5e Lower Planes Encounters - Demons, Devils & other Fiends
D&D Encounters (2014) D&D Planar

5e Lower Planes Encounters - Demons, Devils & other Fiends

Duncan Thomson
The forms of two winged female creatures bathing. But a fetid smell reveals a stream of ochre jelly and a second look shows angry armored fiends. One of them looks up at a mossy rock blocking a cave entrance.

What's in the cave? Does the stream have magical healing properties? (probably not...). Generated from the Lower Planes Locations (roll of 15) and Lower Planes Levels 11+ (roll of 5) below.

Unusual terrains - feywild | shadowfell | lower planes | elemental | jungle | roads | ruins | sea

Lower Planes Encounters

The Lower Planes covers the evil aligned planes, from the Windswept Depths of Pandemonium to the Inifinite Battlefields of Acheron. The best known are the homes of devils and demons, the Nine Hells of Baator and the Infinite Layers of the Abyss respectively. You might find jagged black rocks, rivers of flaming tar and blood soaked pathways. Encounters could take place at a crumbling statue built of bones, a grove of twisted trees around a mountain of waste or by a bone acqueduct carrying blood and pus.

Home of fiends of all kinds, the most evil of creatures can be found here. They are home to scheming devils, raging demon lords and bands of yugoloth mercenaries

A pdf of these tables and more lower planes tables is at the DM's Guild as Planar Encounter Tables, including tables for the Feywild and other planes.

Festive Random Tables on DM's Guild Otherworldly Adventures Bundle on DM's Guild

Lower Planes Locations

1d8+1d12Lower Planes Locations
2 A broken circle of basalt stones surround a shrine to a power of Decay. A dead beast lies nearby, covered in maggots.
3 A crumbling giant statue of a fiend. The base of the statue is built of bones, and contains fiendish magic, waiting to be tapped
4 An hillside of dead flowers crawls with insects. The ruins of a destroyed city are scattered on the slopes.
5 A twisted black tree is covered in spores and fungi. An ice storm is beginning to fall
6 A jagged slope has vents that give off noxious fumes and searing flames.
7 Two decaying trees, with many branches replaced by snakes. Chained to the trees is a moving obsidian rock has a portal to the Shadowfell.
8 A beach of packed sand is beside a lake of dark glass. Several patches of the sand are actually quicksand.
9 A fetid stream widens to a small lake with a jetty on one shore. Two boats are tied it. This might be a tributary to the River Styx
10 In a wide chasm float several iron cubes. Each one acts as a prison and faces can be seen against the sides of the cubes.
11 Several tombstones stand beside a bubbling reed-choked green pool. Howling winds sweep around the area.
12 A dense tangle of vine-covered jungle with a blood-strewn pathway through it.
13 On several barren moorland hills is a network of bone aqueducts carrying blood and pus.
14 Several cacti are partly submerged in a sea of mud. Several clouds of flies drift nearby.
15 Jagged rocks cover a steep slope. A stream of ochre jelly flows down it. A cave with a planar portal is blocked by one mossy rock.
16 A crumbling fortress sits on a hill. It is covered in thick webbing with several forms hanging within.
17 A grove of twisted black trees surrounds a mountain of rotting waste. Choking smoke spews from the waste.
18 A graveyard of giant skeletons is covered in ash. A bone archway leads to a crooked hallway sloping downwards
19 A dune of red sand stands by a crumbling citadel covered in slime and mold.
20 A volcano spews out grey ash into the surround land. Chunks of obsidian float near the slopes, carved with fiendish runes.

