British Fantasy Names: Anglo-Saxon Names
British Fantasy System Neutral Tables Adventurers

British Fantasy Names: Anglo-Saxon Names

Duncan Thomson
Eormenthryth, Hrothgar Beetle-beard, Stanflaeth, Aelfweard, Leofe Wisdom, Wiglaf the Cooper

More British Fantasy Names with the Anglo-Saxons. Tables for 200 Anglo-Saxon Personal Names and Anglo-Saxon Bynames & Occupations

[Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash]

Anglo-Saxon Names

Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians migrated to southern and eastern Britain from the 5th century. Many of their names derived from two words stuck together, or part taken from the name of each parent. Related names include Medieval English.

The Anglo-Saxons often just used their personal name. Most people, if identified differently, used where they were from (Cenric of Winchester), their occupation (Cenric the Carter) or a nickname (Cenric "Boar").

For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.

Fantasy British Names on DriveThru RPG British Fantasy Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Anglo-Saxon Personal Names

anglo-saxon | cornish | med-english | med-scot | med-welsh | norman | old danish | old irish | old norse | old welsh | pict | roman | romano-british | scot-gaelic | occupations

d100 Female Names Male Names
1 Aebbe Adalbert
2 Aelfgifu Adelmar
3 Aelfthryth Aelaf
4 Aelfwyn Aelfweard
5 Aethelflaed Aesc
6 Aethelgifu Alfred
7 Aethelthryth Athelberht
8 Aldhild Athelstan
9 Alfled Athelwulf
10 Alswith Bacga
11 Athelswith Becca
12 Bealdhild Bedwig
13 Bebbe Beorn
14 Beorhtfled Beornheard
15 Beorhtgifu Botric
16 Beornwynn Burgheard
17 Berhte Cenric
18 Bucge Ceolmund
19 Burghild Cerdic
20 Cuthburg Colgrim
21 Cuthswith Cuthberht
22 Cwengifu Cwichelm
23 Cwenleofu Cynebald
24 Cyneburg Cynefrith
25 Cyneswith Cynesige
26 Cynethryth Dagberht
27 Cynewise Deormod
28 Deorwynn Dudda
29 Doleswif Dunstan
30 Eadburh Eadhun
31 Eadgifu Eadmer
32 Eadgyth Eadmund
33 Ealdhild Eadric
34 Ealhswith Ealdhelm
35 Eanflaed Ealhstan
36 Eanswith Eanred
37 Eastorhild Eardwulf
38 Ecgburg Ecgbert
39 Ecgfrida Edred
40 Edlufu Edward
41 Elfwynn Engelric
42 Eoforhild Eoforheard
43 Eorcengota Eomer
44 Eormenhild Erconbert
45 Eormenthryth Ethelred
46 Friduswith Ethelric
47 Frigugyth Folcbert
48 Geatflead Friduric
49 Godgifu Fugel
50 Godhild Goderic
51 Grimhild Godric
52 Heanriga Goldwine
53 Hereswith Hengest
54 Hild Hereward
55 Hygeburg Hereweald
56 Ingryth Hildred
57 Leofcwen Hrothbeorht
58 Leofe Hrothgar
59 Leofflaed Hunbeorht
60 Leofgifu Hygebald
61 Leofwaru Icel
62 Maegenhild Leodstan
63 Maerhild Leofcild
64 Mereswith Leofgar
65 Mihthild Leofric
66 Mildburg Loefdag
67 Mildgyth Maerwine
68 Mildrith Maldred
69 Modgifu Nothelm
70 Nerienda Offa
71 Nothgyth Ordgrim
72 Osburh Ordric
73 Osgifu Ordwig
74 Oslafa Osbeorn
75 Osthryth Oslaf
76 Oswynn Oswiu
77 Regenhild Penda
78 Ricmaeg Raedwald
79 Saegyth Regenhere
80 Saehild Rumweald
81 Saewara Seaxhelm
82 Saewynn Sigeberht
83 Seaxburg Sigeweard
84 Sibbe Swithun
85 Sigryth Tatberht
86 Stanflaeth Tidfrith
87 Sunngifu Tilwald
88 Swetlufu Tostig
89 Tibba Uhtred
90 Tutflaed Wealdhere
91 Waerburh Wealdmere
92 Wifrun Weremund
93 Wigflaed Wigheard
94 Wilburh Wiglaf
95 Wulfflaed Wilfrith
96 Wulfgifu Wulfgar
97 Wulfrun Wulfhere
98 Wulfwaru Wulfric
99 Wulfwynn Wynnhere
100 Wynnflaed Ymar

