Continuing on with solo playthrough of Electric Bastionland. Following on from the Starting Scenes.
Electric Bastionland solo - intro | start | partway | finish | all rolling solo
Disclosure - I'm a DriveThru RPG affiliate
Thoughts on Electric Bastionland
electric bastionland thoughts | solo tools | scenes | characters
Continuing on from last time's notes.
Electric Bastionland has been easy to solo so far. It has simple rules and a strong gameloop. That loop is to get a treasure to pay off debt. And then try for the next job. You start with a rival which provides a constant pressure to get on with the job.
For each job I've made an encounter table, as advised in the book. Even if it doesn't get used, making it gives an idea of the things that could be found in the adventure. The first is found in last times notes and the second at end of this section.
The d100 tables for ex-careers is also excellent for making an NPC. It has a possible picture, gear, name and other notes.
The Vehicle Reclaim Encounters (d6)
- 1) An approaching storm
- 2) Someone from previous job
- 3) Amateur Amputator and bonesaw assistant, hook hand, stinking ferret
- 4) --> Deep Country encs in EB
- 5) (Very Dangerous) legendary lighthouse, appears in random places, surrounded by haunted forest
- 6) Old Soldier
Solo Tools - Conjecture CRGE and UNE NPCs
electric bastionland thoughts | solo tools | scenes | characters
Building on previous Solo Notes.
CRGE continued to run smoothly. I like the Unexpected interruptions that give an event in a scene. But found they have been dominating my scenes too. Several scenes have finished early because of "Unexpected" results on the oracle. Which is fine for trying out a system, but it could easily become overused.
Also tried out UNE, a Universal NPC Emulator by same writer as CRGE. It's pay-what-you-want, consisting of a few random tables and two sections. One is on creating an NPC and the other is on NPC interactions.
I used it to flesh out one NPC, Hunydd and got "Pushy Villain" who wants to "defeat the elite" and "advance vigilance"
I also used it for conversation in one scene and the results were ok. UNE has three tables for NPC Conversation Mood, NPC Bearing and NPC Focus.
I think I was expecting more, honestly. But I'm also hard to please as I've also looked at lots of NPC generators for guides on Rand Roll and created a few for Chaos Gen
Also used the excellent tables from Knave 2e for support.
Adventures of Gears, Stones and Lamp
electric bastionland thoughts | solo tools | scenes | characters
Continuing from Starting Scenes.
The viewpoint character is "Gears" Jannifer.
Scene 4 - Rival Arrival
" Lamp has mentioned Dervish a few times. They used to work together but fell out over the right way to make a cocktail. Apparently Dervish is also after the same lizard as us, hired by the same guy who hired us. Has a couple of mean lackeys but Lamp says he's all style and no action. Nothing to worry about, he says..."
(Scene Main Thread - Rivalry with Dervish, to Knowledge) [Oracle rejected more likely result of main thread of Find Companion Lizard] .
As ready to get leave in a rail wagon to surface, a second rail wagon arrives from deeper in mine. In it is their rival Dervish and two lackeys with an alley gun and duck pistol. Group refuse, Stones monkey - Rags - grabs the lizard and takes to lead rail wagon.
(Unexpected - Key Grip - set location of next scene as out of Underground and start wrapping up scene)
There's a scuffle in the lead rail wagon, guns fired and weapons swung. Group knock unconscious one lackey and start to make escape in their rail wagon. But as they gain speed Dervish throws a reinforced throwing glass and knocks out a triumphant Rags. The monkey drops into the group's rail wagon and the lizard into possession of their rival.
They can't stop the horses and ride the wagon to the mine entrance.
Scene 5 - An Engineered Change
"Well we lost our lizard but didn't lose any of us. We captured a lackey working for Dervish, name of Hunydd. We've bound him with a yo-yo. Intriguing as he's got some oil stains and smells of machines. Might be a kindred spirit.
(Scene Main Thread - Find the Companion Lizard, To Endings)[Used UNE to detail Hunydd, the captured lackey]
Ride mine wagon to mine entrance to the Underground. Question Hunydd, the captured lackey and find out he really doesn't like his boss. Hits it off with Gears over machines as he's a visionary engineer while Stones nurses Rags. Accept help of Hunydd as desperate to get the lizard companion back.
(Unexpected - Montage - montage of various things to move scenes forward)
Montage of Hunydd listening to Gears then everyone working on getting mine-wagon working outside. Rags is back on feet, Gears and Hunydd laugh over some joke and Lamp talks to Hunydd about Dervish, both moaning. Several flashes of Stones keeping watch on mine entrance, looking bored.
Scene 6 - Lamp to the Limelight
"We've put together a land-wagon from the mine one. Reconfigured it too. Hunydd claims it was mostly his work, but I'm the real expert on machines here. It's been comforting talking to the tools and wagon and parts. Far easier than people."
(Scene Main Thread - Find the Companion Lizard, To Endings)
A distressed Rags alerts group. Watch from hiding as a weird human-sized metal spider emerges, followed by Dervish, his lackey Sian and two new underlings. Group watch from hiding as Rags tries stealthily to steal lizard back and fails, fleeing. Gears then spotted and looks bad.
(Unexpected - Limelit - rest of scene goes great for PCs)
Lamp opens up with alley gun, at which point all of Dervish allies flee, the spider-thing pursues them and everyone else pointing guns at a surprised Dervish. Their rival surrenders and gives over the chameleon lizard before fleeing too.
