Advanced Fighting Fantasy Solo: Starting Scenes & Pendulum - A Tentacled Horse
Rolling Solo Actual Play Solo RPGs Fighting Fantasy

Advanced Fighting Fantasy Solo: Starting Scenes & Pendulum - A Tentacled Horse

Duncan Thomson

Commencing with Starting Scenes of AFF2e and some town building with Pendulum Following on from the RPG Intro and Char Gen.

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Disclosure - I'm a DriveThru RPG affiliate

Starting with Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e

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Adding to initial introduction of AFF 2e. Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e works pretty smoothly. Most of it is a 2d6 check against a skill total, with relevant modifiers.

It's a big improvement on Dungeoneer. The character creation is a lot more balanced (not just tied to a d6+6 roll for Skill to determine if character was shit amazing). Skills are split out and the magic systems work far more smoothly.

There was not much combat, but that's sure to change. Fireborn is the sort of character to avoid combat if she can.

One odd thing is the list of what counts as Knowledge skills. Healing or Languages or Religion Lore is fine. But Crafting, Bargain, Etiquette, Fishing, Hunting and Leadership are strange choices. This is relevant to Fireborn as she has a talent that gives her +2 to all Knowledge skills, whether trained or not. I'd envisioned it as her training by ancient ghostly wizards, but it turns out it was a very broad education!

The rules are well-supported so far, and it's nice to have monsters and a world overview!

Solo Tools - Chaos Emulator and Mythic 2e Tables

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For my solo tools it was my own Chaos Solo Emulator, which is working fine and giving surprises. Like any tool, if you know it well, it's easier to use and lets you focus on other things.

For my random tables I ended up using the d100 tables in Mythic GM Emulator 2e. This is what I had to hand and they've been working fine. There's lots of options for tables to choose from. But sometimes it takes a while to figure out how to interpret some of the results

Using Pendulum for town of Engelric's Keep

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I might cover the tool in another article, but I'll cram it in now. After listening to Steve of Errant Adventures and John of Tale of the Manticore take Pendulum for a spin (John wrote it), I decided to try using it to build the main settlement for this actual play.

Pendulum (drivethrurpg link) is a settlement builder for the history of a settlement. There are questions to take it from a hamlet up to a major city, each answered by the flip of a coin.

I'll just give the results of them for this, the mining town of Engelric's Keep (formerly Engelric's Mine).

I only went through the first phase (there are four), as I knew the settlement was relatively small. Phase One: Beginnings covers "small advancements, minor constructions, modest growth".

For phase one there are 17 questions, each answered by the flip of a coin, with Heads representing "Law" and Tails representing "Chaos". The results of some questions depend on the result of the last, and they all build up a narrative for the settlement.

At the start the settlement is a hamlet. The first question has results of

  • Heads: The new territory is gained peacefully, through trade or diplomacy, or else it was unoccupied to begin with. Name the ruler. What is a major resource in this area?
  • Tails: The new territory is taken through war and bloodshed. The old population is wiped out, subjugated or assimilated. What valuable resource did your defeated foe have that is now yours? Name the ruler.

I flipped Tails for the first one. Starting off the town's narrative (not gonna detail every question)...

  • Year 1. Engelric takes mine from dwarves, subjugating a few. Work continues in the tin mine.
  • Year 11. Building goes well. Settlement becomes known as Engelric's Mine
  • Year 17. Use dwarves to construct stone defences guarding mine entrance
  • Years pass, some basic roads constructed but things go stagnant. Engelric dies
  • A century passes, no dwarves left in the settlement. Engelric's family are only ones allowed to mine, keeping the wealth to themselves.
  • Year 142. A big change as an ogre mercenary buys the mine from Engelric's family and they leave. Gwyar the Golden pays for new miners to operate the mine.
  • Year 145. Coming from a nearby cave system known at The Hollows, nearby goblinoids demand tribute. Gwyar the Golden slays some of them and the goblinoids end up paying her. Hamlet becomes a Village as people come to settle in Engelric's Mine.
  • Year 161. Unrest as Gwyar dies with no successor. Goblins from the Hollows try again to assert their power. Over a few years the villagers defeat the goblinoids. They are lead by Leofflaed the Sergeant, a descendent of Engelric.
  • Year 176. Another mine is discovered, a gold mine. Work begins, overseen by Leofflaed.
  • There's a population explosion and life is good in Engelric's Mine. Settlers flock here and it becomes a Township (~1000 population)
  • Year 189. Uncertainty strikes the town, as an aging Leofflaed goes missing in the gold mine. Three leaders emerge, Oslaf the Goldsmith, a recent arrival; Mongfind, an ogre who offers protection from growing threats in the Hollows; and Mildburg One-handed, a warrior cousin of Leofflaed. (A secret is introduced - why did gold mine get closed up?)
  • Year 197. Mildburg wins the ensuing power struggle, as the town loses some population after the gold mine closes. Mildburg "One-hand" Engelric builds a keep and protects from growing threats in the Hollows. Town becomes known as Engelric's Keep.
  • Year 205. A diplomat arrives from the nearby town of Owlby, hoping to open up the gold mine. The mine remains closes, but a partnership is established. They talk of the creatures at the Hollows.
  • Year 207. Current year...

