"Unquestionably, the best part is when people contact me to tell me how their players reacted; I still find it sort of mind-blowing knowing that what started as an aid for myself, has helped or inspired so many others who share my love for D&D. "
The latest interview is with instagram rpg tables creator Bardic Tales.
Q&A with Bardic Tales
How did you get into creating random tables?
I actually started creating generator tables for my own campaign; one of my players has a habit of picking every pocket within arms length and, when put on the spot, my answers were usually an uninteresting, “a few copper pieces” or something similar.
So I decided to make a ‘D100 Pocket Filler’ generator to make my world feel more diverse; the ball just sort kept rolling from there!
What tables are you most proud of creating and why?
I think my favourite table is my first D100 Unlabelled Potion Generator; it’s like the wild magic table found in the Players Hand Book but for potions.
It got a lot of positive response on my Instagram, from people responding in the comment to how their characters or players would react to certain effects, to people messaging me to tell me how they used the table. It filled my with a real sense of pride and accomplishment, I’m smiling right now just thinking about it!
What is the most fun thing about creating random tables?
Unquestionably, the best part is when people contact me to tell me how their players reacted; I still find it sort of mind-blowing knowing that what started as an aid for myself, has helped or inspired so many others who share my love for D&D.
What are the biggest challenges of creating random tables?
For me the biggest challenge is the same that I faced in school. I am Dyslexic and no matter how much I try to proof read, mistakes are basically inevitable. It can be very disheartening when you work hard to create something for others and it is met with ridicule for a spelling error.
Thankfully, most people in the D&D online community are wonderful people who take my content for its intention and overlook minor imperfections; the love and support I receive from the majority of my audience far outweigh the words of a harsh few ☺️
How do you use random tables yourself?
I most often use them to keep the energy of the story up and to give my world that ‘lived in’ feel; as such the tables I probably use most are my Random Encounter Generators to make the setting seem teeming with life!
I also love to use the Critical Fail and Critical Success roll tables to add an extra element to combat.

What is the most interesting RPG generator or tool you have seen?
There are too many to list!
I’m am infinitely amazed but the creativity and ingenuity of content creators around the world; initiative trackers, custom DM screens, content expansion, homebrew monsters, homebrew subclasses and races; and so much more!
A few favourites that spring to mind are the Monster Loot Tables created by Ladytiefling and the unbelievably vast free content created by Dungeon Master Dave. (there is also a Rand Roll interview with Lady Tiefling)
What are your next big projects (tables or otherwise) that you can talk about?
I would really like to release a book one day so that people may have a physical version of my tables. I have been working on it for a while but finding the time to do so, as well as create my regular content and do my day job, is proving somewhat challenging! I will get there eventually though!
Where can people find you on social media?
I can be found on Instagram at instagram.com/bardic_tales and on Patreon
Is there anything else you would like to talk about?
I would like to take a moment to say how amazing I have found the D&D online community to be. I was shocked by the support, love and gratitude giving by both creators and audiences! It’s amazing how a few dice and some imagination can bring joy to so many people.
I would like to thank the people at Beholders Gaze for being so supportive of me and, not to mention, creating amazing dice!
Finally I would like to say a big thank you to anyone who has ever supported me via my Patreon account; I genuinely couldn’t have got this far without you, my generous heroes 🎻
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