Scene 7 - Leavings
"Lamp is being smug, claiming it was he who caused the spider and miners to run and Dervish to surrender. Don't really care, as we got the lizard. Hope we don't see that weird spider again. Although it could be a machine..."
(Scene Main Thread - Hunydd becomes an antagonist, To Knowledge)
Group take their wagon back through Deep Country to Bastion. Hunydd talks with Gears but starts to get bored of her. Finds out Stones has a lot in common and helps with Rags. Obvious that Hunydd is ambitious and has big plans, but is secretive about details.
Back at Bastion, return the lizard and get paid, paying off £1k of their debt. Stones announces is going to work with Hunydd and has found someone else to take on the debt. Group say goodbyes over a cheap dinner.
Scene 8 - A New Job
"Knew not to trust anyone else who likes machines. We've lost the dependable Stones for some crazy entertainer. I blame Hunydd for it all, but hoping we never see them again. Maillie the Hatter is our new companion, a shit street performer with an old puppet. Apparently she took on Stone's debt in exchange for a new puppet from Cracknuggle Marbles and Jacks."
(Scene Main Thread - New Job - To Knowledge) [Lamp upgraded to full character]
Gears contacted by Feffle the Curious, a sage who rides an eclectic copter. Will pay £1k for a prototype vehicle to be liberated from a ruined fort in the Deep Country.
Group accept and given a big brass key and a guide. Rupert is a rude retired lamplighter in unfashionable clothes.
Scene 9 - Hippo Surprise
"We're going into Deep Country with a surly guide, a fiery performer, a backtalking puppet and a newly-confident Lamp. Only bonus is we're looking for a vehicle of some kind. Looking forward to having a longer look at it's internals and having a talk with it."
(Scene Main Thread - Rescue Vehicle from Old Fort - to Knowledge) [Made a Quest Encounter Table]
Rupert won't say anything about the vehicle to group as he leads they over fields. As they pause by a huge snake idol, they spot a big red hippo, which has crushed a wagon and those in it. (rolled on encounters from Electric Bastionland for Deep Country).
(Unexpected - Foreshadow)
Group manage to climb the snake idol. Hippo eventually leaves but takes in scent of Gears. Told by Rupert what a threat the red hippo is in this part of the Deep Country. [Started a 4 segment Clock of "Red Hippo comes for Gears" with 1 segment filled]
Expected next scene - Outside Fort, main thread of Hunydd becoming Antagonist.
Characters and Adventure Notes
electric bastionland thoughts | solo tools | scenes | characters
Starting group of Gears and Stones in Starting Scenes.
"Gears" Jannifer
Ex-Machine Whisperer, doesn't like people so prefers machines, knows next to nothing about machines, rambling
STR 9, DEX 8, CHA 8, HP 6, £6
Equipment - Mallet (d6), set of screwdrivers and spanners, bottle of poison, particularly shiny tool set, bag of marbles
"Lamp" Lill
Ex-Muddled Mixologist, cocky Scouser, scar on neck, from bar known for molecular mixology. Knows basic chemistry and making any liquid into jelly. Managed to bottle Golden Serpent - a hallucinogen.
STR 11, DEX 11, CHA 10, HP 3, £2
Equipment - Alley gun, bottle of fancy spirit, bottle of rotgut, excellent bow tie, set of tiny syringes specialised foamer, bottle of Golden Serpent, big brass key, toy jacks
"Hatter" Maillie
Ex-Street Performer, forceful, listens to Churl, puppeteer, performance only really works when she's drunk.
STR 11, DEX 11, CHA 14, HP 4, £1
Equipment - Staff (d6, bulky), floppy cap, sad-looking puppet (Churl the Fox), new unnamed puppet (an elk)
Group Notes
- Group Debt of £9k, owed to Cracknuggle Marbles and Jacks
- have Lamps and batteries, climbing & camping equipment, food & water
- Accompanied by Rupert, a lackey / guide, ex-lamplighter, rude, stubborn - STR 6 DEX 11 CHA 3 HP 1, truncheon (d6), wick on a pole, old-style clothes
- ☑☐☐☐ - Red hippo comes for Gears.
- B) Rivalry with Dervish - (stage - To Conflict)
- C) Hunydd becomes an antagonist (stage - To Knowledge)
- D) Retrieve vehicle from old military fort (stage - To Knowledge)
(to be finisj
- Rival called Dervish (STR 17, DEX 12, CHA 13, HP 6, Muddled Mixologist, 2 Lackeys - Sian (alternative groomer, alley gun - d6, bulky) and 2 others. Allied to Chellew, a Spider Hard Alien, metal lattice, god of mining village.
- Asa, mine village leader, metal braids, slick, artist, metal jewellery
- Hunydd, Liberal Engineer, ex-lackey of Dervish, advance vigilance, detest the elite. After wealth, aggressive, villain, duck pistol (d6, close), umbrella
- "Stones" Fourley, ex-member of group, ex-lockholder, STR 13, DEX 9, CHA 4, HP 1, driven by wealth, detailed, pet monkey Rags (4 hp, d4)
- Feffle the Curious, vehicle sage, rides eccentric coptor, paying for vehicle in 2nd job.
Finishing Up
Should complete writeup tomorrow! I'm liking the revised format for the scenes. No idea the challenges that face Fireborn next!