Showing off generators of the January 2023 Festivals and Holidays Challenge.
This one was a quiet one so might try to shake up format in the future.
The results were...
Holiday Generator at 7Tools
Rise Feast - This is a day to remember a historical event, The Rise of the Treeland Union. Normally this day represents a time for people to set new goals and gain new ambitions
The Holiday Generator at 7Tools creates a range of festival days with the option to "use adjectives". As always with 7tools generators, various clickable elements can be expanded with more details.

Festival Generator at Leit Knight Gaming
You have a Summer summer solstice. A possible tradition associated with this holiday is to exchange handmade gifts.
The Festival Generator at Leit Knight Gaming creates a short text festival with a filter for the season. There are suggestions of possible traditions with it.

Fantasy Travel Companion at Chaos Gen
Thazar-De Fezim is a successful human summoner with a brighty-colored pair of boots and torn clothes, who is travelling to an unknown destination. They are secretly a planar traveller
I adapted my NPC generator to create a Fantasy Travel Companion at Chaos Gen. It's got a filter for environment and gives a destination and some other travel details.

More Challenges
We have had other challenges at the rpg_generators subreddit and they will continue in the future.