British Fantasy Names: Old Danish
Names British Fantasy System Neutral Tables

British Fantasy Names: Old Danish

Duncan Thomson
Ragnhild Snowfall, Styrr Ongendusson, Dagmar Sigtryggdóttir , Falki Leatherneck, Thorwe Asgerdóttir, Balli Knutson the Heron

More British Fantasy Names with Old Danish Names. Tables for 200 Old Danish Personal Names and Viking Bynames.

[Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash]

Old Danish Names

The Danish came as raiders and settlers from the 9th to 11th century CE. Use Viking Bynames for second names. Related names include Old Norse and Medieval English.

Vikings include Old Danish and Old Norse, and used patronyms (-son) and matronyms (-dóttir or -sdóttir). Bynames were often added, occasionally replacing them.

Below are Nicknames and Epithets (Ari the Crow). Or use a simple Viking Nickname Generator to make your own.

For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.

Fantasy British Names on DriveThru RPG British Fantasy Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Old Danish Personal Names

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d100 Female Names Male Names
1 Asfrid Absalon
2 Agata Alfe
3 Agnete Anker
4 Alvildr Anulo
5 Ama Arne
6 Apelone Arnulf
7 Arnfrith Asbjørn
8 Asta Asger
9 Astridr Axel
10 Aswar Bagsecg
11 Auðr Balli
12 Berta Biorn
13 Birgitte Bo
14 Bodil Brandr
15 Boeld Broddi
16 Bothilde Dan
17 Cecilia Ditlef
18 Dagheidr Dotta
19 Dagmar Egil
20 Dotir Einar
21 Edda Erik
22 Elsebet Erlandr
23 Esgerth Eskil
24 Eskild Falki
25 Ester Finnr
26 Etta Folkmar
27 Eyfura Galt
28 Falka Gerlak
29 Frogertha Gnupa
30 Gerda Gorm
31 Gerwara Gram
32 Gisla Grimulf
33 Gjertrud Gudfred
34 Grimhild Gunnur
35 Guda Guthfrith
36 Gudke Guthmund
37 Gunbiørgh Gyrd
38 Gunhild Haakon
39 Gyritha Halfdan
40 Henrikke Hamar
41 Hermutrude Harald
42 Hildigard Harthacnut
43 Holgerd Helge
44 Hwenild Helgi
45 Ida Hemming
46 Ingeborg Herlef
47 Ingefred Hjalmarr
48 Ingiara Hjort
49 Ingifrith Holger
50 Ingiwara Horik
51 Isold Hring
52 Johanna Hrolfr
53 Jorith Hwit
54 Jutta Ingvar
55 Kaja Ion
56 Katrine Ivar
57 Ketilfrith Joar
58 Kirstin Josten
59 Lathgertha Karl
60 Lise Kjeld
61 Magnhild Knut
62 Maren Krum
63 Margareta Lauge
64 Marta Lene
65 Mette Lief
66 Milderna Magnus
67 Moder Mikkel
68 Motha Nef
69 Neel Odger
70 Oda Olaf
71 Osa Olof
72 Øthgerth Ongendus
73 Petronilla Ormar
74 Ragnfrith Osmund
75 Ragnhild Palni
76 Regitze Radbard
77 Regna Ragnar
78 Rigmor Ragnfred
79 Rosenvand Rask
80 Sidsel Ring
81 Sighrith Rune
82 Signi Sigfred
83 Sissel Sigtrygg
84 Solfager Sigurd
85 Sota Skarpe
86 Svanhild Sten
87 Systir Stormr
88 Thekla Styrr
89 Thora Svend
90 Thorwe Thorlaf
91 Thryri Throtti
92 Thyrvi Toke
93 Tola Tovi
94 Tovelil Tryggi
95 Tyri Ulf
96 Ursula Ulfgar
97 Valborg Vagn
98 Vibeke Valdar
99 Wiburgh Valtoke
100 Yrsa Wether

Viking Bynames

d100 Nicknamesthe...
1 Ale-lover Awkward
2 Autumn-dusk Ancient
3 Barefoot Bad
4 Beanpole Beaver
5 Billygoat Berserk
6 Bloodaxe Bitter
7 Bluecheek Blessed or Holy
8 Bowbender Bold
9 Broadsole Boneless
10 Butterclamp Bow-legged
11 Butterhook Brazen
12 Cairnbreaker Broken
13 Cartpole Burned
14 Cloven-foot Cat
15 Coldmouth Cold
16 Curlyhair Craven
17 Cutcheek Crow
18 Doublebrows Daring
19 Dovenose Diver
20 Dreamreader Dreamer
21 Eagle-head Drowsy
22 Evenmind Eagle
23 Fairhair Easterner
24 Far-travelled Elder
25 Fastsail Fair
26 Firebrand Faithful
27 Fish-eggs Fierce
28 Fishdriver Foolish
29 Fishhook Fox
30 Fishnet Furry
31 Flask-back Giant
32 Flatnose Goat
33 Foxhair Goose
34 Giantsbane Grey or Black
35 Goldbearer Grinning
36 Greyhair Hairless or Hairy
37 Half-troll Hasty
38 High-legged Heron
39 Hollowthroat Imposing
40 Hornbearer Islander
41 Horsegelder Jumping
42 Ironhook Lean
43 Ironside Learned
44 Islands-sun Loud
45 Keeneye Low
46 Kettle Lucky
47 Kin-slayer Lumpy
48 Leather-sheath Mad
49 Leatherneck Mean
50 Lightglimmer Middling
51 Long-chin Mighty
52 Long-head Northerner
53 Magic-staff Odd
54 Moorsorrow Otter
55 Mossneck Outcast
56 Moundbreaker Pike
57 Oft-sail Pincher
58 Pigsleep Proud
59 Pouchback Quarrelsome
60 Ravens-ring Reckless
61 Red-cloak Red or White
62 Redcheek Rich
63 Ringslinger Rough
64 Scarleg Salmon
65 Seaweed Scowler
66 Secondsight Shapeshifter or Shapeshifting
67 Shaggyhead Sharp
68 Sharptongue Short
69 Shellshard Shrieking
70 Ship-stern Silent
71 Short-horn Slim
72 Short-neck Southerner
73 Skullcleaver Sparrow
74 Sledgehammer Spear
75 Small-mouth Stained
76 Snake-in-the-eye Stiff
77 Snaketongue Storm
78 Snowclash Stout or Fat
79 Snowfall Striker
80 Snowshoe Strong
81 Sparkspray Stubborn
82 Split-stick Swift
83 Squatwiggle Tall
84 Stick-gazer Thistle
85 Stoutheart Tough
86 Swifteye Troublemaker
87 Tanglesea True
88 Tentpitcher Unborn
89 Thicklegged Uncaring
90 Timberquake Unlucky
91 Travelshirt Unwashed
92 Trumpet-leg Upright
93 Twisted-breeches Virtuous
94 Wartooth Wasp
95 Whalebone Watchful
96 Whiskers Westerner
97 Witchbreaker Whistler
98 Woodskull Wise
99 Word-smith Wrathful
100 Wry-face Young

More Place Names

For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.

Fantasy British Names on DriveThru RPG British Fantasy Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.