Scum & Villainy with GMA: Starting Scenes: Way and Rimmer
Rolling Solo Actual Play International RPGs Solo RPGs

Scum & Villainy with GMA: Starting Scenes: Way and Rimmer

Duncan Thomson

Commencing with the Starting Scenes of Scum and Villainy using GameMaster's Apprentice (GMA) as my oracle and random tables. Following on from the RPG Intro and Char Gen.

Scum & villainy solo - intro | start | partway | finishall rolling solo

Disclosure - I'm a DriveThru RPG affiliate

Getting Started with Scum & Villainy

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Adding to the Intro of Scum & Villainy. It's a great game for solo, especially if you've played a Forged in the Dark game before. I've played Blades in the Dark so that's fine. If you haven't played a FitD game before it might take a while to get to grips with everything!

Consequences are great for taking the scenes/story forward In the same way as Ironsworn did in an earlier actual play.

I also like Gambits. They are a resource for adding extra dice to rolls, but you only start with a couple for each Job. You can get extra ones through Strong Hits on tests with a risky position and a few character abilities. Fits with the pushing your luck feel of the genre.

The downside to Scum and Villainy is there can be quite a lot to get to grips to. With characters, the crew/ship, jobs, downtime, factions, consequence, position, effect and other subsystems. But most of it revolves around a simple d6 dice pool which drives the narrative forward.

Specifically for solo, I might need to look for advice for dealing with Devil's Bargains for solo.

World not particularly compelling but I'm fine with that. I actually think it's a strength for solo as I can use my own ideas and don't have to learn too much of the lore. The genre is strong so it's easy to bring in things from Firefly or Star Wars. Or Red Dwarf!

One of the crimes of S&V is giving you your ship name. It's such an important part of your group. So I've treated the ship as a type and given a name appropriate to the campaign.

Another thing I found (or missed) was a lack of clarity about what the faction statuses (+3 to -3) should mean and do. If you've played Blades in the Dark it's fine, but otherwise it could be confusing.

Using GameMaster's Apprentice

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Also got to use GameMaster's Apprentice, building on initial understanding and intro.

I've used GMA before, but this time it seemed to be smoother to get ideas. This could be more experience of solo on my part, or that the deck is Sci-fi, so more focused than some other GMA decks.

If you're starting out solo, GMA might not be enough on it's own for oracle and emulator. Some other framework such as Mythic or PUM might be useful

But as inspiration for running for a group or your solo game it's excellent. Because each card has several pieces of information, there are multiple avenues to come at a solution. If you don't like Pride as a vice, maybe a location or Action might be inspiration. Plus names are always appreciated.

The bits I've missed having so far are some names for spacecraft and fake bits of tech. Also having a second location would have been good. Because there's a mix of space-based ones and planetside on the cards, you're often looking for one and getting another.

Adventures of Gwydion and Crew of the White Dwarf

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We start with the default starting scenario for their type of ship. I love to keep things easy where possible, and starting with the default adventure is that.

The narrative character so far is Gwydion Lister, the spacer Mystic of the crew.

Scene 1 - Bike Chase (Job 1 - Hoverbike Chase, Gambits - 2. City planet of Warren in Rin Sector)

I knew Basset from years back, and Sapphire brought us a ship, which we named the White Dwarf after a painting Sapphire had. The Ashen Knives gave us our first bounty, an agent who had fucked up and could be found on the city-moon of Warren. Only problem was, when we kicked down the door where he was staying, he was actually not there but on a hoverbike around the corner...

The group see their bounty target, Cho-Tyrek on a hoverbike with a young girl behind him.

[Flashback: Sapphire is at a temple. It's her nature to hang back and provide support]

The hoverbike races off, their target with it.

(Start two 6-segment racing clocks, one for target escaping and other for catching target. Whichever gets filled up first is final outcome and filled one box of escape clock already. Recommended was one ten segment clock which could go up and down, but that could take forever to resolve.)

