Eormenthryth, Hrothgar Beetle-beard, Stanflaeth, Aelfweard, Leofe Wisdom, Wiglaf the Cooper
More British Fantasy Names with the Anglo-Saxons. Tables for 200 Anglo-Saxon Personal Names and Anglo-Saxon Bynames & Occupations
[Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash]
Anglo-Saxon Names
Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians migrated to southern and eastern Britain from the 5th century. Many of their names derived from two words stuck together, or part taken from the name of each parent. Related names include Medieval English.
The Anglo-Saxons often just used their personal name. Most people, if identified differently, used where they were from (Cenric of Winchester), their occupation (Cenric the Carter) or a nickname (Cenric "Boar").
For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.
Anglo-Saxon Personal Names
anglo-saxon | cornish | med-english | med-scot | med-welsh | norman | old danish | old irish | old norse | old welsh | pict | roman | romano-british | scot-gaelic | occupations
d100 | Female Names | Male Names |
1 | Aebbe | Adalbert |
2 | Aelfgifu | Adelmar |
3 | Aelfthryth | Aelaf |
4 | Aelfwyn | Aelfweard |
5 | Aethelflaed | Aesc |
6 | Aethelgifu | Alfred |
7 | Aethelthryth | Athelberht |
8 | Aldhild | Athelstan |
9 | Alfled | Athelwulf |
10 | Alswith | Bacga |
11 | Athelswith | Becca |
12 | Bealdhild | Bedwig |
13 | Bebbe | Beorn |
14 | Beorhtfled | Beornheard |
15 | Beorhtgifu | Botric |
16 | Beornwynn | Burgheard |
17 | Berhte | Cenric |
18 | Bucge | Ceolmund |
19 | Burghild | Cerdic |
20 | Cuthburg | Colgrim |
21 | Cuthswith | Cuthberht |
22 | Cwengifu | Cwichelm |
23 | Cwenleofu | Cynebald |
24 | Cyneburg | Cynefrith |
25 | Cyneswith | Cynesige |
26 | Cynethryth | Dagberht |
27 | Cynewise | Deormod |
28 | Deorwynn | Dudda |
29 | Doleswif | Dunstan |
30 | Eadburh | Eadhun |
31 | Eadgifu | Eadmer |
32 | Eadgyth | Eadmund |
33 | Ealdhild | Eadric |
34 | Ealhswith | Ealdhelm |
35 | Eanflaed | Ealhstan |
36 | Eanswith | Eanred |
37 | Eastorhild | Eardwulf |
38 | Ecgburg | Ecgbert |
39 | Ecgfrida | Edred |
40 | Edlufu | Edward |
41 | Elfwynn | Engelric |
42 | Eoforhild | Eoforheard |
43 | Eorcengota | Eomer |
44 | Eormenhild | Erconbert |
45 | Eormenthryth | Ethelred |
46 | Friduswith | Ethelric |
47 | Frigugyth | Folcbert |
48 | Geatflead | Friduric |
49 | Godgifu | Fugel |
50 | Godhild | Goderic |
51 | Grimhild | Godric |
52 | Heanriga | Goldwine |
53 | Hereswith | Hengest |
54 | Hild | Hereward |
55 | Hygeburg | Hereweald |
56 | Ingryth | Hildred |
57 | Leofcwen | Hrothbeorht |
58 | Leofe | Hrothgar |
59 | Leofflaed | Hunbeorht |
60 | Leofgifu | Hygebald |
61 | Leofwaru | Icel |
62 | Maegenhild | Leodstan |
63 | Maerhild | Leofcild |
64 | Mereswith | Leofgar |
65 | Mihthild | Leofric |
66 | Mildburg | Loefdag |
67 | Mildgyth | Maerwine |
68 | Mildrith | Maldred |
69 | Modgifu | Nothelm |
70 | Nerienda | Offa |
71 | Nothgyth | Ordgrim |
72 | Osburh | Ordric |
73 | Osgifu | Ordwig |
74 | Oslafa | Osbeorn |
75 | Osthryth | Oslaf |
76 | Oswynn | Oswiu |
77 | Regenhild | Penda |
78 | Ricmaeg | Raedwald |
79 | Saegyth | Regenhere |
80 | Saehild | Rumweald |
81 | Saewara | Seaxhelm |
82 | Saewynn | Sigeberht |
83 | Seaxburg | Sigeweard |
