Ragnhild Snowfall, Styrr Ongendusson, Dagmar Sigtryggdóttir , Falki Leatherneck, Thorwe Asgerdóttir, Balli Knutson the Heron
More British Fantasy Names with Old Danish Names. Tables for 200 Old Danish Personal Names and Viking Bynames.
[Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash]
Old Danish Names
The Danish came as raiders and settlers from the 9th to 11th century CE. Use Viking Bynames for second names. Related names include Old Norse and Medieval English.
Vikings include Old Danish and Old Norse, and used patronyms (-son) and matronyms (-dóttir or -sdóttir). Bynames were often added, occasionally replacing them.
Below are Nicknames and Epithets (Ari the Crow). Or use a simple Viking Nickname Generator to make your own.
For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.
Old Danish Personal Names
anglo-saxon | cornish | med-english | med-scot | med-welsh | norman | old danish | old irish | old norse | old welsh | pict | roman | romano-british | scot-gaelic | occupations
d100 | Female Names | Male Names |
1 | Asfrid | Absalon |
2 | Agata | Alfe |
3 | Agnete | Anker |
4 | Alvildr | Anulo |
5 | Ama | Arne |
6 | Apelone | Arnulf |
7 | Arnfrith | Asbjørn |
8 | Asta | Asger |
9 | Astridr | Axel |
10 | Aswar | Bagsecg |
11 | Auðr | Balli |
12 | Berta | Biorn |
13 | Birgitte | Bo |
14 | Bodil | Brandr |
15 | Boeld | Broddi |
16 | Bothilde | Dan |
17 | Cecilia | Ditlef |
18 | Dagheidr | Dotta |
19 | Dagmar | Egil |
20 | Dotir | Einar |
21 | Edda | Erik |
22 | Elsebet | Erlandr |
23 | Esgerth | Eskil |
24 | Eskild | Falki |
25 | Ester | Finnr |
26 | Etta | Folkmar |
27 | Eyfura | Galt |
28 | Falka | Gerlak |
29 | Frogertha | Gnupa |
30 | Gerda | Gorm |
31 | Gerwara | Gram |
32 | Gisla | Grimulf |
33 | Gjertrud | Gudfred |
34 | Grimhild | Gunnur |
35 | Guda | Guthfrith |
36 | Gudke | Guthmund |
37 | Gunbiørgh | Gyrd |
38 | Gunhild | Haakon |
39 | Gyritha | Halfdan |
40 | Henrikke | Hamar |
41 | Hermutrude | Harald |
42 | Hildigard | Harthacnut |
43 | Holgerd | Helge |
44 | Hwenild | Helgi |
45 | Ida | Hemming |
46 | Ingeborg | Herlef |
47 | Ingefred | Hjalmarr |
48 | Ingiara | Hjort |
49 | Ingifrith | Holger |
50 | Ingiwara | Horik |
51 | Isold | Hring |
52 | Johanna | Hrolfr |
53 | Jorith | Hwit |
54 | Jutta | Ingvar |
55 | Kaja | Ion |
56 | Katrine | Ivar |
57 | Ketilfrith | Joar |
58 | Kirstin | Josten |
59 | Lathgertha | Karl |
60 | Lise | Kjeld |
61 | Magnhild | Knut |
62 | Maren | Krum |
63 | Margareta | Lauge |
64 | Marta | Lene |
65 | Mette | Lief |
66 | Milderna | Magnus |
67 | Moder | Mikkel |
68 | Motha | Nef |
69 | Neel | Odger |
70 | Oda | Olaf |
71 | Osa | Olof |
72 | Øthgerth | Ongendus |
73 | Petronilla | Ormar |
74 | Ragnfrith | Osmund |
75 | Ragnhild | Palni |
76 | Regitze | Radbard |
77 | Regna | Ragnar |
78 | Rigmor | Ragnfred |
79 | Rosenvand | Rask |
80 | Sidsel | Ring |
81 | Sighrith | Rune |
82 | Signi | Sigfred |
83 | Sissel | Sigtrygg |
84 | Solfager | Sigurd |
85 | Sota | Skarpe |
86 | Svanhild | Sten |
87 | Systir | Stormr |
88 | Thekla | Styrr |
89 | Thora | Svend |
90 | Thorwe | Thorlaf |
91 | Thryri | Throtti |