CLOCK - Cho-Tyrek Escapes: ☑☐☐☐☐☐

CLOCK - Catch Cho-Tyrek: ☐☐☐☐☐☐

Gwydion Lister opens fire on the bike (Scrap roll), which starts smoking (Gambits: 3). Bassett runs down the street, compelled to chase something moving (Scramble roll). But runs into crowd, annoying drinkers outside a bar.

[Flashback: Sapphire, +1 Stress (1). Put contacts and friends in place to watch near Cho-Tyrek (Consort roll).]

When Sapphire reaches out to her watchers, none are still in place, with varying excuses. Assumes one has ratted them out to their target.

Lister goes for high ground (Scramble roll), gets to a vantage point and sees hoverbike heading for the river.

Escapes: ☑☑☑☐☐☐. Catch Cho-Tyrek: ☑☑☐☐☐☐

Basset looks for bikes or transport, but finds none. Sapphire finds some near her and steals one (Skulk roll, Gambits: 2). Starts to close on Cho-Tyrek, helped by Gwydion's vantage point. (Helm roll with assist). However, two hoverbikes are chasing her.

With some nice piloting, she shakes one off which crashes into a wall (Helm roll). Basset runs to get into position to be picked up by Sapphire (Scramble roll, Devil's Bargain of +1 heat), knocking over people and getting attention but leaps on board as Sapphire gets to the river.

Lister guns down the pursuing hoverbike from vantage point (Scrap roll, Gambits: 3). Sapphire pursues Cho-Tyrek along the river, water spraying below the hoverbikes. She closes (Helm roll, Gambits: 2), but swerves to avoid blaster fire and obstacles. Basset takes aim and fires at their quarry, as Sapphire holds steady (Scrap roll with assist, Gambits: 1, Basset Stress: 3).

He hits the engines and the hoverbike goes sprawling, landing among tents of dispossessed. Cho-Tyrek surrenders, once they agree to take care of the girl he was protecting. Sapphire sees that the girl is an ur-bot and agrees.

Escapes: ☑☑☑☑☐☐. Catch Cho-Tyrek: ☑☑☑☑☑☑

Scene 2 - Life on the Dwarf (Downtime. Basset - Stress 3, Sapphire - Stress 2, Gwydion - Stress 1)

Our first bounty collected. We handed Cho-Tyrek over to the Ashen Knives. We've got a new companion, a girl who's an ur-bot we'll know as Art. We made quite a scene in Warren, so going to lay low for a while

[+6 Cred (7), +4 Heat (5)]

Gwydion Lister spends time training on the ship, attuning to it (Training). He also talks to allies among the Cobalt Syndicate, who direct attention to others in Warren (Lay Low, Consort roll, Heat reduced to 3). In one late-night conversation, a cousin in the Syndicate requests a favour for them (Entaglement - Cooperation). And the White Dwarf has its next job, transporting a thief to a high-stakes game on a temple-moon.

Basset attends to (Indulge Vice) his latest in a line of faiths and philosophy, this one involving the delights of the sense of smell (Stress reduced to 1). He also makes an effort to understand Art, spending time around them. (Sway roll, fills 5 boxes of a 6-box Longterm Project). Art takes to following Basset everywhere he goes, but says little.

Sapphire retreats to her comfortable cabin quarters, wheeling and dealing from it's safety. She contacts and hires some thugs (Acquire Asset: +1) lead by an old friend of hers. And spends time resting and training her mind after exposure of the hoverbike chase (Training).

The crew have a dinner together on the ship, Art just watching. Discuss future and agree to stick together. Insist Gwydion appear as "captain".

Sapphire gets to learning what she can of the game they're transporting someone to. Finds out its a one-off game including several dodgy factions including the Ashen Knives, Cobalt Syndicate, Maelstrom pirates and others. Prize is an ur-artifact as the prize and it's on some kind of religious moon or asteroid.

Gwydion gets nothing from contacts in the Cobalt Syndicate and Basset spends time trying to learn how to levitate, with no more success than ever.

