Actual play with sci-fi setting, following Soria the psychic retired life coach. For my own emulator and system Compact Chaos v1.
Compact Chaos Receipts and Randomness Actual Play
overview | tools | tables | character | scenes | extras & threads
I'm doing an actual play of my own emulator and tiny RPG. Compact Chaos Solo Emulator. It's designed to be lightweight so I put the rules/tables on one receipt, the character on another. The Extras and Threads take up one more receipt and writing up notes on more as I go.
Normally when doing Rolling Solo Actual Plays, I edit notes into more of a narrative. For this one I'm putting down pretty much what I record in my notes. Plus some notes on important oracle rolls, skill rolls and the Chaos Events.
The "RPG" system is simple. For a Test, use oracle, adding boons or banes (positive / negative dice) as appropriate. Get a Boon on Tests related to one of character's skills/traits. And a Bane on ones related to their Flaw(s).
The actual playing took place in...
- a train
- the laundrette
- a cafe
- my flat
Solo Tools
overview | tools | tables | character | scenes | extras & threads
I wrote my notes on the back of receipts (they love giving them here in Portugal). Blank ones far more useful than the ones with adverts on the back.
My Emulator / RPG was my own pay-what-you-want Compact Chaos - Solo Edition V 1.0.
My six-sided die was a spinner ring. Like a fidget-ring but with 1-6 on it. I've also seen 20-sided versions of these! I used a regular d6 when at home!

Compact Chaos Tables
overview | tools | tables | character | scenes | extras & threads
There are three main tables to Compact Chaos. I reduced these down to use as reference. For my oracle, inspiration, skill checks and random event generator.
In a 3 column d6 random table, they look like...
1d6 | Oracle | Inspiration | Chaos |
1 | NO! | Yesterday | + Extra |
2 | No + Ch | Media | Thread |
3 | No? But | Person / Thread | CHAR - |
4 | Yes? But | Words | Extra --> |
5 | Yes + Ch | Environment | Thread X |
6 | YES! | Message / Extra | CHAR + |

Character Creation
overview | tools | tables | character | scenes | extras & threads
Through some rolls I determined my setting was sci-fi and my character would be a life-coach. (I'd been listening to a podcast involving a "life coach" and currently reading some philosophy)
It made sense that she'd be well read, someone who could tell people's fortunes, and actually have some truth to the predictions. And her powers would interfere with tech!
Soria November
Coach for rich, now retired to be a philosopher, travelling around in her own ship. Helped by a service droid called Match.
Traits - Literature, Oracle, Psychic Power
Flaw - Tech Malfunctions
Extras and Threads
Decided a former client and friend in need would make sense as Extras. And helping out her friend as the only starting thread.
- Mance. Rich former client, in love with Soria
- Perigo. Owner of the The Picadilly. Fixer and agent, inquisitive
- Look after space tavern for a week

Starting Scenes
overview | tools | tables | character | scenes | extras & threads
Usually I change my write-up to be more blog friendly. This time I'm just going straight-up with my notes!
Scene 1 - After Hours
(env - lumchtime, oracle said extreme no to this premise so started after hours)
Soria is helping out her friend Perigo, by looking after their space tavern, the Hundred Keys. Perigo has gone away for a week.
It's after-hours of first night, was busy but she coped with help of Sergio and Match.
Having quiet drink with Sergio. They are talking about patrons of the Hundred Keys. And what the keys used as decorations were for.
Patrons mostly locals, visiting lone space port for resupply. A varied bunch on backwater planet for various reasons.
As Soria looking at keys, one catches her attention - it's made of iron. (prompt of Yesterday - a cafe at back of Ironmongers). And has symbol of a planet, a nature world with ruins of an alien civilisation.
Sergio tells her how he plans leaving planet soon, so his Birthday in three days is very important. Soria promises to make it go as smoothly as she can.

Scene 2 - Sergio's Party
(Premise - Sergio's Birthday Party. As expected - No, but...)
Sergio's friend are there, everyone is having a good time, when a pair of smartly dressed humans arrive. No-one knows them but they ask to speak to Soria by full name (Add November as second name).
Speak to her in a side room. A former client has left her something big in will, but she has to travel to a paradise planet to find out what.
The client (Diogo) was a crime lord who had few friends after retiring. They (Soria and Diogo) got on well, but she would never expect anything like this
(Q - do lawyers get invited to the party? - Extreme No!)
They're in an extreme hurry to leave. Soria does a reading for them. (skill test using the d6 oracle, with a bonus die as she has Oracle as a Skill. succeeds with prompt inspiration of "Message").
Vision of them, stranded on an asteroid or moon. Goes after them to warn them, but too late as already left spaceport.
(Chaos event after second trigger from d6 oracle - Character Negative for the Lawyers)
Soria has vision of them arriving at a trade port and abducted. Knows she will never see them again. Someone else is interested in the legacy of Diogo, and that means trouble.
Shaken, goes back to party.
Scene 3 - Leaving the Planet
(Expected - end of week, say goodbyes to Perigo and tavern-goers. Oracle says No)
Soria resists urge to leave early, but at end of week no news of Perigo.
Sergio wants to leave with her too, but Soria can tell he's in trouble. Does a reading of him (Skill test - success, prompt of "overcrowded"), gets a vision of him in crowded family home, falling out with other family members, leaving with angry words.
Agrees and they get ready to go. (Chaos Event - Character Negative for Patrons of Thousand Keys. Ask if someone blows up tavern and Oracle says Extreme No).
As they get ready, a notice is put on the Tavern. It's been sold and to be converted into a high-end bar. Patrons come and take Keys (as momentos), including a few by Soria and Sergio.
Head in ship to Paradise Planet. (Ask is it peaceful? Oracle says Extreme No. Prompt - sick world).
Soria is connected psychically to her ship. When she and Sergio come out of deep sleep, they're not at a paradise planet, but above a huge forested planet. The iron key Soria took from the tavern is vibrating. And she can feel alien ruins on planet below, calling to her.
Next Scene - Exploring Alien Ruins...?
Updated Extras and Threads
overview | tools | tables | character | scenes | extras & threads
Description for Soria hasn't updated, but the Extras and Threads have!
- Mance. Rich former client, in love with Soria
- Perigo. Owner of the The Picadilly. Fixer and agent, inquisitive
- Sergio. Young waiter/assistant at tavern, curly hair, peculiar laugh. Family problems
- Former Patrons of Hundred Keys. Tavern on a backwater planet, only spaceport. Many interesting storied keys (taken)
- Find subject for philosophy writing
- Find secret of iron key for nature world of alien civilisations. Pastels - bright colours
- Find out what crimelord Diogo left her in will
- Discover who else interested in will of Diogo
- What are other keys Sergio and Soria have connected to
Finishing Up
Well that's a mini rolling solo. Lots left over and it would be interesting to play some more.
There might be a sequel, there might not!
Hopefully it helps someone trying to get to grips with solo gaming or Compact Chaos!