Alesonne Bethoc, Hendrie Ramsey, Grizel Hailes, Wallace MacFarlain, Jenet Clyde, Aymer Strathearn
More British Fantasy Names with Medieval Scottish Names. Tables for 200 Scottish Medieval Personal Names and Medieval Scottish Surnames and Placenames
[Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash]
Scottish Medieval Names
Medieval Scottish names included many Scottish Gaelic names, and using Surnames became more common over time. Related names include Pictish and Old Norse.
Surnames in Scotland became more popular, and included Scottish Gaelic Bynames. Many Scottish surnames came from settlements and regions.
For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.
Scottish Personal Names
anglo-saxon | cornish | med-english | med-scot | med-welsh | norman | old danish | old irish | old norse | old welsh | pict | roman | romano-british | scot-gaelic | occupations
d100 | Female Names | Male Names |
1 | Abigall | Adamnán |
2 | Acha | Aedie |
3 | Aileen | Alan |
4 | Ailice | Alexander |
5 | Ailsa | Allistor |
6 | Aithbhreac | Alpin |
7 | Alesonne | Andrew |
8 | Allissaid | Angus |
9 | Annabel | Archibald |
10 | Annas | Arran |
11 | Arabella | Auley |
12 | Athol | Aymer |
13 | Bathia | Beel |
14 | Beatie | Beolin |
15 | Beigis | Blair |
16 | Besseta | Bróccin |
17 | Bethóc | Bruce |
18 | Burunild | Callum |
19 | Calumina | Chairlie |
20 | Cannie | Cináed |
21 | Catriona | Colban |
22 | Christane | Colin |
23 | Claray | Craig |
24 | Conchenn | Cuilén |
25 | Davina | Darroch |
26 | Deredere | Dauniel |
27 | Dervorgilla | David |
28 | Donella | Davock |
29 | Dorathia | Dawy |
30 | Dorie | Donald |
31 | Ealusaid | Dougal |
32 | Eby | Douglas |
33 | Effie | Duncan |
34 | Eiley | Edwart |
35 | Eilidh | Euan |
36 | Eisia | Fergus |
37 | Elsbeth | Findláech |
38 | Elspa | Fraser |
39 | Eschina | Gamelin |
40 | Eufemie | Gaubriel |
41 | Extilda | Geordock |
42 | Ferelith | Gilleandrais |
43 | Finnola | Gillebride |
44 | Fiona | Giric |
45 | Forbflaith | Gospatric |
46 | Forsy | Gotherum |
47 | Fynvola | Gowan |
48 | Gelis | Graeme |
49 | Girsell | Greig |
50 | Grizel | Gylmyne |
51 | Gruoch | Hakkie |
52 | Hextilda | Hamish |
53 | Iona | Hendrie |
54 | Isla | Hughoc |
55 | Isobella | Iain |
56 | Jamesina | Indulf |
57 | Jean | Jaik |
58 | Jeandag | James |
59 | Jenet | Jarm |
60 | Katren | Johne |
61 | Kenna | Jovis |
62 | Kennocha | Kenneth |
63 | Kirstin | Lamond |
64 | Maidlin | Latharn |
65 | Mailie | Lowrans |
66 | Maisie | Ludan |
67 | Malina | Lulach |
68 | Mariory | Mairten |
69 | Mariota | Malcolm |
70 | Marsle | Maldouen |
71 | Mary | Malise |
72 | Mauth | Mungo |
73 | Merraid | Murdoch |
74 | Morag | Niall |
75 | Morven | Ninian |
76 | Moyra | Odart |
77 | Murreall | Paitrick |
78 | Nansie | Peemser |
79 | Nelzie | Rabbin |
80 | Osla | Raibeart |
81 | Rabina | Ranald |
82 | Reyta | Rasmar |
83 | Rhona | Ross |
84 | Rieinmelth | Ruadh |
85 | Rinalde | Sammel |
86 | Rodina | Sawney |
87 | Senga | Seemon |
88 | Shanet | Sholto |
