5E Feywild Encounters for Sylvan and Witchlight Adventures
D&D Encounters (2014) Feywild Wild Beyond the Witchlight

5E Feywild Encounters for Sylvan and Witchlight Adventures

Duncan Thomson
"Thin figures skulk in the shadows of glimmering trees. Ahead is the body of an owlbear, covered in needle-like quills and glowing with faerie fire..."

Random tables for Dungeons and Dragons Feywild encounters

VGtM = Volo's Guide to Monsters. MToF = Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

Unusual terrains - feywild | shadowfell | lower planes | elemental | jungle | roads | ruins | sea

[Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash]

Feywild Encounters

The Feywild is a realm of eternal twilight, a spectacular reflection of the Material Plane. It brings visions of sparkling faerie lights, idyllic forest glades, sinister black bogs and skull-like mountains. Encounters could take place at a bridge of vines, a tor topped with crystal spires or a shimmering pool that attracts fireflies.

Home of the fey courts, there are legends of mortals being lost in the feywild for years, centuries or forever. They are home to proud seelie sprites, cunning unseelie satyrs, scheming hags and hungry fomorians.

There is a 5e Feywild random encounter generator at ChaosGen. A pdf of these and other Feywild tables is at the DM's Guild as Feywild Encounters

Feywild Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Unusual Encounters Bundle on DM's Guild

Feywild Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | enhancements

Feywild Levels 1-4

1d8+1d12Feywild Levels 1-4
2 1 shambling mound or 1 night hag
3 1 pseudodragon or 1d3 awakened trees
4 1 ettercap and 1d2 giant spiders or 1d4 harpies
5 2d4 giant owls or roll on Feywild Beasts
6 1d3 ogres or roll on Feywild Humanoids
7 1 giant elk and 2d6 deer or roll on Feywild Beasts
8 1d3 nothics or roll on Feywild Monsters lvl 1-4
9 1d6 sprites on giant fire beetles or roll on Mounts & Riders lvl 1-4
10 1d2 displacer beasts or roll on Feywild Monsters
11 2d4 blink dogs or roll on Fey Court lvl 1-4
12 1d3 pegasi or roll on Fey Spirits lvl 1-4
13 1d4 dryads or roll on Plant Creatures lvl 1-4
14 2d4 satyrs or roll on Fey Court lvl 1-4
15 1d3 will-'o-wisps or roll on Fey Spirits lvl 1-4
16 2d4 needle blights or roll on Plant Creatures lvl 1-4
17 1d2 owlbears or 1d4+1 elven scouts
18 1d6 goblins led by 1 satyr piper or 1 faerie dragon
19 1d6 mephits (mix of any types) or roll on Planar Visitors lvl 1-4
20 1 unicorn or 1 wood woad (VGtM)

Feywild Levels 5-10

1d8+1d12Feywild Levels 5-10
2 1 behir
3 2d4 griffons or 1 young dragon (any metallic)
4 2d4 displacer beasts or 1d2 spirit nagas
5 1d4 shambling mounds or 1d2 korreds (VGTM)
6 1d6 helmed horrors or roll on Feywild Spirits lvl 5-10
7 1 shambling mound with 1d4 vine blights or roll on Plants lvl 5-10
8 2d4 bugbears led by 1 ogre or 1 corpse flower (MToF)
9 1d3 galeb duhr or roll on Feywild Spirits lvl 5-10
10 1 treant and 1d4+1 dryads or roll on Plant Creatures lvl 5-10
11 1d2 fomorians or roll on Feywild Monsters lvl 5-10
12 1d6 centaur hunters with 2d6 satyrs and 2d4 dire wolves or roll on Fey Court lvl 5-10
13 1 elven mage with 1d4 faerie dragons or 1 wood woad (VGtM) with 1d6 dryads
14 1d4 dryads, 1d6 pixies and 1d6 sprites or roll on Fey Court lvl 5-10
15 1d4+1 ettins or roll on Feywild Monsters lvl 5-10
16 1d6+1 ettercaps with 1d4 phase spiders
17 1d6 elven scouts on owlbears
18 2d6 centaurs or 1d4 redcaps (VgtM) with 1d4 yeth hounds (VGtM)
19 1d4 nothics and 1d4 displacer beasts
20 1 young green dragon

Feywild Levels 11+

1d8+1d12Feywild 11+
2 1 androsphinx
3 1 empyrean or roll on Planar Visitors lvl 11+
4 1 deva with 2d6 pegasi
5 1d4 ettins on giant apes or 1 archdruid (VGtM) with 1d6 dryads
6 1d2 storm giants or roll on Planar Visitors lvl 11+
7 1 elven archmage with 1d6 centaurs
8 1d3+1 oni with 2d4 ogres or 1 elven enchanter (VGtM) on a unicorn and 1d4 wood woads (VGtM)
9 1 rakshasa or roll on Planar Visitors lvl 11+
10 1d2 fomorions on hydras or 1 storm giant quintessent (VGtM)
11 1d3+1 treants or 1d4+1 eladrin (MToF, mix of spring, summer, autumn and winter)
12 1d6+2 fomorians or 1d4 shambling mounds and 1d4 wood woads (VGtM)
13 1 treant with 2d4 satyrs mounted on centaurs
14 1 oni with 2d6 nothics or 1d3 trolls on chimeras
15 1d3 fire giants and 1d3 cloud giants or a coven of hags (mix of night, annis (VGtM) and bheur (VGtM) Hags)
16 Coven of 3 night hags with 1d6 displacer beasts
17 1 gynosphinx and 1d2 treants or 1 archmage on a ki-rin (VGtM)
18 1 adult green dragon 1 annis hag (VGtM) or with 2d6 yeth hounds (VGtM)
19 1 elven assassin on a feathered beholder
20 1 adult dragon (any metallic)

