British Fantasy Names: Old Irish
Names British Fantasy System Neutral Tables

British Fantasy Names: Old Irish

Duncan Thomson
Lendabair ni Flaithrí, Cormacc mac Cerball, Bécuma nic Féthnaid, Dubthach mac Ruarcc, Scáthach nic Fachtna, Senán ua Conall

More British Fantasy Names with Old Irish Names. Tables for 200 Old Irish Personal Names.

[Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash]

Old Irish Names

In the 4th to 6th centuries CE raiders and settlers came to western Great Britain, and Old Irish was used from around 6th to 10th century CE. One of these became the kingdom of Dál Riada. Related names include Old Welsh and Scottish Gaelic.

Old Irish Names most probably used Patronyms. Males with 'mac' ('son of') or ua' ('grandson/ancestor of'). Females with 'nic' ('daughter of the son of') and 'ni' ('grandaughter of the son of / ancestor of').

For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.

Fantasy British Names on DriveThru RPG British Fantasy Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Old Irish Personal Names

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d100 Female Names Male Names
1 Achall Abbán
2 Affraic Áed
3 Aíbell Ailill
4 Aífe Ardgal
5 Ailbe Barrfind
6 Aimend Berach
7 Áine Bláán
8 Aoibhann Bran
9 Badb Branagán
10 Bébinn Broccán
11 Bec Cadhan
12 Bécuma Caíndelbán
13 Bláithín Cainnech
14 Bláthnat Cathal
15 Boann Cellach
16 Brígh Cennétig
17 Brigit Cerball
18 Cáelfind Cian
19 Cailleach Ciarán
20 Cainnear Cnámh
21 Cairenn Cóemgein
22 Cessair Colmán
23 Cethlenn Columb
24 Ciar Comgall
25 Ciarnait Conall
26 Clíodhna Conchobar
27 Cobhfhlaith Conláed
28 Cochrann Conn
29 Dáirine Cormacc
30 Damnat Cúán
31 Deichtine Dálach
32 Derbáil Damán
33 Derbiled Declán
34 Derdriu Diarmait
35 Dérgréine Domnall
36 Doireann Donnchad
37 Duibhne Dubán
38 Eachna Dubgall
39 Eithne Dubthach
40 Emer Eachmilidh
41 Érne Echdonn
42 Essa Echthigern
43 Étaín Elim
44 Étaín Énna
45 Fainche Eochaid
46 Fasach Eógan
47 Fedelm Fachtna
48 Fedelmid Fáelán
49 Feithfailge Feargna
50 Féthnaid Féchín
51 Fial Feidlimid
52 Findabhair Ferchar
53 Finnguala Fergal
54 Fionnghuala Fergus
55 Fionnula Fiachrae
56 Flidais Finnán
57 Fódla Fintan
58 Gearrmaide Fionn
59 Gelgéis Flaithrí
60 Gobnat Flann
61 Gormlaith Gallcobar
62 Gráinde Gobbán
63 Grian Iarlaithe
64 Íte Lachtnae
65 Lann Lóegaire
66 Lasairfhíona Lommán
67 Lendabair Lonán
68 Líban Lorccán
69 Ligach Lugaid
70 Líobhan Macdara
71 Luigsech Máedóc
72 Macha Mainchíne
73 Mairenn Mathgamain
74 Mealla Meàrnag
75 Medb Mellán
76 Mongfind Muiredach
77 Morrígan Murchad
78 Muadnat Nechtan
79 Muirenn Niall
80 Muirgel Nuadu
81 Muirne Odrán
82 Neas Óengus
83 Nemain Oissíne
84 Niab Pátraic
85 Odarnat Riacán
86 Oébfinn Rian
87 Órlaith Rígbarddán
88 Rathnat Rónán
89 Ríoghnach Rúadán
90 Sadb Ruarcc
91 Sárait Sechnall
92 Scáthach Ségdae
93 Sinann Senán
94 Síthmaith Suibne
95 Tailtiu Tadgán
96 Téide Tigernach
97 Tuathflaith Tressach
98 Tuileflaith Túathal
99 Uathach Ualgharg
100 Uirne Ultán

More Place Names

For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.

Fantasy British Names on DriveThru RPG British Fantasy Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

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