Lower Planes Levels 1-4

1d8+1d12Lower Planes Levels 1-4
2 1 Night Hag or 1 Salamander
3 1d2 Bearded Devils or roll on low-level Devils
4 1 invading Couatl or roll on low-level Celestial Encounters
5 1d3 Spined Devils or roll on low-level Devils
6 1 Weretiger with an amulet of the Planes, or roll on low-level Planar Travelers
7 1d2 Imps or roll on low-level Devils
8 1d4 visiting Quadradrone Modrons or roll on low-level Lawful Encounters
9 1 Nightmare or roll on low-level Fiends
10 1 Imp or 1 Quasit
11 1d2 Hell Hounds or roll on low-level Fiends
12 1d2 Githyanki Warriors or 2d4 Stench Kows (VGtM, cow variant)
13 1 Succubus/Incubus or roll on low-level Fiends
14 1d3 visiting Githzerai Monks or roll on low-level Chaos Encounters
15 1d3 Quasits or roll on low-level Demons
16 1 Nightmare ridden by 1 Githyanki Warrior or 1d4 Vargouilles (VGtM)
17 1 Shadow Demon or roll on low-level Demons
18 1 Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu or 1 Barghest (VGtM)
19 2d4 Dretches or roll on low-level Demons
20 1 Cambion or 1 Mezzoloth

Lower Planes Levels 5-10

1d8+1d12Lower Planes Levels 5-10
2 Coven of 3 Night Hags or 1d2 Blackguards (VGtM) mounted on Nightmares
3 1d2 Bone Devils or roll on mid-level Devils
4 1 invading Deva or roll on mid-level Celestial Encounters
5 1d2 Chain Devils or roll on mid-level Devils
6 1 Githyanki Knight or 1d2 Howlers (MToF)
7 1d4 Barbed Devils or roll on mid-level Devils
8 1 visiting Mind Flayer or roll on mid-level Lawful Encounters
9 1 Nycaloth or roll on mid-level Fiends
10 1d4 Salamanders or 2d4 Nightmares
11 1d4 Mezzoloths or roll on mid-level Fiends
12 2d4 Githyanki Warriors or 1 Githyanki Gish (MToF)
13 2d4 Hell Hounds or roll on mid-level Fiends
14 1d2 visiting Green Slaads or roll on mid-level Chaos Encounters
15 1d3 Vrocks or roll on mid-level Demons
16 1d3 Githzerai Zerths or roll on mid-level Planar Travelers
17 1d3 Chasmes or roll on mid-level Demons
18 1 Death Slaad or 1 Warlock of the Fiend (VGtM) and 1d2 Cambions
19 1 Glabrezu or roll on mid-level Demons
20 1d3 Cambions and 1d2 Succubi/Incubi or 1 Yagnoloth (MToF)

Lower Planes Levels 11+

1d8+1d12Lower Planes Levels 11+
2 1 Balor or 1 Pit Fiend
3 1d2 Ice Devils or 1 Steel Predator (MToF)
4 1 invading Solar or roll on high-level Celestial Encounters
5 1d3 Erinyes or roll on high-level Devils
6 1d3 Nycaloths or 1 Devourer (VGtM)
7 1d4 Horned Devils or roll on high-level Devils
8 1 visiting Beholder or roll on high-level Lawful Encounters
9 2d4 Mezzoloths or roll on high-level Fiends
10 1d3 Efreets or roll on high-level Planar Travelers
11 1 Ultraloth or roll on high-level Fiends
12 1d3 Githyanki Knights and 1d4+2 Githyanki Warriors or 1 Githyanki Kith'rak (MToF) with 2d6 Githyanki Warriors
13 1d2 Arcanaloths or roll on high-level Fiends
14 1d3 visiting Death Slaads or roll on high-level Chaos Encounters
15 1d2 Nalfeshnee or roll on high-level Demons
16 2d4 Salamanders or 1 Cadaver Collector (MToF)
17 1 Marilith or roll on high-level Demons
18 1 Lich or roll on high-level Planar Travelers
19 1 Goristro or 1 Retriever (MToF)
20 1 Empyrean

More Encounters

A pdf of these tables and more lower planes tables is at the DM's Guild as Planar Encounter Tables, including tables for the Feywild and other planes.

Festive Random Tables on DM's Guild Otherworldly Adventures Bundle on DM's Guild

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