 2d6 pirates
6 3d6 sahuagin warriors led by 1d2 sahuagin priests or 1d2 kraken priests (MotM) with 3d6 cultists
7 1d2 cyclops sentries with... 1d4 giant toads (or roll on Beasts)
8 Seaweed with 1 tree blight & 1d4+1 vine blights; or 1d6 chuuls
9 1d2 hydras or roll on Monsters lvl 5-10
10 1 basking young dragon (blue or bronze)

Coastal Spirits (Levels 1-4)

1d4+1d6Coastal Spirits (Levels 1-4)
2 1 air elemental or 1 water elemental
3 2d4 steam mephits or 1 shipwrecked ghost
4 1 sea hag
5 2d4 mud mephits or 1d2 vampiric mists (MotM)
6 1 water weird
7 1d4+1 ice mephits or 1d4 dust mephits
8 1d3 pegasi or 1d2 poltergeists
9 1 banshee or 2d4 animated sea objects (flying sword)
10 1 helmed horror

Coastal Spirits (Levels 5-10)

1d4+1d6Coastal Spirits (Levels 5-10)
2 1 marid
3 1d4 air elementals or 1 water elemental with 1d4 water weirds
4 1 wraith and 2d4 specters or 1 frost salamander (MotM)
5 1d3 wind spirits (invisible stalker) or 1 lonely sorrowsworn (MotM)
6 1d2 merfolk wavebenders and 1d3 archelons or 1 haunting revenant
7 1d4 water elementals or 3d6 mephits (mix of steam, mud, ice & dust)
8 1 air elemental and 1d6 pegasi
9 Coven of 3 sea hags or 1 mist giant (cloud giant)
10 1 djinni or 1 spirit troll (MotM)

Coastal Monsters (Levels 1-4)

1d4+1d6Coastal Monsters (Levels 1-4)
2 1 sea troll (swim 30 ft, hold breath up to 10 minutes)
3 2d4 shipwrecked zombies or 1d4 gray oozes
4 2d4 mud mephits or roll on Spirits lvl 1-4
5 1 sea jelly (ochre jelly, swim 10 ft.) or 1d2 manticores
6 1d3 merrow or 1d4 cockatrices
7 1d3 griffons or 1 deep scion (MotM)
8 2d4 awakened seaweeds (awakened shrub) or 1d2 swarms of stirges
9 1 blue pudding (black pudding, swim 20 ft.) or 1 chuul
10 1 mass of sentient seaweed (shambling mound) or 1 bulette

Coastal Monsters (Levels 5-10)

1d4+1d6Coastal Monsters (Levels 1-4)
2 1 young dragon (blue or bronze) or 1 morkoth (MotM)
3 2d6 merrow pr 1d2 canoloths (MotM)
4 1d3 wind spirits (invisible stalker) or roll on Spirits lvl 5-10
5 1d2 hydras or 1d2 tree blights
6 1d4+1 chuuls or 1 cyclops oracle
7 1d4+2 manticores or 1 cockatrice regent
8 1d4 sea trolls (swim 30 ft, hold breath up to 10 minutes)
9 2d6 griffons or 1 hydroloth (MotM)
10 1d4 sentient seaweeds (shambling mound) or 1 balhannoth (MotM)

More Encounters

There is a 5e coastal random encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Coastal Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.