"A tangle of ramps and stone steps lead up a barren escarpment. Among them are carved massive images of desert creatures. "
Tables for Wilderness, Semi-Civilised and Unusual Desert locations. Result is from Desert Unusual Locations.
Locations by terrain - arctic | coastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban
[Photo by Cody Doherty on Unsplash]
Desert Encounter Locations
Barren wastelands, shifting dunes and arid steppes are all defined by a lack of water. Patches of life exist among the landscapes of rock and sand. Places of death and ruins of past civilisations are found here, but a watering hole can be a valuable find to the thirsty traveler.
There is a 5e Desert random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And a separate tool for encounter locations including Desert.
There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Desert Encounters.
Desert Encounter Tables - creatures (2014) | creatures (2024) | locations | non-combat | enhancements
Desert Wilderness Locations
d8+d12 | Desert Wilderness Locations |
2 | A high cliff and a muddy sinkhole (nearby is an unusual grave) |
3 | A low cave entrance and a muddy stream fed by a spring (nearby is a shrine to a power of smiths) |
4 | A group of ferns surrounded by flowers (nearby is a crumbling statue) |
5 | An area of rock-strewn ground with a circular hole (there is an inscription here in Common) |
6 | A tall mesa and a cypress sapling (near a dusty monument) |
7 | A dark cave entrance near a muddy stream (there is the skull of a mule) |
8 | A deep sinkhole and a formation of grey dunes (by a large salt plain) |
9 | An overhanging cliff with rocks strewn below (there is a strong wind from the east) |
10 | A formation of shifting dunes (there is a programmed illusion here) |
11 | A group of hardy cacti with a palm sapling (close by is a marked trail) |
12 | A mossy rock surrounded by sand (close by is a muddy hole) |
13 | A bleak slope with a pile of rocks (there is an abandoned tent) |
14 | A deep depression by a field of blooming cacti (close by is a dusty chasm) |
15 | A shallow waterhole at the bottom of a steep slope (there is a horrible stench lingering in the air) |
16 | A deep valley with many desert flowers (it is associated with a shapeshifting vulture) |
17 | A narrow ravine with a few dark cave entrances (there are several spiky cacti) |
18 | A patch of spiky cacti surrounded by gray dunes (there are fresh tracks of more creatures nearby) |
19 | A weathered rock by a patch of purple flowers (nearby is a Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion) |
20 | A large salt flat with four tall cacti (close by is a shrine to a power of trickery) |
Desert Semi-Civilised Locations
1d8+1d12 | Desert Semi-Civilised Locations |
2 | A sheltered temple to a power of death with a mound of bones (which is protected by a wind spirit) |
3 | A cairn by a patch of bright cacti (associated with a power of lies) |
4 | A part-buried monastery (it is associated with a powerful lamia) |
5 | An dried-up well by a crooked cacti (there is demonic magic here) |
6 | A splendid pavilion tent in an area of desert flowers (there are many hyena skulls) |
7 | A pile of rocks by a smouldering campfire (there is a burnt handcart) |
8 | A sacred oasis by a grave (there is a collapsed tent) |
9 | A tunnel entrance full of webs by a haunted well (near a granite outcrop) |
10 | A dusty road lined by carved rocks (nearby is a patch of red flowers) |
11 | A small oasis surrounded by palm trees (there is a dead humanoid) |
12 | A hut sheltering behind a recently-built wall. (by a narrow track) |
13 | An old shrine to a forgotten power among short grass (there are a few large rocks) |
14 | A tomb surrounded by dirt and debris (there is a strong wind from the west) |
15 | A low wall and a pile of rocks (nearby is the fresh corpse of a giant lizard) |
16 | A ruined statue by a shallow hollow. (there is a wanted poster) |
17 | A beast pen with several dead animals (near a few cave entrances) |
18 | A wide cave entrance and a poisoned well (there is a monstrous skeleton) |
19 | Two mounds of stone and debris surrounded by a trench (close to an area of tended cacti) |
20 | A shrine to a power of courage atop a large rock (someone has left an ornate scimitar) |
Desert Unusual Locations
1d8+1d12 | Desert Unusual Locations |
2 | Jagged blackened cliffs sometimes sprout flames. Bright flowers grow here in a day, blessed by the Elemental Plane of Fire. |
3 | A fiendish relic is buried under piles of rubble and. Red eyes watch from the shadows and the spirit of a vengeful mage lurks nearby. |
4 | Tomb of the Cabal. Much of this weathered pyramid is shrouded in roiling mists. Chilling shrieks and screams can be heard at night. |
5 | Plants and a vegetable garden grow among monstrous bleached bones. Druidic magic sustains an oasis and fey are sometimes seen. |
6 | A village of scavengers and outcasts is built into the side of a canyon. A shrine is tended by an oracle who speaks to the winds. |
7 | A tangle of ramps and stone steps lead up a barren escarpment. Among them are carved massive images of desert creatures. |
8 | Genie's Spire. Carved steps lead up a mountain of blue stone to a glowing shrine. Elemental spirits are attracted to the area. |
9 | A sludgy waterfall descends into a muddy stream. Numerous spiky cacti seem strangely alert. At dusk and dawn a sage's spirit appears. |
10 | An orchard of crooked trees shelters a collapsed temple to a power of life. A sense of peace reigns and locals keep livestock here. |
11 | Grand tents shelter by an impressive mesa. Many bear gifts to the summit, seeking the blessing of a sovereign entombed there. |
12 | Wellspring of Hope. A large oasis is sheltered by numerous palms. Legends tell of a shapeshifting hyena who protects travelers. |
13 | Several huts are built into caves at the base of a cliff. Sculptures of bone and stone are proudly displayed by the inhabitants. |
14 | A discolored river is lined on one side by cypress saplings. A narrow iron bridge is watched by minions of a scheming lamia. |
15 | An old quarry is riddled with tunnels and sinkholes. The few workers warn visitors of collapses and an entrance to the Underdark. |
16 | The Stand Off. Towering twin statues exchange stares across dunes of shifting colors. Locals gather here for a ritual at every full moon. |
17 | An illusion shows a clear waterfall into a stream. It hides a treacherous ravine which is home to a opportunistic naga. |
18 | Several beasts drink from a deep waterhole. Atop a crumbled fort is built an inn of wood and canvas. It has impressive views all around. |
19 | A cursed stone monument lies in ruins, a programmed illusion warning visitors away. A rare healing herb grows in the area. |
20 | Spider Hulk. Atop an outcrop is a mysterious ship shunned by locals. It is infested with spiders and protected by a magic hidden inside. |
More Encounters and Locations
There is a 5e Desert random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And a separate tool for encounter locations including Desert.
There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Desert Encounters.
If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.