Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE Final: Countryside Coptor
Rolling Solo Actual Play Solo RPGs British Fantasy

Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE Final: Countryside Coptor

Duncan Thomson

(To be finished - still have to write up the scenes!)

Concluding the solo playthrough of Electric Bastionland, with aliens, flight, foes and a knight and a hippo. Following on from the Part 3 Scenes. (to be finished)

Electric Bastionland solo - intro | start | partway | finish | all rolling solo

Disclosure - I'm a DriveThru RPG affiliate

Thoughts on Electric Bastionland

aff2e thoughts | solo tools | scenes | char, extras, threads

Continuing on from last time's notes.

A solid game and a solid game for solo. One of my favourite RPGs now and one I look forward to playing with a group face to face.

Solo Tools - Conjecture CRGE

aff2e thoughts | solo tools | scenes | char, extras, threads

Building on previous Solo Tools notes.

CRGE continued to trundle along. I'm not sure it added much more than some other oracles. But I liked having one thread each time as the main thread, and the list of Unexpected events is great

Adventures of Gears, Lamp and Hatty

aff2e thoughts | solo tools | scenes | char, extras, threads

(to be finished)

Continuing from Previous Scenes. And the ending Threads and Extras.

Scene 10 - Fort Lift

" I keep seeing this giant red hippo in every shadow. Lurking in every corner..."

(Scene Main Thread - Hunydd becoming an antagonist - to knowledge / conflict). [framing event - someone from previous job - rich patron]

The group reach the steep hill leading up to the fort that's their destination. At base they find Hunydd along with their former comrade Stones and his monkey. Escorting previous employer, an obese rich woman carried in a palanquin by four muscular men.

Hunydd accuses them of stealing job and warns them away. Lamp gives own warning and group go around the hill. Use their climbing gear to scale up another way, reaching top well before their rival group. At top meet an old soldier who knows Rupert (their guide) and drops a rope down for them.

Scene 11 - Knight and Dog

" Letia helped us into the fort and made us welcome. She and her husband are old soldiers who guard the fort. Not sure who for though. Rupert announced he won't go any further and will stay with his old friends at the perimeter. We're welcome to go in and poke around though!"

(Scene Main Thread - Get Vehicle - to Knowledge).

Minus a Rupert the group look around the ruins, finding a beacon and meeting an old knight. Sir Samwail has a bucket helm and has trouble training Sevi, a disobedient dog. Hatty takes the lead, introducing group as "Churls Chaps, Salvage Specialists" and gets on well with Sevi the dog.

Sir Samwail knows of the storage hanger they're searching for, but it's a haunted place. Everyone died there in a last supper and bones still remain. The knight is outraged when they tell him of the thieves coming up behind them, led by Hunydd.

More importantly Hatty names her elk puppet Sevi after her new friend.

Scene 12 - Into the Hangar

" How can people be so careless with machines? There's one in that hangar been left for years with just bones for company! Disgraceful and makes me think less and less of people."

(Scene Main Thread - finding vehicle - to conflict).

Leaving Sir Samwail and Hatty happily playing outside with the dog, Gears and Lamp open up the hangar. Inside they find many bones and a canvas, underneath which is a vehicle. It has a metal shell and blood-stained blades. Gears identifies it as some kind of 'coptor and falls in love straight away.

Lamp spots a few skulls around the base of the coptor and investigate bones further. Find two huge eerie snakes further into the hangar, wrapped around a pile of bones. They are slumbering and don't wake up even when Sevi comes in barking and investigating hangar.

Gears thinks she can fly the 'coptor and finds gears and pulleys to help pull it out of hangar.

Scene 13- Snake Bargain

" What a machine we've found. A flying machine that would give more freedom than anything else I've seen. It's tempting to take it off on my own and forget about our group debt..."

(Scene Main Thread - finding vehicle - to conflict). [In distance, hippo curious about barking dog so tick second box of four on "Red Hippo comes for Gears"]

Gears has plan to pull out the coptor, and Sir Samwail offers his amazing horse to help. Karrier is a sturdy horse who can haul massive weights. As getting ready to haul out vehicle, spot rivals approaching. Hunydd is here with Stones and the four muscled servants, now armed.

As Sir Samwail and Hatty go to remonstrate with the "thieves", the snakes wake. Revealing themselves as alien, they telepathically offer the keys needed to fly the machine, in return for the horse to sate their hunger and being flown to Bastion. Lamp and Gears accept without hesitation.

Scene 14 - Hunydd Harm

" Thoughts..."

(Scene Main Thread - Hunydd becoming an antagonist - to conflict).

(to be finished)

Scene 15 - Trapped in the Hangar

" Thoughts..."

(Scene Main Thread - Hunydd becoming an antagonist - to conflict).

(to be finished)

Scene 16 - New Things

" Thoughts..."

(Scene Main Thread - New Job - to Knowledge).

(to be finished)



Characters and Adventure Notes

aff2e thoughts | solo tools | scenes | char, extras, threads

Ended last time with Gears,Lamp and Hatty.

"Gears" Jannifer

Ex-Machine Whisperer, doesn't like people so prefers machines, knows next to nothing about machines, rambling

STR 9, DEX 8, CHA 8, HP 6, £6

Equipment - Mallet (d6), set of screwdrivers and spanners, bag of marbles

"Lamp" Lill

Ex-Muddled Mixologist, cocky Scouser, scar on neck, from bar known for molecular mixology. Knows basic chemistry and making any liquid into jelly. Managed to bottle Golden Serpent - a hallucinogen.

STR 11, DEX 11, CHA 10, HP 3, £2

Equipment - Bottle of rotgut, excellent bow tie, set of tiny syringes, specialised foamer, toy jacks, bulky sword (d6, heavy)

"Hatter" Maillie

Ex-Street Performer, forceful, listens to Churl, puppeteer, performance only really works when she's drunk.

STR 11, DEX 11, CHA 14, HP 4, £1

Equipment - Staff (d6, bulky), floppy cap, hippo puppet named Hunnyd

Group Notes

  • Group Debt of £9k, owed to Cracknuggle Marbles and Jacks
  • have Lamps and batteries, climbing & camping equipment, food & water
  • Accompanied by Rupert, a lackey / guide, ex-lamplighter, rude, stubborn - STR 6 DEX 11 CHA 3 HP 1, truncheon (d6), wick on a pole, old-style clothes
  • ☑☐☐☐


  • B) Rivalry with Dervish - (stage - To Conflict)
  • C) Hunydd becomes an antagonist  (stage - To Knowledge)
  • D) Retrieve vehicle from old military fort  (stage - To Knowledge)


  • Rival called Dervish (STR 17, DEX 12, CHA 13, HP 6, Muddled Mixologist, 2 Lackeys - Sian (alternative groomer, alley gun - d6, bulky) and 2 others. Allied to Chellew, a Spider Hard Alien, metal lattice, god of mining village.
  • Asa, mine village leader, metal braids, slick, artist, metal jewellery
  • Hunydd, Liberal Engineer, ex-lackey of Dervish, advance vigilance, detest the elite. After wealth, aggressive, villain, duck pistol (d6, close), umbrella
  • "Stones" Fourley, ex-member of group, ex-lockholder, STR 13, DEX 9, CHA 4, HP 1, driven by wealth, detailed, pet monkey Rags (4 hp, d4)
  • Feffle the Curious, vehicle sage, rides eccentric coptor, paying for vehicle in 2nd job.

Finishing Up

Was a good game. Last Actual Play of a solo rpg for a while.

Moving on to a few other solo games, such as the Broken Cask, an Inn solo game.