Sewers Encounters for Dungeons and Dragons 5E
D&D Encounters (2014) Collected Encounter Tables D&D Dungeon

Sewers Encounters for Dungeons and Dragons 5E

Duncan Thomson
there is a large splash behind you and a glimpse of reptilian eyes. Was that a...crocodile? You've heard legends of frogs that walk and talking lizards down here beneath the city...

Simple sewer encounters from Collected Encounters pdf.

Tables for Sewer Encounters (levels 1-4 & levels 5-10), Encounter Details and Sewer Beasts.

[art from Bruno Balixa]

Tables for... all terrains | caves | dungeon | farmland | market | river | sewers | sky

From Collected Encounters on DM's Guild

Collected Encounter Tables on DM's Guild Encounters Mega-Bundle on DM's Guild

Sewer Encounters (Levels 1-4)

1d20Sewer Encounter Table lvl 1-4
1 1d6 thugs or roll on Crooks and Charlatans lvl 1-4
2 2d6 stirges or 1 slithering tracker (VGtM)
3 2d4 giant centipedes or roll on Sewers Beasts
4 1d6 gas spores or 1 ghast with 1d4 skeletons
5 1d4 kobolds with 1d3 giant poisonous snakes or roll on Kobolds lvl 1-4
6 1d3 wererats or an area of flammable gas
7 1d6 mud mephits or 2d4 bullywugs
8 2d4 giant frogs or roll on Sewers Beasts
9 1d4 ghouls or 1d6 darklings (VGtM)
10 1d3 ochre jellies or roll on Fungi and Oozes lvl 1-4
11 A lost cat with an enchanted collar or 1d2 yuan-ti malisons
12 1 green hag on a giant lizard or 1d2 vampiric mists (MToF)
13 1d4 giant spiders or roll on Sewers Beasts
14 2d6 crawling claws or 2d4 oblex spawn (MToF)
15 1d3 carrion crawlers or roll on Scavengers and Vermin lvl 1-4
16 1d3 gricks or 1 water weird
17 1 black pudding or 1 ghost
18 2d4 giant rats and 1 swarm of rats or roll on Sewers Beasts
19 1 cult fanatic with 2d4 cultists or 1d2 grells
20 1 otyugh or 1 swarm of cranium rats

Sewer Encounters (Levels 5-10)

1d20Sewer Encounter Table lvl 5-10
1-2 1 assassin with 2d4 cultists or roll on Crooks and Charlatans lvl 5-10
3-4 2d6 wererats and 1d6 swarms of rats or 1d4 otyughs
5-6 2d4 doppelgangers or an area protected by a guards and wards spell
7-8 1d2 shambling mounds and 1d4 vine blights or roll on Fungi and Oozes lvl 5-10
9-10 2d4 ghouls and 1d6 ghasts or 1d4 vampire spawn
11 A crypt leading to the Underdark (or Shadowfell) or 1 alkilith (MToF)
12 1d6 duergar scouts on carrion crawlers or 1 elder oblex (MToF)
13 1 water elemental and 2d6 mud mephits or 1 froghemoth (VGtM)
14 1 aboleth or 1 master thief (VGtM) with 2d4 thugs
15 1 black pudding and 2d4 carrion crawlers or roll on Scavengers and Vermin lvl 5-10
16 1 oni and 2d6 kobolds or 1 corpse flower (MToF) with 1d8 zombies
17 1 death slaad or 1d2 shadow demons and 2d4 shadows
18 1 yuan-ti abomination and 2d4 yuan-ti purebloods or roll on Yuan-ti lvl 5-10
19 1d6 chuuls or 1 maurezhi (MToF) with 2d4 ghouls
20 1 vampire or 1 drow arachnomancer (MToF)

Encounter Details (Levels 1-4)

Use 1d10 for beasts and non-sentient creatures.

1d20They are... (or one is...)
1 not supposed to be here
2 suspicious of a about a glowing liquid (or something shiny)
3 carrying a dangerous disease or connected to other creatures nearby
4 avoiding greenish slime
5 near an entrance to the surface (or a large lever)
6 following (or being followed by) something
7 trapped in a sludgy pool (or a trap)
8 covered in sewage (or flies)
9 investigating a humanoid body (or hanging chains)
10 curious about a black fungal growth (or a system of chains)
11 looking for a lost person (or pet)
12 lost down here or repairing something
13 investigating a humming pipe (or a wooden box)
14 outcast from their kind
15 eating rotten food (or rats)
16 putting rats (or spiders) in a bag
17 looking at an old door or calling for help
18 scavenging through junk (or papers)
19 examining a lever (or a grate)
20 carrying pipes of the sewers (or 1d4 potions of climbing)

Sewer Beasts (Levels 1-4)

1d20Sewer Beasts lvl 1-4
1-2 3d6 giant rats or 1 giant constrictor snake
3-4 1d4 giant toads or 1d3 plesiousauruses
5-6 1d4 giant octopi or 1d3 swarms of rot grubs (VGtM)
7-8 1d3 carrion crawlers or 1 giant crocodile
9-10 1d6 giant lizards or 1d3 giant poisonous snakes and 1 swarm of poisonous snakes
11-12 1d6 swarms of bats or 2d6 giant fire beetles
13-14 1d6 swarms of insects or 2d6 stirges
15-16 1d4 giant spiders or 2d4 giant frogs
17-18 2d4 giant centipedes or 1d6 swarms of rats
19-20 1d6 crocodiles or 1 swarm of craninum rats (VGtM)

From Collected Encounters on DM's Guild

Collected Encounter Tables on DM's Guild Encounters Mega-Bundle on DM's Guild

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