British Fantasy Names: Picts
British Fantasy System Neutral Tables Names

British Fantasy Names: Picts

Duncan Thomson
Ligach merch Coblaith, Drest, Trefgid nic Rieinmelth, Uurguist map Castantin, Fortreu, Garthnac mab Oengus

More British Fantasy Names with Pictish Names. Tables for 200 Pictish Personal Names.

[Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash]

Pictish Names

The Picts were a group of peoples living in the north of Britain, from the time of the Romans until around the 10th century CE. Related names include Medieval Scots

Much is unknown about the Picts, and the lists of names is sparse. Many of the female names have been constructed and adapted from tribes, regions, unreliable sources and other Pictish names. List of

They likely used patronyms, but the particulars are unknown. I've gone with using "map" or "mab" for son of, and "nic" and "merch" for daughter of.

For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.

Fantasy British Names on DriveThru RPG British Fantasy Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Pictish Personal Names

anglo-saxon | cornish | med-english | med-scot | med-welsh | norman | old danish | old irish | old norse | old welsh | pict | roman | romano-british | scot-gaelic | occupations

d100 Female Names Male Names
1 Acha Aed
2 Aebbe Aenbecan 
3 Aife Ainfthech 
4 Aine Allcallorred 
5 Aislinn Alpin
6 Alpia Aodh
7 Aperfind Biceot
8 Artis Breth 
9 Attawen Bridei
10 Banba Broichan 
11 Bili Bruide
12 Brianna Cailtram
13 Brigantia Caltram
14 Brigid Cano
15 Brinchoem Carnach
16 Cadi Carvorst
17 Caerelei Castantin 
18 Caintigern Cenel
19 Caledenni Cennalath
20 Cean Cimoiod 
21 Circach Cinadhon
22 Coblaith Cináed
23 Coededa Cinioch
24 Conchenn Conall
25 Cuhach Conamail
26 Darerca Congus
27 Darlugdach Crautreic 
28 Datr Crup
29 Derelei Curetán
30 Derile Dargart
31 Domelch Deileroith
32 Drusticc Denbecan
33 Eithne Deocillimon 
34 Enfleda Deort 
35 Eormenbroicc Derilei
36 Eriu Domelch
37 Ethnefind Donuel
38 Ethni Drest
39 Eurgein Drosten
40 Feidelm Eddarrnonn 
41 Ferada Entifidich
42 Fial Eoganan
43 Fibne Erp
44 Fidach Ferach
45 Fina Feradach
46 Findchoem Fergusa
47 Findscuap Feroth
48 Fortreu Fillan
49 Fotla Finnguine
50 Gartnenna Foith
51 Gesticc Fokel
52 Girom Gailtram
53 Gruoch Galam
54 Guenor Garthnac
55 Guinwen Gartnait
56 Iragein Gede 
57 Kentigerna Gest 
58 Lebarcham Giric
59 Ligach Girom
60 Llanor Guipno
61 Lonc Irb 
62 Lonceta Kelhiran
63 Luan Luchtren
64 Maeata Lutrin
65 Maela Maelchon
66 Maelmair Moneit
67 Maelmuire Mordeleg
68 Maeneda Morgunn
69 Mairgein Morleo 
70 Maithgemm Muircholach
71 Medan Murlach
72 Modwen Murtolic
73 Moina Nachlan
74 Monenna Naiton
75 Mongfind Ninniau
76 Morgainn Oengus
77 Morudad Pidarnoin
78 Nadbroicc Selbach
79 Nainc Simul
80 Nectudad Taidg
81 Oda Talorc
82 Onneca Talorgan
83 Pantenna Taran
84 Penla Ternan
85 Pictla Tharain
86 Pridi Uerb
87 Rieinmelth Uid
88 Ronnat Uist 
89 Scathach Unen
90 Sulis   Unuar
91 Talorca Uoret
92 Tea Uradech
93 Teneu Uudrost
94 Trefgid Uuirp
95 Triduana Uuredech
96 Trista Uurguist
97 Uractigerna Uuroid
98 Uuceta Uvan 
99 Uudigern Vipoig
100 Verturna Vurgist

More Place Names

For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.

Fantasy British Names on DriveThru RPG British Fantasy Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

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