Random PDFs and Books for Science Fiction RPGs
Futuristic Tools PDF Guides Solo RPGs

Random PDFs and Books for Science Fiction RPGs

Duncan Thomson

Here we are looking at titles for Science Fiction. Now also with a Solo section.

PDF Guides - all | cyberpunk | horror | modern | post-apocalypse | sci-fi | solo

Disclaimer: Rand Roll is an affiliate for DriveThru RPG.

[Photo by Robynne Hu on Unsplash]

Starting Points

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | spaceships | bars | traveller | other

There are lots of options for random tables, solo games, decks of cards and other resources for science fiction roleplaying games.

So here we have things for all kinds of sci-fi.

There is also a Generators Guide for Sci-Fi

May 2024: Added new titles.

Major Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | spaceships | bars | traveller | other

Some PDFs are much larger and comprehensive.

Book of Random Tables: Science Fiction The GameMaster's Apprentice: Sci Fi Science Fiction Codex of Lists (2nd Edition) Ironsworn: Starforged Sidequest Decks: Science Fiction Scifi Locations - Concept Cards

Solo Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | spaceships | bars | traveller | other

Solo gaming for tabletop rpgs has become popular in recent years, and here are titles specifically for solo. Also see Starforged in the major titles section.

  • From Candlenaut is Entity, a solo game taking on the roal of a synthetic AI explorer, stranded in an expanse filled with alien ruins.
  • Another RPG is D100 Space from Martin Knight, which is a solo adventure game captaining a starship thorugh the galaxy, with supplements to support it.
  • The Wretched from Loot the Room is a solo journalling game where you are the last survivor of a spaceship. And something is in the ship with you...
  • From AlwaysCheckers Publishing, Notorious lets you play a bounty hunter hunting down fugitives and attracting trouble.
  • T-Rex Games has Space Aces: TNG (The New Guidebook), a lightweight adventure game with rules for solo and lots of random tables.
  • For something with miniatures, Osprey Publishing has Stargrave: Science Fiction Wargames in the Ravaged Galaxy. Send your crew of soldiers, mechanics, hackers and aliens in missions for an ongoing campaign.

Entity D100 Space The Wretched Notorious Space Aces: TNG (The New Guidebook) Stargrave: Science Fiction Wargames in the Ravaged Galaxy

Free and Pay What You Want Options

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | spaceships | bars | traveller | other

If you like pdfs and random tables then there are some options. And where you find one you might find more...

Stars Without Number: Revised Edition (free version) Planet Generator from Never Engine 100 Names for Androids and Other Artificial Beings Starsmith: Expanded Oracles Mysterious Passenger

Smaller Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | spaceships | bars | traveller | other

To find more related titles by a particular publisher the "Customers Who Bought This Title also Purchased" bar at the bottom of product description is useful.

Sci-fi Bundle Collection Volume 1 Deep Space Backwater Planetoid Generator 100 Bits of Space Junk 100 Encounters for a Dubious Starport Asteroid Generator Alien Body Plans #1 - Hexapods and Other Ecdysozoa


titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | spaceships | bars | traveller | other

To find more related titles by a particular publisher the "Customers Who Bought This Title also Purchased" bar at the bottom of product description is useful.

1d100 Spaceships and Captains 100 Problems on a Starship Just Add Dice: 50 Starship Cargos STA Captain's Log Solo RPG (TNG Edition) 101 Starship Cargos

Space Bars

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | spaceships | bars | traveller | other

Space bars in many forms provide places to relax, meet new characters and get into trouble.

Space Bar Generator Sci-fi Bar Bundle 1d100 Sci-Fi NPCs

Traveller Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | spaceships | bars | traveller | other

Traveller is one of the olders sci-fi rpgs and has always encouraged random generation. Some titles made for it include

d66 Compendium d66 Compendium 2 d66 Compendium 2

Other Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | spaceships | bars | traveller | other

Last are...

Scifi Dystopia Tiles Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Adventure Wargaming Lifeform Maker Grammar Fuel: Science Fiction Genre and Subgenres Sci-fi Bundle Collection Volume 1 Glide

Finishing Up

This will get updated in the future, but leave a comment with other titles if you have one to share.

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