It's enough to give an idea of the town of Engelric's Mine for my adventure. The prompts were easy to follow and I didn't even get to the end of Stage 1 (14 of 17 questions done).

I'd recommending giving Pendulum a try if you are doing some town-building. It's currently less that a US dollar. I may well return to give it an article of its own.

Adventures of Fireborn

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Fireborn was detailed in Introducing Fireborn (again), following on from her original adventures from Dungeoneer.

After the unrest of Port Blacksand ten year ago, Fireborn has finished her apprenticeship to ghostly wizards of ruined Carsepolis beneath Blacksand. And it's time to see where fate takes her...

Starting Threads

  • A) Find adventure outside of Port Blacksand

Starting Extras

  • A) Emberfall, elf plant-mage, cousin of Fireborn, tall, strange pets, house in Port Blacksand, one arm is vines.
  • B) People of Port Blacksand.

Scene 1 - Dinner with a Cousin

" Ah, Port Blacksand... Such a... city. A change of scene from the ghosts of Carsepolis will do me good. Ten years is not so long for my kind, but I don't know where the future will take me. Although I think cousin Emberfall has an idea..."

Location: House of Emberfall, a place of vines, dangerous plants and strange pets.

Fireborn has dinner with her cousin Emberfall. They discuss Fireborn's replacement apprentice with the Carsepolis ghosts, disease in animals in and around Port Blacksand and her future plans away from elven traditions.

Emberfall asks Fireborn to look into the disappearance of Crystal, a distant cousin of theirs. She'd led a group of adventurers into the Hollows of Havoc, often simply known as the Hollows. He offered her a riding lizard that had been quarrelling with other pets.

Fireborn agreed and they discussed the Hollows, caves near hot springs with rumours of an old temple of Chaos and a storied history. A possibly ally was mentioned the latest wielder of the Axe of Shipbuilding, living in the town of Engelric's Keep near the Hollows.

Threads and Extras: Resolved Thread A) Find Adventure outside of Port Blacksand. Added Threads of B) Discover fate of Crystal, their cousin; C) Find out more about Hollows of Havoc; and D) Seek aid from Cobb, last wielder of Axe of Shipbuilding. Added C) Crystal to Extras and added Nicodemus the riding lizard to Fireborn's description.

Scene 2 - Engelric's Keep

"It's good to be out of Port Blacksand, and Nicodemus is a better companion than ghosts. Engelric's Keep isn't much of anything. A keep and fortifications atop a hill, to protect a tin mine. Maybe there's more to it"

(Scene starts as expected, at the town). Guards of Engelric's Keep are unfazed by Nicodemus, as they say other giant lizards kept in the town.

Fireborn finds Cobb at Cobb's Fine Lumber at edge of town. A well-muscled former mercenary who now has a team of labourers to help with his woodcutting, supplementing the magic of the Axe of Shipbuilding.

Cobb is helpful, but has no wish to sell his axe or leave his business to help find Crystal. Does tell Fireborn her cousin went missing a couple months ago at the Hollows. There was one survivor, a knight who is still in the town...

Threads and Extras: Removed Thread of Seek aid from Cobb; Added Threads E) Find out who keeeps lizard pets/mounts in town and why; and F) Interrogate Sir Shannon Kenn about Hollows and Crystal. Added Cobb to Extras.

Scene 3 - A Knight and Their Horse

"Engelric's Keep used to be a more prosperous place. Lots of townsfolk left after their gold mine mysteriously closed. Many buildings are abandoned, outside of the walls and a blacksmith told me Sir Shannon Kenn is living in one of the barns out there."

(Scene change - character is missing - the Knight) Fireborn reaches the barn where Sir Shannon Kenn is meant to be, but no-one answers. Fresh tracks of one person on foot lead away.

Inside she finds a scene of horror. An emaciated horse whose back legs have become tentacles, but is somehow still alive. Nearby is an unlit fire, basic tools and a crude camp. There are symbols drawn on a wall, which Fireborn studies, recognising them as representing a demon of Chaos who is attracted by magic.

The mutant horse moves towards her, so Fireborn summons her combat magic, draws her axe, and hacks off it's tentacles. Covered in gore, she gets back on Nicodemus to pursue the knight.