Scene 3 - The Rimmer and Old Trouble (Job 2 - Transport a Thief; Gambits - 2, Basset - Stress 1, Sapphire - Stress 2, Gwydion - Stress 1)

So I'm Captain, even though it's Sapphire really calling the shots. We picked up the Thief, name of Mallix. Put them in the Brig as the Syndicate asked, making it look like a bounty capture. Picked up Sapphire's friends, a rough lot lead by a bruiser by name of Venkat. There's asteroids near the husk of Baftoma, and we're heading to a place within them. Only as we got to the first asteriods, we got hailed by a ship we'd hoped not to see again...

(Engagement Roll: Miss). From among asteroids comes a Maelstrom pirate ship. The group screwed over the Maelstrom in outfitting the White Dwarf and had been hoping to avoid them. Saffron had picked up something on long-range scanners but not identified straight away as a ship. This one is called the Rimmer and clearly outguns them...

They are hailed by the Rimmer, which demands they hand over their special cargo. Sapphire doesn't waste time with a reply, heading for the asteroids to run for it (Helm roll with assist, Gambits 1). Gwydion takes over the scanners using the Way and helping guide the White Dwarf. Manage to lose the Rimmer for the moment.

(Start a 4 turn-clock: the Rimmer finds them) ☐☐☐☐

[Flashback: Basset +1 Stress (2)] Basset had contacted Ora, his contact broke, and had gotten a map/model of the asteroids]

Basset and Lister look over the map (Study roll with assist) finding a route that lets them avoid the Maelstrom ship. Through debris of an old battlefield, but it's home to some kind of Way creature. Lister looks for it in the Way (Attune roll, Gambits 2) finding lots of ethereal creatures, a hive of them with hostility towards something. Asks who ill-will against and shown vision of large battle with many pirate, recognising older style of ship (GMA prompts of Ancient Piracy).

Sapphire uses scanners of the White Dwarf to show the entity the Rimmer, with help from Lister (Helm roll with assist, Gambits 2, Critical). The entity detects the Maelstrom ship and swarms towards it. Detecting the Rimmer fleeing the area, the crew of the White Dwarf navigate the battlefield and it's debris without problem.

Scene 4 - The Barn (Continuing Job 2 - Transport a Thief; Gambits - 1, Basset - Stress 2, Sapphire - Stress 2, Gwydion - Stress 3)

That was a frightening experience. For some reason I feel like we've not seen the last of the Rimmer. Nothing like having a group of pirates for enemies!

When they get near the target asteroid, get hailed and told all contestants to report to "the Barn". Directed to a huge rainbow-hued rectangular structure, where a couple of ships float near. Definitely a Precursor structure.

Gwydion attempts to probe it with the Way (Attune roll), but instead triggers a brightly coloured energy field that surrounds the White Dwarf...

After a wait and some cursing from the crew the Dwarf floats down to the the Barn, it's outside coated with rainbow netting. Gaps large enough for them to leave the ship. Agree that Sapphire (and Art) will stay on ship and others will take the Mallix (the Thief) and their hired thugs to explore. (Basset and Gwydion take Medium Loads)

Sapphire scans the area (Helm roll, taking Devil's Bargain of Precursor ruin taking interest in Sapphire) and long range scanners pick up a distress call from a factory somewhere within the asteroid. Otherwise it's quiet and no sign of others.

(Start a 4 part-clock: Precursor Manifests to Sapphire) ☐☐☐☐

Scene 5 - In the Bowels (Continuing Job 2 - Transport a Thief; Gambits - 1, Basset - Stress 2, Sapphire - Stress 3, Gwydion - Stress 3)

Everyone is in space suits, and they find their way to a mineshaft entrance. It's unstable and led by Basset they navigate cramped shafts down (Group Scramble roll lead by Basset). Venkant and the other thugs grumbling.

