RPG Tools to Create Something in Cyberpunk Games
Generators Guide Futuristic Tools Cyberpunk

RPG Tools to Create Something in Cyberpunk Games

Duncan Thomson

Generators and random tables for Cyberpunk roleplaying games.

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Disclaimer: I'm an affiliate for DriveThru RPG

[Photo by Judeus Samson on Unsplash]

Starting Points for Cyberpunk RPGs

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The Cyberpunk roleplaying game, bladerunner, neuromancer, the Matrix, robocop, cyberpunk 2077 are all examples of the genre.

Cyberpunk can also have other futuristic elements, so the guides for Science Fiction and Post Apocalyptic could be useful. Then there are Modern Era Generators for retro elements.

For pdfs and books of random tables try the Guide to Cyberpunk PDFs.

May 2024: Added more tools. October 2023: Gens Updated. Added from donjon and Glumdark

Cyberpunk Characters

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"Tao Hsiu: Female Paramedic. Hsiu has a violet mohawk and narrow green eyes. She wears black pants and a Villa Straylight t-shirt, and carries a cybernetics kit. Hsiu seeks only fame and glory."

From Cyberpunk Npcs at donjon. There is also a Blade Runner Name Generator, Blade Runner NPCs and Blade Runner Signature Items at the site.

There are many ideas that would work from the Modern era Generators Guide.

There are a number of cyber themed gens at Glumdark, starting with a Cyber Name Generator, adding character Features and Obsessions. Then continuing on with Occupations, Quirks, Styles and Wants.

Characters and NPCs might want Cyberpunk Nicknames from Fantasy Name Generators.

Customise PCs and NPCs with a Modern Occupation from Mithril and Mages or give them a Love Interest from RanGen or Anime Powers from 7th Sanctum.. and multiple Cyberpunk Names from Scifi Ideas

To create a visual character meiker has a Cyber Character maker with a random option. Or try the Random Avatar Generator (click the die symbol on main avatar)

For specific games here are character gens for Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk Red. Also a Cyberpunk Character Lifepath and more Cyberpunk 2020 Gens

Cyber Character at Meikier


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For pdfs start with Cyberpunk Random Tables and Cyberpunk Random Tables: 2

Random Tables - Cyberpunk Cyberpunk Supplements Bundle Augement Reality 100 Things to Find in a Cyberpunk Police Station or Jail 100 Cyberpunk Net Data Files

Cyberpunk Jobs and Encounters

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"In-line Skaters (2) Doing some tricks off the PCs’ vehicle."

From Random Encounter Generator at Chartopia with filters for day/evening/night and corporate/moderate/combat zones. Also at the site, the Cyberpunk Random Scenario Generator uses an older style to get results

For a mission look at Cyberpunk Jobs at donjon. Also on the site is a Blade Runner Case Generator in a case file layout

For a shift in pace try some Paranormal Romance at Chaotic Shiny. Or you might like ideas from Cyberpunk Story Icons. Plus you never know when you might need a Super Ninja from 7th Sanctum.

For kill jobs Glumdark brings us Bounty Targets, such as

The Messenger
The Messenger is entirely un-augmented. The kid doesn’t even have freakin tattoos. But he’s an absolute ace on a light bike. At least, nobody’s caught him yet. He deals in secrets, and the Don FKM wants him silenced. Catch him if you can.

Last is a Modern City Block at Mithril and Mages creates buildings in a residential, commercial, industrial or mixed zone.

Modern City Block Gen


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"Our mission statement is to exceptionally re-engineer cross functional e-services"

From Corporate Babble at Ennead Games

Mega corps are often involved in cyberpunk adventures and they will need a Brand Name from RanGen and a Catchy Corporate Slogan from Ennead Games.

You can also choose from 100 Cyberpunk Corporations. For scenarios based around a corporation try Corporate World Problems at donjon

Last its always useful to know the IT Department from 7th Sanctum.

Corporate World Problems at donjon

Tech and Gear

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"CandleLight. Hooked. PlayGrounded. DearlyBeloved"

From Computer Virus names at Fantasy Name Generators. Also lurking over there are Artificial Intelligence names and Hacker Names.

The Cyberpunk Chop Shop Generator from Iron Arachne will provide a place to get tech fitted. And nearby are streets of Futuristic Drugs.

A few more options from Glumdark, with the NuRelics table, random list of Rare Tech Components and Things Found in a Gonks Pocket.

As it's in the future try some Cyberware from 7th Sanctum or Cybernetic Implants names from Ennead Games.

And there's even a generator for Some Random Junk at Chartopia

Chop Shop Generator at Iron Arachne

Cyberpunk World

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"A pizza with Spinach, Lotus Root, Red Onion, Tuna, and Prosiccuto"

From (weird) Pizzas at 7th Sanctum. There are also Exotic Fusion Foods and Mixed Drinks there.

Cities are the heart of much cyberpunk, so give more detail to your city with a City Statistic Generator from RanGen. They also have Medicine Names for when things go...bad.

To round out the world you will want Fancy Clothes from Fantasy Name Generators, Futuristic Food Names from Sci-Fi Ideas (everyone want's Zee's fluorinated pea steak), a classic at Plastic Polyhedron with Seedy Cyberpunk Bar Generator. And last is some sport with Night City sports results.

For Blade Runner themes, donjon has several gens also useful for other cyberpunk. These are (Blade Runner...) Animoid Shop, Food Stalls, Street Shops, Vending Machines, What's on the Screen, What's Passing By and Urban Decay

Futuristic Space Food Name Generator at SciFi Ideas

Mechs, Robots and Vehicles

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"Treepillabot. Automated Bot Droideka D4. Disconnected Khevienbot Prime. Global Enforcer Simulator"

From Robot Name Generator at Scifi-Ideas. It also has an Android Name Generator.

If it gets more like a warzone or you need some heavy law enforcement then start with Robot Names, Mecha Names and Shapeshifting Robot Names, from Fantasy Name Generators.

For unique robot images try Robohash.

Then there is a List of Mechs from donjon, some Shorter Descriptions at 7th Sanctum or a stranger Robot Generator from springhole.net.

For vehicles you can have Vehicles Names from RanGen.

Robohash robot images

Recommendations Please!

If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.