British Fantasy Names: Old Norse
Names British Fantasy System Neutral Tables

British Fantasy Names: Old Norse

Duncan Thomson
Thorfríðr Njálldóttir, Gunni Dreamscowl, Hildr Unasdóttir, Hávarðr "Horsemouth" Ragnarrson, Ásný Halfcloak, Valthjófr Félagison

More British Fantasy Names with Old Norse Names. Tables for 200 Old Norse Personal Names and Viking Nickname Generator.

[Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash]

Old Norse Names

The Norse came from Norway, raiding and trading much of northern Britain. Many settled in islands of Scotland, and their language persisted in Scotland beyond the 17th century. Related Names include Old Danish and Medieval Scottish.

Vikings include Old Danish and Old Norse, and used patronyms (-son) and matronyms (-dóttir or -sdóttir). Bynames were often added, occasionally replacing them.

Use simple Viking Nickname Generator below to make your own bynames. Or there are simple nicknames and Epithets (Ari the Crow).

For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.

Fantasy British Names on DriveThru RPG British Fantasy Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Old Norse Personal Names

anglo-saxon | cornish | med-english | med-scot | med-welsh | norman | old danish | old irish | old norse | old welsh | pict | roman | romano-british | scot-gaelic | occupations

d100 Female Names Male Names
1 Alfhildr Aghi
2 Álǫf Alfríkr
3 Arnbjǫrg Alfvin
4 Arngerdr Algautr
5 Ása Anundr
6 Ásdís Ari
7 Ásgerðr Arnórr
8 Áshildr Arnsteinn
9 Áslaug Ásl
10 Ásný Ásmundr
11 Ástríðr Ásvaldr
12 Audhildr Baggi
13 Audr Bárdr
14 Bergljót Bjǫrn
15 Birsa Brandr
16 Bjarnhildr Brynjarr
17 Bjǫrg Dagr
18 Bóthildr Eileifr
19 Brynhildr Einarr
20 Brynja Eiríkr
21 Dagný Erlingr
22 Dagrún Eyvindr
23 Drífa Fastúlfr
24 Edda Félagi
25 Eydís Fólki
26 Eyvǫr Frothi
27 Finna Gamli 
28 Freyja Gautstafr
29 Frída Geirmundr
30 Grímhildr Geirr
31 Gudlaug Gulbrandr
32 Gudleif Gunni
33 Gudrídr Gunnvaldr
34 Gudrún Guthfridr
35 Gulla Hákon
36 Gunna Hálfdan
37 Gunnhildr Hallbjǫrn
38 Gunnvǫr Halldor
39 Gyda Hallsteinn
40 Halla Haraldr
41 Hallbjǫrg Hávarðr
42 Helga Helgi
43 Herleif Hildingr
44 Hildigunnr Hjálmarr
45 Hildr Hólmgeirr
46 Hjǫrdís Hreidarr
47 Hlíf Hróarr
48 Hlǫkk Hrœrekr
49 Hólmfrídr Hrólfr
50 Hrafnhildr Hugleikr
51 Hrefna Ingi
52 Hreidunn Ingólfr
53 Idunn Ívarr
54 Inga Jarl
55 Ingibjǫrg Jósteinn
56 Ingigerdr Kálfr
57 Ingrídr Karl
58 Ingunn Ketill
59 Ingvildr Leifr
60 Jórídr Magni
61 Jórunnr Mundi
62 Katla Njáll
63 Ketillaug Oddbjǫrn
64 Ketilrídr Oddr
65 Listvǫr Oddvarr
66 Magnhildr Óláfr
67 Málmfrídr Ǫlvir
68 Margréta Óttarr
69 Myrgjǫl Ragnarr
70 Nídbjǫrg Ragnvaldr
71 Oddný Randúlfr
72 Oddrún Rǫgnvaldr
73 Ólaug Rúni
74 Ragna Sigfrøðr
75 Ragnbjǫrg Sigmundr
76 Ragnfrídr Sigtryggr
77 Ragnheidr Sigurðr
78 Rindr Sindri
79 Rúna Snorri
80 Salbjǫrg Sǫlvi
81 Saldís Stáli
82 Signý Steingrímr
83 Sigrídr Stígandr
84 Sigrún Stigr
85 Sólveig Sumarlidi
86 Steinunn Suni
87 Svanhildr Sveinn
88 Tanngnidr Thorir
89 Thorfríðr Tóki
90 Thyri Tórbjǫrn
91 Tófa Tórfinnr
92 Tórdís Tórgísl
93 Tórhildr Tórgnýr
94 Tórunn Tórleifr
95 Tórví Úlfr
96 Trúdr Valdimárr
97 Una Valthjófr
98 Unnr Vébjǫrn
99 Vígdís Vígi
100 Yngvildr Yngvarr

Viking Nickname Generator

In addition to the list of Viking Bynames. Create a Viking Byname by rolling once on each column and combining. Bluetooth could be Blue Tooth, Bluetooth or Blue-tooth!

d100 StartEnd
1 Ass axe
2 Bare back
3 Battle bearer
4 Bear belly
5 Beer belt
6 Big biter
7 Black blade
8 Blood bond
9 Blue bone
10 Broad bones
11 Burnt brand
12 Butter breaker
13 Coal brow
14 Cod burster
15 Cold cheek
16 Crown chin
17 Cut clamp
18 Dark clash
19 Double cloak
20 Dove crave
21 Dream diver
22 Duel dusk
23 Duel eggs
24 Eagle eye
25 Fair face
26 Far fart
27 Fast field
28 Field fly
29 Fire foot
30 Fish fringe
31 Flask gazer
32 Flat glimmer
33 Fork glove
34 Fox goat
35 Giants grip
36 Gold hair
37 Good hammer
38 Grey hand
39 Hags head
40 Half heart
41 High hook
42 Hollow horn
43 Horn jaw
44 Horse kiss
45 Iron knee
46 Island laugh
47 Keen leg
48 Kin legged
49 Law lip
50 Leather lover
51 Light mind
52 Little mouth
53 Load neck
54 Long net
55 Moon nose
56 Moss peak
57 Mound pole
58 Oak quake
59 Old reader
60 Pig ring
61 Raven sail
62 Red scowl
63 Scale shard
64 Scar sheath
65 Seal shield
66 Second shirt
67 Sharp shoe
68 Shell side
69 Ship sight
70 Short skull
71 Single slate
72 Skald slayer
73 Snake sleep
74 Snow slinger
75 Spark smile
76 Split sole
77 Squat song
78 Steel sorrow
79 Stick speaker
80 Stone spear
81 Stout spray
82 Swift staff
83 Tall step
84 Tangle stern
85 Thick storm
86 Thistle strike
87 Thistle sun
88 Timber thigh
89 Tin throat
90 Travel thunder
91 Troll tinkle
92 Twisted toes
93 War tongue
94 Wedge tooth
95 Whale travel
96 White trick
97 Wise wander
98 Witch weaver
99 Wood wind
100 Word wood

More Place Names

For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.

Fantasy British Names on DriveThru RPG British Fantasy Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.