Threads and Extras: Updated Thread F) to - Interrogate Sir Shannon Kenn about Chaos Demon and Crystal. Added one Extra, Sir Shannon Kenn who last saw Crystal and serves some kind of demon

Scene 4 - Cliff and Confrontation

"Well that was terrifying. Might not sleep tonight. Who is this knight? Did he lead Crystal to the Hollows? Wish Clover was here. Could do with a good axe-fighter."

(Scene change - obstacle blocks way. Fireborn: 17 of 20 magic points). Tracks lead to a cliff-edge. Fireborn leads Nicodemus down steep steps, past many caves where ambushers could lurk.

(Event - Extra takes action). Sees a strange spider-goblin cross climbing down cliff. It glows with magic, carries a bag, and heads in rough direction of the Hollows.

Further down steps, Sir Shannon Kenn awaits, dressed in chain armour and with blade drawn. With magical charm, Fireborn learns that her cousin antagonised warriors at the Hollows, who defeated Crystal and her companions. Combat is avoided as Fireborn sends the knight into a magical sleep, then knocks him unconscious.

(Event - Thread becomes harder: Interrogate knight). As Fireborn drags Sir Shannon onto her lizard mount, a symbol flares up on the knight's forehead. It glows and then melts his flesh away. Cursing her luck, Fireborn leaves the body in a harder to reach cave. Then returns to the barn, takes a lantern and oil and returns to Engelric's Keep.

Threads and Extras: Removed Thread F) Interrogate Knight. Added Threads - G) Find out where spider-goblin went; H) Find out who warriors of Hollows are who overpowered Crystal; Removed Sir Shannon from Extras and added F) Spider-goblin mage, ally/servant of Shannon and demon of chaos.

Scene 5 - An Aggressive Priest

"It gets worse. More questions and less answers. At least Crystal might still be alive. Maybe someone in town can help me make sense of all this."

(Scene change - hostile forces oppose you. Fireborn: 9 of 20 magic points). Back at town, Fireborn is directed to temple of Donall, God of Weal and Woe. From her education she recognises god as an aspect of Logaan the Trickster, a god of Neutrality. Inside she meets Adelbart, a heavily armed priest with a Blacksand accent, on edge and clearly preparing for something. Shouts at Fireborn, telling her she's not welcome here and to leave. She shouts back, asking if he doesn't care about this town.

A crowd gathers round as argument moves to the street. Fireborn tells of the mutated horse and chasing Sir Shannon. Two guards agree to go with Fireborn to barn. An unhappy Adelbart and several curious townsfolk also accompany them. All are horrified by the horse and sigils.

Adelbart then hurries off without another word, in rough direction of Hollows. Fireborn says she going off towards the Hollows, if any want to join her. One answers, a woman called Lydia searching for her brother, who also disappeared in the Hollows. They gather their things and head down trail, the barn burning behind them. Travel a couple hours and camp in woods

Threads and Extras: Updated Extras B) from People of Blacksand to People of Engelric's Keep. Added Extras of G) Adelbart, desperate armed priest of Donall / Logaan. And H) Lydia, a travelling knife-throwing entertainer searching for brother.

Scene 6 - A Nighttime Conversation

"That priest was a curious fellow. Guess someone told him I was looking for Sir Shannon and they're linked somehow. Lydia seems solid. Will need to be if we're going to these Hollows"

(Scene change - Adelbart is involved; Increased Fireborn's Bows from 1 to 2 with XP;Fireborn: 9 of 20 magic points). Around campfire, Fireborn and Lydia talk. Fireborn talks of her time in Port Blacksand and adventures with Ridlaire and Clover. Lydia talks of working in settlements of Allansia. One day hopes to visit Port Blacksand, to Fireborn's amusement.

Lydia also talks of Adelbart being a scary priest who believes all Weal will be balanced by Woe. Known to be interested in the Hollows and a friend of Shannon. Lydia heard of a group of ogres at the old gold mine, lead by an ogre who claimed to be descendent of Gwyar the Golden, once the ruler of Engelric's Mine. Lydia stopped asking about mine when attracted attention of Adelbart and Sir Shannon.

Adelbart's tracks indicate he's met some others, mounted on horses, and he is now mounted too and heading towards Hollows.

Threads and Extras: Added thread of I) Find out who Adelbart connected to in the Hollows. Added Extras of I) Ogres of gold mine, lead by male descendent of Gwyar the Golden.

Scene 7 - Unexpected Opportunities

"Lots of trouble stirred up here. Warriors, chaos, goblins, angry priests, ogres. A spell to fly away would be a useful thing to have"

(Scene starts as expected, following tracks. Fireborn max magic points). Fireborn and Lydia follow tracks, discover signs of a disturbance. Hear music and see lights nearby through forest gloom. Fireborn sneaks up to take a look, only to get caught in a bear trap (double 6's, a fumble). A couple of scouts find her but Lydia keeps away.

