Generators for a post-apocalyptic setting such as Mad Max or a zombie world.
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Oct 2023: added Starting points and updated layout slightly
Disclaimer: I'm an affiliate for DriveThru RPG
Image from Lukasz Szmigiel on Unsplash
Starting Points for Post-Apocalypse RPGs
basics | ruins | horrors | survivors | pdfs
In a post-apocalyptic setting, something bad has happened and the world is doing it's best to cope. Nuclear war, climate change, zombie apocalypse, aliens, killer robots, magical storms could all cause one.
Many fantasy setting represent post-apocalyptic ones, with an ancient more advanced civilisation. So maybe take a look at the Gens Guide for Fantasy.
They are often populated by desperate survivors, mutated creatures,
Examples include Mad Max, Fallout, the Matrix and many zombie movies. Many fantasy worlds have post-apocalypse.
There is also a post-apocalypse PDF guide.
Apocalypse Basics
basics | ruins | horrors | survivors | pdfs
Let's start with an apocalypse generator from chaotic shiny
Initial Cause: nuclear warfare and natural plague. Secondary Causes: acid rain and dimensional rift. Threats: dangerous storms, hailstorms, zombie animals, and religious cults. Survivors: 22.2% of the population
And then those post-apocalyptic societies will need some names, as will the ruined lands around. From Fantasy Name Generators
Springhole also has a Lost Civilization generator
And over on instagram JJShurte is creating free post-apocalyptic d6 tables.

In the Ruins
basics | ruins | horrors | survivors | pdfs
Amongst the ruins you find...a shot glass, a lawn chair and a tennis racket
From Post-Apocalyptic Junk Loot on chartopia.
You have further options donjon has scavenged drugs, ancient junk and cans of various food. Plus post-apocalyptic trinkets from Ennead Games.
The lands might be wracked by plague from Chaotic Shiny

Zombies and Monsters
basics | ruins | horrors | survivors | pdfs
This zombie is somewhat contagious. She is partially decayed, and is missing part of an arm, an ear, an eye, patches of skin and a foot. She is fast, possibly a little smart, and very strong. She is wearing filthy clothing. She attacks mostly by striking victims.
Zombies like this one from chaotic shiny are a big cause of apocalypses. From Chaotic Shiny, which also Zoomoprhs as a danger.
From are Individual Kaiju, It also has Strange Robots from previous ages serving as opponents, villains, plot points or npcs.
Seventh Sanctum has multiple kaiju or techno-fantasy monsters

The Dregs Left Behind
basics | ruins | horrors | survivors | pdfs
...dregs such as Exo, Roach, Gadget, Rat, Hawk and Snail
From apocalypse/mutant nickname generator at Fantasy Name Generators
The survivors might also have mutations and insanities from Chartopia. Some may have developed super powers from Rangen, from weird substances or alien intervention.

Apocalypse PDFs
basics | ruins | horrors | survivors | pdfs
Post apocalypse games can take inspiration from all over the place. These titles are some from the Post-Apocalypse PDFs Guide.
- From dicegeeks are Book of Random Tables: Post-Apocalyptic filled with d100 tables of items, encounters, characters and more.
- The Random Solo Adventure: Post Apocalypse - Solo Gamebook is from PenguinComics. It features a solo adventure with random aspect to make each play different.
- Daniel Roos has Post-Apocalyptic Loot with 800 main results by categories and more subtables.
- The Roadwarrior Bundle is from Gregorous21778 with titles for vehicles, names and marauders,
- For curios and imaginative elements Skirmisher Publishing has 100 Oddities for a Wasteland with examples in the title blurb.
- Also worth mentioning are a series of RPGs specific to Post-Apocalyptic settings. EDGE Studio has a series called End of the World. There are scenarios for Zombie Apocalypse, Robot Revolt, Alien Invasion and Wrath of the Gods.
Any More Generators?
If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.