Ligach merch Coblaith, Drest, Trefgid nic Rieinmelth, Uurguist map Castantin, Fortreu, Garthnac mab Oengus
More British Fantasy Names with Pictish Names. Tables for 200 Pictish Personal Names.
[Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash]
Pictish Names
The Picts were a group of peoples living in the north of Britain, from the time of the Romans until around the 10th century CE. Related names include Medieval Scots
Much is unknown about the Picts, and the lists of names is sparse. Many of the female names have been constructed and adapted from tribes, regions, unreliable sources and other Pictish names. List of
They likely used patronyms, but the particulars are unknown. I've gone with using "map" or "mab" for son of, and "nic" and "merch" for daughter of.
For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.
Pictish Personal Names
anglo-saxon | cornish | med-english | med-scot | med-welsh | norman | old danish | old irish | old norse | old welsh | pict | roman | romano-british | scot-gaelic | occupations
d100 | Female Names | Male Names |
1 | Acha | Aed |
2 | Aebbe | Aenbecan |
3 | Aife | Ainfthech |
4 | Aine | Allcallorred |
5 | Aislinn | Alpin |
6 | Alpia | Aodh |
7 | Aperfind | Biceot |
8 | Artis | Breth |
9 | Attawen | Bridei |
10 | Banba | Broichan |
11 | Bili | Bruide |
12 | Brianna | Cailtram |
13 | Brigantia | Caltram |
14 | Brigid | Cano |
15 | Brinchoem | Carnach |
16 | Cadi | Carvorst |
17 | Caerelei | Castantin |
18 | Caintigern | Cenel |
19 | Caledenni | Cennalath |
20 | Cean | Cimoiod |
21 | Circach | Cinadhon |
22 | Coblaith | Cináed |
23 | Coededa | Cinioch |
24 | Conchenn | Conall |
25 | Cuhach | Conamail |
26 | Darerca | Congus |
27 | Darlugdach | Crautreic |
28 | Datr | Crup |
29 | Derelei | Curetán |
30 | Derile | Dargart |
31 | Domelch | Deileroith |
32 | Drusticc | Denbecan |
33 | Eithne | Deocillimon |
34 | Enfleda | Deort |
35 | Eormenbroicc | Derilei |
36 | Eriu | Domelch |
37 | Ethnefind | Donuel |
38 | Ethni | Drest |
39 | Eurgein | Drosten |
40 | Feidelm | Eddarrnonn |
41 | Ferada | Entifidich |
42 | Fial | Eoganan |
43 | Fibne | Erp |
44 | Fidach | Ferach |
45 | Fina | Feradach |
46 | Findchoem | Fergusa |
47 | Findscuap | Feroth |
48 | Fortreu | Fillan |
49 | Fotla | Finnguine |
50 | Gartnenna | Foith |
51 | Gesticc | Fokel |
52 | Girom | Gailtram |
53 | Gruoch | Galam |
54 | Guenor | Garthnac |
55 | Guinwen | Gartnait |
56 | Iragein | Gede |
57 | Kentigerna | Gest |
58 | Lebarcham | Giric |
59 | Ligach | Girom |
60 | Llanor | Guipno |
61 | Lonc | Irb |
62 | Lonceta | Kelhiran |
63 | Luan | Luchtren |
64 | Maeata | Lutrin |
65 | Maela | Maelchon |
66 | Maelmair | Moneit |
67 | Maelmuire | Mordeleg |
68 | Maeneda | Morgunn |
69 | Mairgein | Morleo |
70 | Maithgemm | Muircholach |
71 | Medan | Murlach |
72 | Modwen | Murtolic |
73 | Moina | Nachlan |
74 | Monenna | Naiton |
75 | Mongfind | Ninniau |
76 | Morgainn | Oengus |
77 | Morudad | Pidarnoin |
78 | Nadbroicc | Selbach |
79 | Nainc | Simul |
80 | Nectudad | Taidg |
81 | Oda | Talorc |
82 | Onneca | Talorgan |
83 | Pantenna | Taran |
84 | Penla | Ternan |
85 | Pictla | Tharain |
86 | Pridi | Uerb |
87 | Rieinmelth | Uid |
88 | Ronnat | Uist |
89 | Scathach | Unen |
90 | Sulis | Unuar |
91 | Talorca | Uoret |
92 | Tea | Uradech |
93 | Teneu | Uudrost |
94 | Trefgid | Uuirp |
95 | Triduana | Uuredech |
96 | Trista | Uurguist |
97 | Uractigerna | Uuroid |
98 | Uuceta | Uvan |
99 | Uudigern | Vipoig |
100 | Verturna | Vurgist |
More Place Names
For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.
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