Fireborn is disarmed and taken into to a strange wooden building to meet their leader. Among others is a petite woman in luxurious clothes and symbol of Glatanka, goddess of the Sun. Introduces herself as Zara Sunscour. Adelbart is there, held prisoner. Fireborn explains she followed Adelbart with Lydia, when caught in trap. Reveals what she knows about him.

Zara reveals this is a temple to Glatanka, dedicated to destroying a great evil in the Hollows. A place protected against undead and feared by goblinoids. They were celebrating a great omen of a golden eagle who visited them.

(Event - an extra is involved - Lydia)

About to interrogate Adelbart some more, when interrupted by sentries. They found dagger of Lydia by some tracks, looks like she's been taken by mounted cultists who had been with Adelbart. Zara agrees to let Fireborn go, to pursue her friend. The priestess will go with her with a couple of scouts but not enter the Hollows.

They find Nicodemus munching at leaves, then Fireborn uses "Find" spell to locate a piece of jewellery of Lydia.

Next Expected Scene - Into the Hollows (Fireborn - 7/10 stamina, 16/20 magic points)

Threads and Extras: Added threads of J) Discover what great evil Glatanka temple set up to destroy; K) Rescue Lydia from mounted cultists. Added Extras of J) Zara Sunscour, noble and priest of Glatanka. Rich, gold, petite; K) Followers of Glatanka at Shrine of the Sun; L) Cultists of the Hollows.

Next Scene 4 - A New Plan.. (Health 4/8, willpower 1/12)

Character and Notes

aff2e thoughts | solo tools | pendulum | starting scenes | character

Fireborn Ridlaire

Elf female. Unpredictable, independent, guardian of the dead, grew up with a fear of trees.

SKILL 6, STAMINA 10, LUCK 8, MAGIC 6. Magic Points - 20

Skills - Axes 2 (8), Bows 2 (8), Dodge 1 (7), Forest Lore 1 (9†), Knowledge Special Skills (all) 0 (8†), Languages (Common Speech) 2 (10†), Languages (Elven) 4 (12†), Lockpicking 1 (7), Magic (Minor) - 3 (9), Magic - Wizardry 2 (8), Magic Lore 1 (7), Sneaking 1 (7), Underground Lore 1 (9†)

Talents - Dark Seeing, Learned† (+2 to knowledge special skills)

Minor Spells - Attraction, Dry, Extinguish, Glimmer, Hold, Instil, Noise, Pied Piper, Ripen

Wizardry Spells - Fear (1), Find (4), Gills (4), Ironhand (1), Lock(1), Mirror Selves (2), Sleep (2), Ward (1)

Equipment - Spellbook, battle axe (3/3/3/3/4/4/5), shortbow (1/2/2/3/3/3/4), backpack, provisions worth 2 meals, potion of Magic, 8 gp, lantern and oil, (longsword and large shield, kept on Nicodemus)

Companion - Nicodemus the Riding Lizard (colourful, camouflage, can defend self, Skill 6, Stamina 7)


  • B) Discover fate of Crystal, cousin of Fireborn
  • C) Find out more about Hollows of Havoc
  • E) Find out who keeps lizard pets/mounts in Engelric's Keep and why
  • G) Find where spider-goblin went
  • H) Find out who warriors of Hollows are that Sir Shannon spoke of overpowering Crystal
  • I) Find out who Adelbart connected to in the Hollows
  • J) Discover what great evil Glatanka temple set up to destroy
  • K) Rescue Lydia from mounted cultists


  • A) Emberfall, elf plant-mage, cousin of Fireborn, tall, strange pets, house in Port Blacksand, one arm is vines.
  • B) People of Engelric Keep.
  • C) Crystal. Seeks fame above all else. Elf warrior, adventurous, distant cousin of Emberfall, lead adventurers
  • D) Cobb. Wielder of Axe of Shipbuilding, owns lumber company, former mercenary, large, good-natured
  • F) Spider-goblin. Mage, ally/servant of Shannon and demon of chaos
  • G) Adelbart. Armed, desperate, priest of Donall (Logaan the Trickster) at Engelric's Keep, from Port Blacksand. Was ally of Sir Shannon
  • H) Lydia the Sharp. Knife thrower, traveling entertainer, searching for brother who was lost with Crystal
  • I) Ogres of gold mine. Led by male descendant of Gwyar the Golden.
  • J) Zara Sunscour. Noble, priest of Glatanka, rich, gold, petite
  • K) Followers of Glatanka. At Shrine of the Sun
  • L) Cultists of the Hollows.

Finishing Up

Well that was a larger update than normal. Let's see what Fireborn finds at the Hollows of Havoc!