They reach more built up area and beacon. It opens out into a factory where they hear angry words (GMA prompt - a sharp accusation). It's hot here with lots of machinery for heavy construction. Two leaders of the Cobalt Syndicate, Drethul (compassionate, passionate, burning red hair) and Seahua (thug, daring, envious, gambler) are arguing.

Drethul says that the Barn is a holy place and the visitors are not respecting it. Drethul is backed by factory workers wearing symbol of a Rainbow Blaster. Sephua is backed by thugs of the Cobalt Syndicate. Drethul declares that "the God is displeased, the Path is disrupted".

Then Sephua spots Gwydion and the rest and looks relieved. She knows Gwydion and thanks him and others for bringing Mallix to them. Says it's too late for them to join the contest, but they are welcome to watch. Drethul and his workers are disgrunteld but let Sephua, her thugs and Mallix leave without further trouble.,

Gwydion and Basset curious about what is going on. The mystic reaches out to the beacon (Attune roll) but gets a confused state from the beacon here. Feels a presence here taking an interest.

Drethul tells them about Old Prism God, a being who helps them create the Pris-Blasters in the factory here. Basset is intensely curious about new faiths and sets about finding out more (Sway roll, Gambits 0, Critical). Drethul is impressed by Basset and finding out Gwydion can speak with the Way. Says they are welcome to be initiated.

Basset and Gwydion go with Drethul and a few workers toward the core, leaving Venkant and his thugs behind. They descend to an old ship, embedded in the asteroid, a place of Precursor tech. Basset is blessed and given a Pris-Blaster. As the ceremony proceeds, Gwydion reaches out again with the Way (Attune roll, pushes self - Stress 6). He detects a portal here, possibly a Jump Gate, and sees through it, into a great chaotic struggle (GMA prompt - Infinite Nightmare).

The beacon stops, and everyone looks at Gwydion. Drethul has a light in his eyes as he states "We'd like to hire your services...". Asks them to infect a Beacon with power and message of the Shimmer, their other name for the Old Prism God. Offer a few Cred and some unusual weapons, but Basset has already agreed!

Scene 6 - Respite on Warren (Downtime; Basset - Stress 3, Sapphire - Stress 3, Gwydion - Stress 6, Heat - 2)

The time after seeing the chaos beyond the portal and being aware of the Shimmer is a blur, my head full or Precursor buzzing and energies of the Way. We watched Sephua win their contest and the Percursor artifact at stake. Basset tells me we got a cut of the winnings. Then when we returned to Warren we were given a bounty for the Rimmer, which is officially missing. But also the pirates of the Maelstrom have taken a greater interest in us, which is bad news...

Back at Warren, the group prepare for their next, probably more hazardous job. Find that the Ashen Knives have traded the favour they owed to the Nightspeakers (I wasn't particularly interested in the AK as a faction). Also their ship has been infested with shimmer bugs, prismatic vermin (magnitude - 0) that seem mostly harmless so far.

Gwydion goes gambling, clearing his mind of energies in a series of crazy dice games. He also trains the crew (Crew upgraded with xp to level 1), including new recruits from among the factory workers.

Basset spend time trying to understand the (long-term project, 1 of 6 boxes for Understand Shimmer Cult) teachings of the Shimmer cult and the entity behind it. He also gains the trust of Art, the ur-bot they inherited in their first job. (completes long-term project, Gain Trust of Art)

Sapphire rehires Venkant and his thugs, who are bolstered by a couple of the most capable factory workers (Aquire Asset, Quality +1 [2]). She also helps train the crew and fits a temporary targeting array to the White Dwarf (Acquire Asset, Quality +0 [1]).

Next Scene - Getting Ready for the Beacon

Character and Notes

scum & villainy notes | gm's apprentice | starting scenes | characters | factions

Crew Notes and Clocks

Heat 3. Creds 5

  • Precursor Manifests to Sapphire. ☑☑☑☐
  • Basset Understands Shimmer Cult ☑☐☐☐☐☐

Gwydion Lister

Spacer Mystic, vice of Gambling. From an asteroid mining family (crystals). Brash.

