Modern Era - Random Table Titles
Modern Era PDF Guides

Modern Era - Random Table Titles

Duncan Thomson

Here we are looking at pdf and book titles for Fantasy Cities on Drive Thru RPG.

PDF Guides - all | cyberpunk | horror | modern | post-apocalypse | sci-fi | solo

[Photo by Petr Stradal on Unsplash]

Disclaimer: Rand Roll is an affiliate for DriveThru RPG and DM's Guild.

Starting Points

overview | major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | other

Modern is a more difficult genre to make suggestions for, as we are living in it! But superheroes, espionage and the broadening of modern to include 80's until now makes things easier.

A generators guide for Modern is has random generators and tools. There's also a list of Modern Era articles on Rand Roll.

For more PDF titles try Random Table Titles for Horror and Cyberpunk.

Dec 2024 - Added solo section & updated titles. May 2024 - Extra titles added. Sept 2023 - More titles added.

Major Titles

overview | major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | other

Some PDFs are much larger and comprehensive.

The Book of Random Tables: Modern Sidequest Decks: Modern Crime, Spies & Supers Big Modern Bundle Tome of Tables: Modern School

Modern Solo Titles

overview | major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | other

There are a few solo titles for modern games.

  • For a solo rpg in modern era, MDO Design has Elegy, where you try to survive the big city nights as a vampire.
  • Sidequest Decks: Pulp Adventures! from Inkwell Ideas is a deck of 72 cards with quests inspired by the likes of India Jones, Tomb Raider and the Da Vinci Code.
  • From Lame Mage Productions, Microscope by Ben Robbins lets you explore the history of a backwater town, thriving metropolis or ancient secret society.
  • From Zadmar Games is a solo system and deck of cards called Tricube Tales. The cards are used to drive the narrative and tricube tales can be paired with most rpgs.

Elegy Sidequest Decks: Pulp Adventures! Microscope Tricube Tales

Free and Pay What You Want Options

overview | major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | other

If you like pdfs and random tables then there are some options. And where you find one you might find more...

Espionage Mission Generator JV Random Tables: Cyberpunk & Modern 100 Town and City Names 100 B-Movies playing at the Movie Theatre for all Modern RPGs 100 Envelope Contents

Smaller Titles

overview | major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | other

To find more related titles by a particular publisher the "Customers Who Bought This Title also Purchased" bar at the bottom of product description is useful.

100 Oddities for a Found Car 100 Modern Day Quirks 100 Useless Items for all Modern RPGs Ewen's Tables: Modern Random Events 120 Modern Pocket Contents

Other Titles

overview | major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | other

Things that don't fit in the other categories.

Just Add Dice: 50 Modern Ship Cargos The Book of Random Tables: 1960s-1970s Tome of Tables: Speakeasies Spy Mission Generator 100 Envelope Contents

Finishing Up

This will get updated in the future, but leave a comment with other titles if you have one to share.

If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.