92 | Thyrvi | Toke |
93 | Tola | Tovi |
94 | Tovelil | Tryggi |
95 | Tyri | Ulf |
96 | Ursula | Ulfgar |
97 | Valborg | Vagn |
98 | Vibeke | Valdar |
99 | Wiburgh | Valtoke |
100 | Yrsa | Wether |
Viking Bynames
d100 | Nicknames | the... |
1 | Ale-lover | Awkward |
2 | Autumn-dusk | Ancient |
3 | Barefoot | Bad |
4 | Beanpole | Beaver |
5 | Billygoat | Berserk |
6 | Bloodaxe | Bitter |
7 | Bluecheek | Blessed or Holy |
8 | Bowbender | Bold |
9 | Broadsole | Boneless |
10 | Butterclamp | Bow-legged |
11 | Butterhook | Brazen |
12 | Cairnbreaker | Broken |
13 | Cartpole | Burned |
14 | Cloven-foot | Cat |
15 | Coldmouth | Cold |
16 | Curlyhair | Craven |
17 | Cutcheek | Crow |
18 | Doublebrows | Daring |
19 | Dovenose | Diver |
20 | Dreamreader | Dreamer |
21 | Eagle-head | Drowsy |
22 | Evenmind | Eagle |
23 | Fairhair | Easterner |
24 | Far-travelled | Elder |
25 | Fastsail | Fair |
26 | Firebrand | Faithful |
27 | Fish-eggs | Fierce |
28 | Fishdriver | Foolish |
29 | Fishhook | Fox |
30 | Fishnet | Furry |
31 | Flask-back | Giant |
32 | Flatnose | Goat |
33 | Foxhair | Goose |
34 | Giantsbane | Grey or Black |
35 | Goldbearer | Grinning |
36 | Greyhair | Hairless or Hairy |
37 | Half-troll | Hasty |
38 | High-legged | Heron |
39 | Hollowthroat | Imposing |
40 | Hornbearer | Islander |
41 | Horsegelder | Jumping |
42 | Ironhook | Lean |
43 | Ironside | Learned |
44 | Islands-sun | Loud |
45 | Keeneye | Low |
46 | Kettle | Lucky |
47 | Kin-slayer | Lumpy |
48 | Leather-sheath | Mad |
49 | Leatherneck | Mean |
50 | Lightglimmer | Middling |
51 | Long-chin | Mighty |
52 | Long-head | Northerner |
53 | Magic-staff | Odd |
54 | Moorsorrow | Otter |
55 | Mossneck | Outcast |
56 | Moundbreaker | Pike |
57 | Oft-sail | Pincher |
58 | Pigsleep | Proud |
59 | Pouchback | Quarrelsome |
60 | Ravens-ring | Reckless |
61 | Red-cloak | Red or White |
62 | Redcheek | Rich |
63 | Ringslinger | Rough |
64 | Scarleg | Salmon |
65 | Seaweed | Scowler |
66 | Secondsight | Shapeshifter or Shapeshifting |
67 | Shaggyhead | Sharp |
68 | Sharptongue | Short |
69 | Shellshard | Shrieking |
70 | Ship-stern | Silent |
71 | Short-horn | Slim |
72 | Short-neck | Southerner |
73 | Skullcleaver | Sparrow |
74 | Sledgehammer | Spear |
75 | Small-mouth | Stained |
76 | Snake-in-the-eye | Stiff |
77 | Snaketongue | Storm |
78 | Snowclash | Stout or Fat |
79 | Snowfall | Striker |
80 | Snowshoe | Strong |
81 | Sparkspray | Stubborn |
82 | Split-stick | Swift |
83 | Squatwiggle | Tall |
84 | Stick-gazer | Thistle |
85 | Stoutheart | Tough |
86 | Swifteye | Troublemaker |
87 | Tanglesea | True |
88 | Tentpitcher | Unborn |
89 | Thicklegged | Uncaring |
90 | Timberquake | Unlucky |
91 | Travelshirt | Unwashed |
92 | Trumpet-leg | Upright |
93 | Twisted-breeches | Virtuous |
94 | Wartooth | Wasp |
95 | Whalebone | Watchful |
96 | Whiskers | Westerner |
97 | Witchbreaker | Whistler |
98 | Woodskull | Wise |
99 | Word-smith | Wrathful |
100 | Wry-face | Young |
More Place Names
For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.
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