Lendabair ni Flaithrí, Cormacc mac Cerball, Bécuma nic Féthnaid, Dubthach mac Ruarcc, Scáthach nic Fachtna, Senán ua Conall
More British Fantasy Names with Old Irish Names. Tables for 200 Old Irish Personal Names.
[Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash]
Old Irish Names
In the 4th to 6th centuries CE raiders and settlers came to western Great Britain, and Old Irish was used from around 6th to 10th century CE. One of these became the kingdom of Dál Riada. Related names include Old Welsh and Scottish Gaelic.
Old Irish Names most probably used Patronyms. Males with 'mac' ('son of') or ua' ('grandson/ancestor of'). Females with 'nic' ('daughter of the son of') and 'ni' ('grandaughter of the son of / ancestor of').
For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.
Old Irish Personal Names
anglo-saxon | cornish | med-english | med-scot | med-welsh | norman | old danish | old irish | old norse | old welsh | pict | roman | romano-british | scot-gaelic | occupations
d100 | Female Names | Male Names |
1 | Achall | Abbán |
2 | Affraic | Áed |
3 | Aíbell | Ailill |
4 | Aífe | Ardgal |
5 | Ailbe | Barrfind |
6 | Aimend | Berach |
7 | Áine | Bláán |
8 | Aoibhann | Bran |
9 | Badb | Branagán |
10 | Bébinn | Broccán |
11 | Bec | Cadhan |
12 | Bécuma | Caíndelbán |
13 | Bláithín | Cainnech |
14 | Bláthnat | Cathal |
15 | Boann | Cellach |
16 | Brígh | Cennétig |
17 | Brigit | Cerball |
18 | Cáelfind | Cian |
19 | Cailleach | Ciarán |
20 | Cainnear | Cnámh |
21 | Cairenn | Cóemgein |
22 | Cessair | Colmán |
23 | Cethlenn | Columb |
24 | Ciar | Comgall |
25 | Ciarnait | Conall |
26 | Clíodhna | Conchobar |
27 | Cobhfhlaith | Conláed |
28 | Cochrann | Conn |
29 | Dáirine | Cormacc |
30 | Damnat | Cúán |
31 | Deichtine | Dálach |
32 | Derbáil | Damán |
33 | Derbiled | Declán |
34 | Derdriu | Diarmait |
35 | Dérgréine | Domnall |
36 | Doireann | Donnchad |
37 | Duibhne | Dubán |
38 | Eachna | Dubgall |
39 | Eithne | Dubthach |
40 | Emer | Eachmilidh |
41 | Érne | Echdonn |
42 | Essa | Echthigern |
43 | Étaín | Elim |
44 | Étaín | Énna |
45 | Fainche | Eochaid |
46 | Fasach | Eógan |
47 | Fedelm | Fachtna |
48 | Fedelmid | Fáelán |
49 | Feithfailge | Feargna |
50 | Féthnaid | Féchín |
51 | Fial | Feidlimid |
52 | Findabhair | Ferchar |
53 | Finnguala | Fergal |
54 | Fionnghuala | Fergus |
55 | Fionnula | Fiachrae |
56 | Flidais | Finnán |
57 | Fódla | Fintan |
58 | Gearrmaide | Fionn |
59 | Gelgéis | Flaithrí |
60 | Gobnat | Flann |
61 | Gormlaith | Gallcobar |
62 | Gráinde | Gobbán |
63 | Grian | Iarlaithe |
64 | Íte | Lachtnae |
65 | Lann | Lóegaire |
66 | Lasairfhíona | Lommán |
67 | Lendabair | Lonán |
68 | Líban | Lorccán |
69 | Ligach | Lugaid |
70 | Líobhan | Macdara |
71 | Luigsech | Máedóc |
72 | Macha | Mainchíne |
73 | Mairenn | Mathgamain |
74 | Mealla | Meàrnag |
75 | Medb | Mellán |
76 | Mongfind | Muiredach |
77 | Morrígan | Murchad |
78 | Muadnat | Nechtan |
79 | Muirenn | Niall |
80 | Muirgel | Nuadu |
81 | Muirne | Odrán |
82 | Neas | Óengus |
83 | Nemain | Oissíne |
84 | Niab | Pátraic |
85 | Odarnat | Riacán |
86 | Oébfinn | Rian |
87 | Órlaith | Rígbarddán |
88 | Rathnat | Rónán |
89 | Ríoghnach | Rúadán |
90 | Sadb | Ruarcc |
91 | Sárait | Sechnall |
92 | Scáthach | Ségdae |
93 | Sinann | Senán |
94 | Síthmaith | Suibne |
95 | Tailtiu | Tadgán |
96 | Téide | Tigernach |
97 | Tuathflaith | Tressach |
98 | Tuileflaith | Túathal |
99 | Uathach | Ualgharg |
100 | Uirne | Ultán |
More Place Names
For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.
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