89 | Shona | Shug |
90 | Shoosan | Steenie |
91 | Sidheag | Stuart |
92 | Sorcha | Tam |
93 | Suanach | Tavish |
94 | Thebe | Thorfinn |
95 | Tibbie | Tirval |
96 | Triduana | Ulchel |
97 | Vanora | Undewyn |
98 | Veyatie | Wallace |
99 | Wyolet | Wauter |
100 | Ysenda | William |
Medieval Scottish Surnames and Placenames
d100 | Medieval Surnames | Scottish Placenames |
1 | Alardyce | Abercrombie |
2 | Bair | Abernathy |
3 | Baird | Alchorn |
4 | Balfour | Alford |
5 | Blair | Argyll |
6 | Bogle | Arnott |
7 | Bonar | Bankhead |
8 | Bowie | Begbie |
9 | Boyd | Bilsland |
10 | Braid | Bonhill |
11 | Bremner | Borthwick |
12 | Bruce | Breckinridge |
13 | Burns | Buchanan |
14 | Byers | Busby |
15 | Cairns | Callander |
16 | Cameron | Cargill |
17 | Campbell | Cathcart |
18 | Carrick | Chisholm |
19 | Caruthers | Cochrane |
20 | Chatton | Coutts |
21 | Clelland | Craigmile |
22 | Clerihew | Cunningham |
23 | Clyde | Dalglas |
24 | Cockburn | Dalrymple |
25 | Cruickshank | Darrow |
26 | Dalziel | Denholm |
27 | Dee | Drummond |
28 | Douglas | Dumfries |
29 | Drum | Dunbar |
30 | Duguid | Dundee |
31 | Dunwoody | Dundermore |
32 | Ellicot | Dunmore |
33 | Erskine | Eaglesham |
34 | Fairbairn | Edmonstone |
35 | Faries | Elgin |
36 | Ferrier | Errol |
37 | Firth | Foubister |
38 | Fletcher | Gladstone |
39 | Flett | Glendenning |
40 | Forbes | Gordon |
41 | Forsythe | Guthrie |
42 | Fraser | Hailes |
43 | Galbraith | Haliburton |
44 | Gall | Harwood |
45 | Gilroy | Hepburn |
46 | Glenn | Hinshelwood |
47 | Gow | Inverarity |
48 | Grieve | Irvine |
49 | Hamilton | Kelso |
50 | Hay | Kenmuir |
51 | Holliday | Kilgore |
52 | Innes | Kinnaird |
53 | Keith | Kiskadden |
54 | Kerr | Lauder |
55 | Kewish | Leask |
56 | Knox | Leckey |
57 | Laird | Linklater |
58 | Lennox | Maxwell |
59 | Leslie | Melrose |
60 | Lindsay | Menteith |
61 | Lister | Johnstone |
62 | Lochhead | Moffat |
63 | MacClellan | Moncreiff |
64 | MacDonell | Motherwell |
65 | MacDuff | Muirhead |
66 | MacFarlain | Nairn |
67 | MacKenzie | Neill |
68 | MacLean | Nesbitt |
69 | MacLeod | Ogilvie |
70 | MacQuarrie | Paisley |
71 | McKay | Peebles |
72 | McKendrick | Pennycuik |
73 | Milne | Pinkerton |
74 | Montgomery | Pittendrigh |
75 | Muir | Pollock |
76 | Munro | Ralston |
77 | Murdoch | Rattray |
78 | Murray | Rippath |
79 | Napier | Reidfuyrd |
80 | Ness | Rendall |
81 | Orr | Renfrew |
82 | Purvis | Galloway |
83 | Quayle | Rusby |
84 | Ramsey | Rutherford |
85 | Riddick | Caithness |
86 | Rose | Seatter |
87 | Ross | Souness |
88 | Roy | Stirling |
89 | Scott | Strachan |
90 | Shaw | Strathearn |
91 | Sinclair | Sutherland |
92 | Somerville | Tannahill |
93 | Stewart | Todrick |
94 | Taggart | Torrance |
95 | Tennant | Tulloch |
96 | Tyree | Wedderburn |
97 | Urquhart | Mull |
98 | Veitch | Whitelaw |
99 | Wallace | Whithorn |
100 | Wardrop | Zuill |
More Place Names
For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.
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