British Fantasy Names: Medieval English
British Fantasy System Neutral Tables Names

British Fantasy Names: Medieval English

Duncan Thomson
Priscilla Hall, Herbert Carpenter, Jacosa Dempster, Eustace Blake, Marion Exeter, Reginald Nightingale

More British Fantasy Names with Medieval English Names. Tables for 200 English Medieval Personal Names and Medieval English Surnames

[Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash]

English Medieval Names

Names in England from 13th century until the early modern. Included many Norman names. Surnames became more and more common. Related names include Anglo-Saxon, Cornish and Old Danish.

In addition to the surnames below, people used Occupations, place names, names of parents and nicknames.

For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.

Fantasy British Names on DriveThru RPG British Fantasy Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

English Personal Names

anglo-saxon | cornish | med-english | med-scot | med-welsh | norman | old danish | old irish | old norse | old welsh | pict | roman | romano-british | scot-gaelic | occupations

d100 Female Names Male Names
1 Agatha Adam
2 Agnes Alan
3 Aldith Albin
4 Aldreda Aldus
5 Alicia Alfred
6 Amicia Ambros
7 Amphelise Amis
8 Anne Ancel
9 Audrey Androwe
10 Avelina Arnold
11 Avice Arnulf
12 Barbata Arthur
13 Beatrix Bartholomew
14 Belle Bate
15 Benedicta Benedict
16 Bethia Bernard
17 Blythe Clement
18 Botild Daniel
19 Cassandra Daw
20 Catherine Dicun
21 Cecille Edmund
22 Christiana Edward
23 Clarice Elias
24 Clemence Elric
25 Constance Eustace
26 Diana Everard
27 Dionisia Firmin
28 Dorothy Fulke
29 Dye Geoffrey
30 Editha George
31 Eleanor Gerard
32 Elizabeth Gervase
33 Ellen Gilbert
34 Emeline Godfrey
35 Emma Gregory
36 Ester Guy
37 Etheldreda Hamon
38 Eva Hankin
39 Felicia Henry
40 Florence Herbert
41 Francis Herry
42 Gillian Hob
43 Goldiva Hopkin
44 Grace Hubert
45 Gunnora Hugh
46 Gylda Humfrey
47 Hawise Ilbert
48 Helewis Ingram
49 Hilde Jack
50 Ida Jackin
51 Imogen Jake
52 Ionet James
53 Isabel Jankin
54 Ismay Jasper
55 Joane Jerome
56 Jocosa Jocelyn
57 Joyce John
58 Juliana Jordan
59 Kateline Julian
60 Katerina Lambert
61 Laurencia  Larkin
62 Letia Laurence
63 Lettice Luke
64 Loveday Mack
65 Lucy Martin
66 Lydia Mathew
67 Mabel Milo
68 Malkin Morris
69 Margareta Nicol
70 Marion Norman
71 Marjorie Odo
72 Martha Osbert
73 Mary Osmund
74 Matilda Oswin
75 Maud Patrick
76 Megge Philip
77 Mildred Piers
78 Milicent Ralf
79 Molle Randel
80 Nichol Ranulf
81 Odelina Reginald
82 Olivia Richard
83 Parnel Robert
84 Petronel Robin
85 Philippa Roger
86 Pleasance Roland
87 Priscilla Sampson
88 Rametta Simon
89 Rayne Stace
90 Rosamund Stephen
91 Rose Tenney
92 Sara Theobald
93 Susanna Thomas
94 Swethyna Walter
95 Sybil Warin
96 Tiffan Wilkin
97 Tillot William
98 Winifrid  Wulfric
99 Wulveva Wybert
100 Ysmay Wyot

Medieval English Surnames

d100 Shorter Surnames Longer Surnames
1 Ash Appleby
2 Barr Arkwright
3 Bean Arrowsmith
4 Beck Ballard
5 Beech Bancroft
6 Best Barefoot
7 Bird Barrows
8 Blake Bellamy
9 Bone Birdsong
10 Booth Blakeley
11 Brook Booker
12 Bull Breakspear
13 Bush Bywater
14 Byrd Cardinal
15 Chase Carraway
16 Clay Catchpole
17 Cobb Chambers
18 Colt Chutney
19 Cox Crockett
20 Coy Cummer
21 Cross Daggett
22 Duck Darling
23 Duke Dempster
24 Dunn Doughty
25 Fear Edgecombe
26 Fenn Fairchild
27 Finch Fairfax
28 Fisk Farthing
29 Flax Fortune
30 Ford Frobisher
31 Fox Furlong
32 Frost Garnett
33 Fry Gladding
34 Gill Goodenough
35 Glass Goshawk
36 Gold Grealish
37 Good Gudgeon
38 Goose Gulliver
39 Grass Haddock
40 Grey Halfpenny
41 Haig Hardwick
42 Hale Hathaway
43 Hall Hawthorne
44 Hawk Hollister
45 Hext Hooker
46 Hill Hurley
47 Holt Ingleright
48 Hood Kindred
49 Hope Kitchenham
50 Horn Knaggs
51 Hyde Lockwood
52 Joy Longbottom
53 Keen Lovecraft
54 Kemp Loxley
55 King Mallard
56 Lamb Meadows
57 Lane Meriwether
58 Lee Moorcock
59 Long Mordaunt
60 Marsh Nettles
61 Mead Nightingale
62 Moss Outlaw
63 Nash Paddock
64 Nye Padgett
65 Park Peevey
66 Peck Pender
67 Peel Pendleton
68 Plum Pickering
69 Pond Plumtree
70 Pratt Prentice
71 Pym Quartermain
72 Queen Rampling
73 Quick Ravens
74 Read Reddish
75 Roe Rumbelow
76 Rook Scarlett
77 Rose Scroggins
78 Rowe Shadwell
79 Rush Silverthorne
80 Rye Simpleton
81 Sharp Sorrell
82 Shaw Stannard
83 Short Stratton
84 Shuck Suckling
85 Snell Summer
86 Snow Sutcliffe
87 Stark Sweeting
88 Stern Sycamore
89 Swift Thwaite
90 Teel Tingle
91 Thorn Townsend
92 Todd Treacher
93 Tuft Turnbull
94 Vann Underwood
95 Wade Venables
96 Ward Waddington
97 Way Wainscott
98 Wolf Whately
99 Wood Willows
100 Yap Winterburn

More Place Names

For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.

Fantasy British Names on DriveThru RPG British Fantasy Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

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