84 | Sibbe | Swithun |
85 | Sigryth | Tatberht |
86 | Stanflaeth | Tidfrith |
87 | Sunngifu | Tilwald |
88 | Swetlufu | Tostig |
89 | Tibba | Uhtred |
90 | Tutflaed | Wealdhere |
91 | Waerburh | Wealdmere |
92 | Wifrun | Weremund |
93 | Wigflaed | Wigheard |
94 | Wilburh | Wiglaf |
95 | Wulfflaed | Wilfrith |
96 | Wulfgifu | Wulfgar |
97 | Wulfrun | Wulfhere |
98 | Wulfwaru | Wulfric |
99 | Wulfwynn | Wynnhere |
100 | Wynnflaed | Ymar |
Ango-Saxon Bynames
d100 | Nickname | Occupation |
1 | Anger | Acrobat |
2 | Atheling | Archer |
3 | Barn | Bailiff |
4 | Beetle-beard | Baker |
5 | Bell-rope | Bard |
6 | Bellystone | Beadle |
7 | Black | Beekeeper |
8 | Boar | Beggar |
9 | Bottle-cat | Binder |
10 | Buck-stone | Boatmaker |
11 | Bullocks-eye | Brewer |
12 | Burn-breeches | Butcher |
13 | Cats-nose | Carpenter |
14 | Cave | Carter |
15 | Cheek | Cartwright |
16 | Chubby-cheeks | Caulker |
17 | Clearspeak | Chandler |
18 | Crawl-under-cloak | Cleric |
19 | Cutting-tool | Conjurer |
20 | Deed-doer | Cook |
21 | Devil | Cooper |
22 | Diarrhea-liver | Cottager |
23 | Eagle-eye | Dancer |
24 | Fair child | Diver |
25 | Fifteen Acres | Drover |
26 | Fire-hard | Dyer |
27 | Flood-meadow | Farmer |
28 | Foot | Fisher |
29 | Foul-beard | Fowler |
30 | Frost | Gambler |
31 | Groats | Glover |
32 | Gruel | Goldsmith |
33 | Ham | Groom |
34 | Harefoot | Guard |
35 | Hart | Harper |
36 | Holdfast | Healer |
37 | Hope-for-heaven | Herald |
38 | Ironside | Herbalist |
39 | Jawbone | Herder |
40 | Little | Hermit |
41 | Long-hand | Hunter |
42 | Mouse | Locksmith |
43 | One-handed | Lorimer |
44 | Owl | Mason |
45 | Pannier | Meadmaker |
46 | Pass-water | Merchant |
47 | Paunch-face | Messenger |
48 | Penny-purse | Miller |
49 | Poison | Miner |
50 | Pot | Monger |
51 | Raven | Musician |
52 | Rot | Page |
53 | Shaggy-haired | Painter |
54 | Soft-bread | Pedlar |
55 | Soot | Pilgrim |
56 | Sot | Piper |
57 | Star | Player |
58 | Strong-belly | Potter |
59 | Strongbar | Priest |
60 | Swan-neck | Provost |
61 | the Bald | Ranger |
62 | the Black | Reeve |
63 | the Bold | Rhymer |
64 | the Confessor | Rider |
65 | the Fierce | Rover |
66 | the Free | Runner |
67 | the Golden | Sadler |
68 | the Handy | Sailor |
69 | the Helpful | Salter |
70 | the Ingenious | Sawyer |
71 | the Large | Scribe |
72 | the Magnificent | Sculptor |
73 | the Peaceful | Seer |
74 | the Perverted | Sellsword |
75 | the Pig | Sergeant |
76 | the Prudent | Servant |
77 | the Red | Shepherd |
78 | the Small | Shoemaker |
79 | the Stout | Sickler |
80 | the Strong | Silversmith |
81 | the Stumpy | Singer |
82 | the Tall | Smith |
83 | the Thief | Steward |
84 | the Unready | Tailor |
85 | the Vigilant | Tanner |
86 | the Violent | Tapper |
87 | the Wanderer | Taverner |
88 | the Whelp | Thatcher |
89 | the Whiner | Tiller |
90 | the Wild | Trader |
91 | the Wise | Trapper |
92 | the Wrathful | Tutor |
93 | Torch | Vagabond |
94 | Wake | Warden |
95 | White | Warlock |
96 | White-foot | Warrior |
97 | Wholly-drunk | Weaver |
98 | Wisdom | Wheelwright |
99 | Wolf-face | Witch |
100 | Wombstring | Woodcarver |
More Place Names
For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.
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