Sorcerer of Flamecap Spire - the Curse
British Fantasy Fantasy Dungeon System Neutral Tables

Sorcerer of Flamecap Spire - the Curse

Duncan Thomson
You'd been warned of the island of ghosts in the river, but thought there might be a key there. You slew a priest and his skeletal minions, and now you've reached "the Boathouse", a place with a statue of the Sorcerer and along with floating tools building a boat. It seems too quiet...

Connected to the River is the Accursed Area, here undead lurk. Tables for Area Layout, Curse History, Wandering Encounters, Room Details and Room Inhabitants.

[Photo by visualsofdana on Unsplash]

The Accursed Area

overview | sorcerer | treasure | starting | outer area | river | curse | maze | extras | solo notes

Linked to the Underground River is the Accursed Area, with many undead.

Choose or roll for the location of the cursed area and the history of its curse in the Accursed Area Details tables.

Details of passages in the Accursed Area or near the river can use the Outer Complex Passage Details table

For more Fantasy Tables there is are Fantasy Generators at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as Sorcerer of Flamecap Spire.

Sorcerer of Flamecap Spire on DriveThru RPG Sorcerer and Spire Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Accursed Area Layout

overview | sorcerer | treasure | starting | outer area | river | curse | maze | extras | solo notes

d10 The cursed area...
1-3 is before the river
4-7 is after the river
8-9 is on an island
10 covers the entire area

Accursed Area History

d10 The cursed area ...
1-2 was because of a curse laid by the Sorcerer on an old temple [SAC]
3-4 covers an island in middle of river, with ghosts that wander the river
5-6 was the site of a magical fire and the area is now always warm [FIR]
7-8 is cursed by a dwarf spirit, who controls creatures in the area [DWA]
9-10 is magically connected to the Sorcerer's treasure, and contains one of the keys needed to access the treasure [ARC]

Accursed Area Wandering Encounters

1 hungry ghoul, who poses as a dead body before attacking
2 group of harmless phantoms, of creatures long dead
3 few large bats or roll on River Encounters
4 sinister priest with 1d3 skeletons [SAC];
5 veteran stonemason, warded by a silver amulet or roll on NPCs
6 flaming undead, which trades insults before attacking [FIR]
7 boat carried by 1d6+1 skeletons or roll on River Encounters
8 floating hand that serves a nearby spellcaster (or undead) [ARC]
9 group of 1d6 zombies, who will accept commands from strangers
10 dwarven ghost [DWA] or roll on NPCs

Accursed Area Rooms

d10 Room Type Room Detail
1 boat house or roll on River Locs farming tools
2 mosaics of bright red stone [FIR] furniture made from boats
3 storehouse dwarven furnishings [DWA]
4 luxurious room [DWA] several coffins (or dead bodies)
5 altar room [SAC] a rune-covered chest [ARC]
6 a dead end with alcoves shelf or religious texts [SAC]
7 arcane laboratory [ARC] staircase down (or up)
8 summoning circle room a supernatural fire [FIR]
9 old sleeping chambers statue of the Sorcerer
10 room with maps and charts small boat or roll on River Locs

Accursed Area Inhabitants

1 A skeleton with a few spells, and can be possessed by the Sorcerer
2 An undead crocodile with a gold object or roll on River Inhabitants
3 A humanoid of stone, centuries old, holding secrets of the Sorcerer
4 A bitter priest of fire who is cursed to stay in the area [FIR]
5 A dwarvish ghoul, tries to converse before hunger overcomes it [DWA]
6 A weeping goblin, dying from a painful disease or roll on NPCs
7 Animated tools that work on making boats or roll on River Inhabitants
8 A wight who uses a magical blade that it pains them to wield [ARC]
9 A vampire who was a priest, wary of symbols of other deities [SAC]
10 A fiendish sentry (or roll on NPCs) who watches area for the Sorcerer

More Tables

For more Fantasy Tables there is are Fantasy Generators at Chaos Gen. There is a pdf of these and more tables on Drive Thru RPG as Sorcerer of Flamecap Spire.

Sorcerer of Flamecap Spire on DriveThru RPG Sorcerer and Spire Bundle on DriveThru RPG

If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.