Fey Court (Levels 1-4)

Fey and feylike creatures from seelie and unseelie courts

1d4+1d6Fey Court (Levels 1-4)
2 1 faerie dragon or 1 wood woad (VGtM)
3 1 green hag or 2d6 boggles (VGtM)
4 2d4 blink dogs or 1d4 quicklings (VGtM)
5 2d4 sprites or 1 yeth hound (VGtM)
6 1d4 dryads or 1 warlock of the archfey (VGtM)
7 2d4 pixies or 1d2 redcaps (VGtM)
8 2d4 satyrs or 1 sea hag
9 1 elven druid or 1 nilbog (VGtM) with 1d4 goblins
10 1 kenku, 1d2 goblins, 1 pixie and 1d3 winged kobolds or 1 unicorn

Feywild Court (Levels 5-10)

1d4+1d6Fey Court (Levels 5-10)
2 1 guardian naga or 1 annis hag (VGtM) and 1d4+1 yeth hounds (VGtM)
3 1 spider fey (drider stats) and 1d2 ettercaps or 1d2 korreds (VGTM)
4 1 unicorn with 1d2 druids & 2d4 giant owls or 1 spring eladrin (MToF)
5 1d4+1 elven knights mounted on pegasi or 1 summer eladrin (MToF)
6 1d4 dryads with 1d6 pixies and 1d6 sprites or 1d4 wood woads (VGtM)
7 1 elven mage with 1d2 owlbears or 1 winter eladrin (MToF)
8 1d6 centaur hunters with 2d6 satyrs and 2d4 blink dogs or 1 autumn eladrin (MToF)
9 coven of 3 hags (mixed of green, sea and night hags) or 2d4 redcaps (VGtM)
10 1d2 fomorians or 1 elven enchanter (VGTM)

Feywild Monsters (Levels 1-4)

d4+d6 Feywild Monsters (levels 1-4)
2 1d2 basilisks
3 1d4 harpies or 1d2 phase spiders
4 1d3 ogres or 1d2 perytons
5 1d2 owlbears or 1d3 meenlocks (VGtM)
6 1d2 displacer beasts or 1 catoblepas (VGtM)
7 1d3 nothics or 1 yeth hound (VGtM)
8 1d4+1 death dogs or 1 manticore
9 1d2 winter wolves or 1d4+1 cockatrices
10 1 night hag

Feywild Monsters (Levels 5-10)

2 1 behir or 1 cloud giant smiling one (VGtM)
3 1 medusa with 1d4 vine blights or 1d3 frost giants
4 1d4+1 ettins or 1 froghemoth (VGtM)
5 2d4+2 nothics or 1d4 trolls
6 1d2 fomorians or 1d3 catoblepases (VGtM)
7 1d2 oni or 1 bheur hag (VGtM)
8 1 chimera or 1 cyclops with 1d3 owlbears
9 1d2 spirit nagas or 1 annis hag (VGtM) with 1d6 ogres
10 1 fire giant or 1 abominable yeti

Feywild Spirits (Levels 1-4)

d4+d6 Feywild Spirits Levels 1-4
2 1 elemental (any type)
3 1 ghost or 1d4 magmins
4 1d3 pegasi or 1 water weird
5 1 green hag or roll on Fey Court lvl 1-4
6 1d3 will-'o-wisps
7 1d2 dryads and 1d2 awakened trees or roll on Feywild Plants lvl 1-4
8 1d4 flying swords and 1 animated armor
9 1 glowing giant elk (fly 60ft.) or 2d4 flumphs
10 1 helmed horror

Feywild Spirits (Levels 5-10)

d4+d6 Feywild Spirits Levels 5-10
2 1d4 elementals (any mix)
3 1d3 invisible stalkers
4 1d6 helmed horrors or 1 frost salamander (MToF)
5 1 unicorn with 2d4 satyrs or roll on Fey Court lvl 5-10
6 1d3 galeb duhr
7 1d2 treants or roll on Feywild Plants lvl 5-10
8 1d4 ghosts
9 1d3 invisible mammoths that sing Sylvan ballads
10 1 genie (any type)

Plant Creatures (Levels 1-4)

d4+d6 Plant Creatures Levels 1-4
2 1 shambling mound
3 1d4+1 myconid adults
4 1d4 shriekers and 1d6+1 violet fungi or 1d4 dryads and 2d4 awakened shrubs
5 1d3 awakened trees
6 2d6+3 twig blights
7 1 awakened tree and 2d6 awakened shrubs
8 2d4 needle blights
9 1d2 dryads and 1d2 awakened trees
10 1d2 vine blights and 2d4 twig blights or 1 wood woad (VGtM)

Plant Creatures (Levels 5-10)

2 1d4 shambling mounds
3 1d2 treants or 1 vegepygmy chief (VGtM) and 2d4 thornies
4 1d4 ensnaring carnivorous trees (roper stats)
5 2d6 twig blights with 2d4 needle blights and 1d6 vine blights
6 1 treant and 1d4+1 dryads
7 1 reaching tree (hydra stats) or 1 corpse flower (MToF)
8 1 myconid sovereign with 2d6+2 myconid adults or 1d4 wood woads (VGtM)
9 1 dryad with 1d4 vine blights and 2d4 awakened trees
10 1 animated tree shaped to look like a large lizard (tyrannosaurus rex stats)

More Encounters

There is a 5e Feywild random encounter generator at ChaosGen. A pdf of these and other Feywild tables is at the DM's Guild as Feywild Encounters

Feywild Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Unusual Encounters Bundle on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.