Attune 2, Consort 1, Rig 1, Scramble 1, Scrap 3

Abilities - The Way, Psy-blade, Kinetics

Friends (Close) Hicks, a mystic good supplier (crystals); (Rival) Blish, a fellow mystic; Laxx, xeno; Rye, unrequited love; Horux, former teacher.


Manufactured (urbot) Speaker. vice of Luxury. Brought up by a reclusive noble as their heir. Prefers a low profile.

Command 1, Consort 2, Hack 1, Helm 2, Skulk 2, Doctor 1

Abilities - Air of Respectablity, Favors Owed

Friends (Close) Arryn, a noble; (Enemy) Je-Zee, a diplomat; Manda, guild member; Kerry, doctor; One unknown as yet.


Xeno (Caninite) Scoundrel. vice of Faith (always trying a new one). Aliens species with a suspicious similarity to dogs. Troublemaker

Scramble 1, Scrap 1, Skulk 3, Study 2, Sway 2

Abilities - Serendipitous*, Tenacious

Friends (Close) Rhin, a smuggler with solid contacts; (Pain in the ass) Battro, a bounty hunter looking for Basset; Nyx, moneylender; Ora, info broker; Jal, ship mechanic.

(Basset was going to have dog-themed xeno powers, but after looking at the sparse guidelines I stuck with just the scoundrel abilities)

The White Dwarf

(Name inspired by Red Dwarf, the British games magazine and the star!)

Cerberus-class ship. Daring reputation. Gambits - 2*

Crew 1, Comms 2, Engines 2, Hull 1, Weapons 1

Upgrades; Long-range scanners, jump drive, grappler arm, particle cannons, nexus link, brig, stun weapons. Temporary targeting array.

Abilities: Deadly

Favourite contact - Lix, a Caninite xeno who smells out people with bounties

Other contacts - Stacey Weathers, reporter; Arlox, syndicate leader and former assassin; Ishi, weapons dealer; Jezri, fixer.

Factions and NPCs

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  • Art. Mysterious ur-bot, follows Basset, silent, inherited from first job
  • Sephua. Sibling of Cobalt Syndicate leader. Thug, daring, envious, gambler,
  • Venkant. Thug leader from Warren, grumbling

Factions and Faction Clocks

The factions are the most important part of the game world. So here's a brief overview of them in the White Dwarf setting.

  • Cobalt Syndicate (+2), Rank I. Labour union turned to smuggling. Allies with Maelstrom and Cult of Shimmer, enemies of Ashen Knives.
    • Unify Labour Force ☑☑☑☐☐☐☐☐☐☐
  • Ashen Knives (+1), Rank III. Decadent syndicate focused on gambling, drugs and pleasures of the flesh. Allies of the Maelstrom, Enemies of the Cobalt Syndicate.
  • Cult of Shimmer (+1), Rank I. Factory workers from an asteroid with a Precursor ruin. Try to spread worship of the entity they've found there. Allies of the Cobalt Syndicate
      • Unblock Shimmer Gate ☑☐☐☐☐☐
  • Nightspeakers (+1. owe a favour), Rank II. Sinister mystics seeking particular Precursor artifacts.
    • Quietly gain Aleph Key ☑☑☑☐☐☐☐☐
  • Acolytes of Brashkadesh (-1), Rank I. Wear same garb and take same name. One to convert a power plant to their religion. Enemies of the Ashen Knives.
  • The Maelstrom (-3). Rank III, Band of ferocious space pirates hiding in a mysterious nebula. Allies of Ashen Knives, Cobalt Syndicate and Nightspeakers. Powerful enemies and also dislike the crew of the White Dwarf. The Rimmer is one of their ships (currently missing)
    • Identify best Jump Gate (to seize) ☑☐☐☐☐☐

Finishing Up

Both Scum and Villainy and GameMaster's Apprentice have been fine to use. An enjoyable solo play so far!