Futuristic, Horror and Modern PDFs and Books for Solo RPGs
PDF Guides Solo RPGs Futuristic Tools

Futuristic, Horror and Modern PDFs and Books for Solo RPGs

Duncan Thomson

Here we are looking at paid or free pdf and book titles for non-fantasy solo gaming, including science fiction, horror, cyberpunk, post-apocalypse, modern and science-fantasy.

PDF Guides - all | cyberpunk | fantasy | horror | modern | post-apocalypse | sci-fi | space-fantasy | solo

Disclaimer: Rand Roll is an affiliate for DriveThru RPG and DM's Guild.

Starting Points

titles - major sci-fi titles | free | emulators | cards | horror | alt solo | other

Solo RPGs is the art of playing a tabletop roleplaying game on your own. You are player, gamesmaster, worldbuilder, narrator and audience.

Some people like to journal, some like to play their favourite RPG, some try out new RPGs. Others play RPGs specific to solo play, adventure gamebooks or a lightweight RPG. I'm currently working my way through various British RPGs, old and new.

Other guides with Solo sections include Sci-Fi Solo Titles, Fantasy Basics, Horror Solo, Fantasy Dungeon Solo Titles, Fantasy Wilderness and Hexcrawls and Fantasy Sea Solo PDFs.

Many of the titles were included in 31 Days of Solo RPGs, which I did for March 2023 listing resources for solo rpgs each day on reddit.

For resources and advice for solo rpgs, check out The Soloist blog on Substack.

Jun 2024: new titles and gamebook section. Nov 2023: alt solo section added. Aug 2023: Cards section added. Free & pwyw split into rpgs & tools. .

Major Futuristic Titles

titles - major sci-fi titles | free | emulators | cards | horror | alt solo | other

Some PDFs are much larger and comprehensive.

  • Ironsworn: Starforged from Mophidius is the sci-fi cousin of Ironsworn, also written by Shawn Tomkin. Make powerful vows and explore the workings of your part of the galaxy.
  • For an oracle, gm helper and random generator in one, The GameMaster's Apprentice: Sci Fi from Larcenous Designs is a deck of cards for your solo game.
  • From Candlenaut is Entity, a solo game taking on the roal of a synthetic AI explorer, stranded in an expanse filled with alien ruins.
  • Another RPG is D100 Space from Martin Knight, which is a solo adventure game captaining a starship thorugh the galaxy, with supplements to support it.
  • In a solo game, to captain a Star Trek ship Mophidius has STA Captain's Log Solo Roleplaying Game (TNG Edition) PDF. There are 3 other versions for other eras, the same except for the covers.

Ironsworn: Starforged The GameMaster's Apprentice: Sci Fi Entity D100 Space STA Captain's Log Solo RPG (TNG Edition)

Free and PWyW Solo Tools & RPGs

titles - major sci-fi titles | free | emulators | cards | horror | alt solo | other

If you like free (or pay-what-you-want) pdfs and random tables then there are some options. And where you find one you might find more...

Stars Without Number Starsmith: Expanded Oracles Alone Against the Flames JV Random Tables: Cyberpunk & Modern

Solo Emulators and Aids

titles - major sci-fi titles | free | emulators | cards | horror | alt solo | other

Solo tools that aren't fantasy but are excellent for solo and all genres.

Mythic Game Master Emulator 2nd Edition Motif Story Engine Solo Game Master's Guide Plot Unfolding Machine - PUM Tilt: A solo oracle Conjecture Roleplaying GM Emulator


titles - major sci-fi titles | free | emulators | cards | horror | alt solo | other

Decks of cards are useful for random choices and playing screenless / offline .

Sidequest Decks: Science Fiction Galaxy Builder Decks: Planets Scifi Locations - Concept Cards Tricube Tales


titles - major sci-fi titles | free | emulators | cards | horror | alt solo | other

Thousand Year Old Vampire GM Apprentice: Horror Deck Escape from Pumpkin World the PocketMod RPG Alone Against Fear Sidequest Decks: Lovecraftian/Paranormal Heinrich's Call of Cthulu Guide to Carcosa

Alternative Solo Games

titles - major sci-fi titles | free | emulators | cards | horror | alt solo | other

Some solo games that aren't rpgs or just have some rpg elements.

  • For something with miniatures, Osprey Publishing has Stargrave: Science Fiction Wargames in the Ravaged Galaxy. Send your crew of soldiers, mechanics, hackers and aliens in missions for an ongoing campaign.
  • An adventure wargame, as opposed to an RPG, Five Parsecs from Home from Mophidius is designed for solo, assembling ragtag crew of galactic trailblazers.
  • The Wretched from Loot the Room is set in a spaceship where you are the last survivor. But a hostile lifeform is onboard with you. Others in the series include Go Alone.
  • The Quiet Year from Buried Without Ceremony is a map game, detailing the struggles of a community in a post-apocalyptic setting, as they attempt to build something in a quiet year before trouble arrives.
  • From Lame Mage Productions, Microscope by Ben Robbins lets you explore the history of a collapsed empire, a galactic civilisation or an ancient line of sorcerers. Or a backwater town!
  • Gamebooks are an alternative to solo rpgs with oracle or journals. From PenguinComics is Random Solo Adventure: Post Apocalypse - Solo Gamebook, taking a romp through a wasteland of the world that was.

Stargrave: Science Fiction Wargames in the Ravaged Galaxy Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Adventure Wargaming The Wretched The Quiet Year Microscope Random Solo Adventure: Post Apocalypse - Solo Game

Other Solo Titles

titles - major sci-fi titles | free | emulators | cards | horror | alt solo | other

Then there are a few other titles for solo that don't fit in other categories

  • From AlwaysCheckers Publishing, Notorious lets you play a bounty hunter hunting down fugitives and attracting trouble.
  • T-Rex Games has Space Aces: TNG (The New Guidebook), a lightweight adventure game with rules for solo and lots of random tables.
  • Glide from Sleepy Sasquatch Games is a solo game about desert wastes on a planet, hoping to restore it's past splendor.
  • Barbarians of the Ruined Earth from DIY RPG Productions is a rpg inspired by Thudarr the Barbarian, mixing in Mad Max and Pirates of Dark Water. With support from some random tables
  • By Cassi Mothwin is Tangled Blessings: 1-2 Player Magic Academy Horror, where you can play as either a solo journalling or 2-player rpg in a spooky magical acadamy. Powered by tarot cards.
  • For a solo rpg in modern era, MDO Design has Elegy, where you try to survive the big city nights as a vampire.

Notorious Space Aces: TNG (The New Guidebook) Glide Barbarians of the Ruined Earth Tangled Blessings: 1-2 Player Magic Academy Horror Elegy

More Generators

This will get updated in the future, but leave a comment with other titles if you have one to share.

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