Ango-Saxon Bynames

d100 Nickname Occupation
1 Anger Acrobat
2 Atheling Archer
3 Barn Bailiff
4 Beetle-beard Baker
5 Bell-rope Bard
6 Bellystone Beadle
7 Black Beekeeper
8 Boar Beggar
9 Bottle-cat Binder
10 Buck-stone Boatmaker
11 Bullocks-eye Brewer
12 Burn-breeches Butcher
13 Cats-nose Carpenter
14 Cave Carter
15 Cheek Cartwright
16 Chubby-cheeks Caulker
17 Clearspeak Chandler
18 Crawl-under-cloak Cleric
19 Cutting-tool Conjurer
20 Deed-doer Cook
21 Devil Cooper
22 Diarrhea-liver Cottager
23 Eagle-eye Dancer
24 Fair child Diver
25 Fifteen Acres Drover
26 Fire-hard Dyer
27 Flood-meadow Farmer
28 Foot Fisher
29 Foul-beard Fowler
30 Frost Gambler
31 Groats Glover
32 Gruel Goldsmith
33 Ham Groom
34 Harefoot Guard
35 Hart Harper
36 Holdfast Healer
37 Hope-for-heaven Herald
38 Ironside Herbalist
39 Jawbone Herder
40 Little Hermit
41 Long-hand Hunter
42 Mouse Locksmith
43 One-handed Lorimer
44 Owl Mason
45 Pannier Meadmaker
46 Pass-water Merchant
47 Paunch-face Messenger
48 Penny-purse Miller
49 Poison Miner
50 Pot Monger
51 Raven Musician
52 Rot Page
53 Shaggy-haired Painter
54 Soft-bread Pedlar
55 Soot Pilgrim
56 Sot Piper
57 Star Player
58 Strong-belly Potter
59 Strongbar Priest
60 Swan-neck Provost
61 the Bald Ranger
62 the Black Reeve
63 the Bold Rhymer
64 the Confessor Rider
65 the Fierce Rover
66 the Free Runner
67 the Golden Sadler
68 the Handy Sailor
69 the Helpful Salter
70 the Ingenious Sawyer
71 the Large Scribe
72 the Magnificent Sculptor
73 the Peaceful Seer
74 the Perverted Sellsword
75 the Pig Sergeant
76 the Prudent Servant
77 the Red Shepherd
78 the Small Shoemaker
79 the Stout Sickler
80 the Strong Silversmith
81 the Stumpy Singer
82 the Tall Smith
83 the Thief Steward
84 the Unready Tailor
85 the Vigilant Tanner
86 the Violent Tapper
87 the Wanderer Taverner
88 the Whelp Thatcher
89 the Whiner Tiller
90 the Wild Trader
91 the Wise Trapper
92 the Wrathful Tutor
93 Torch Vagabond
94 Wake Warden
95 White Warlock
96 White-foot Warrior
97 Wholly-drunk Weaver
98 Wisdom Wheelwright
99 Wolf-face Witch
100 Wombstring Woodcarver

More Place Names

For more names there is an Fantasy British Character Names generator at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as British Fantasy Names.

Fantasy British Names on DriveThru RPG British Fantasy Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

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